1 Corinthians 12:26
And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it: or one member be honored, all the members rejoice with it.
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse – 1 Corinthians 12:26
Read – 1 Corinthians 12:1-6
Examine –
1. What subject is Paul now addressing?
2. What does he not want them to be?
3. What were they before?
4. With what were they carried about?
5. What does no man do that is led of the Spirit?
6. How can someone say that Jesus is Lord?
7. Define Diversities –
8. From where do all the gifts come?
9. What else are their differences? (Verse 5)
10. All of these have the same what?
11. In verse 6 there are different what?
12. Who is working in this?
13. God works _____ in ______.
An interesting note is that the Trinity is mention in this short passage. Go back and write each verse that represents each part of the trinity.
There are different gifts, operations and administrations but Who is in control of everything?
Is God in control of your life?
Do you know what gift God has given you and how are you using it?
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse – 1 Corinthians 12:26
Read – 1 Corinthians 12:7-11
Examine –
1. Why are gifts given to us?
2. Who is supposed to profit from them?
3. Who gives the gifts?
4. List the nine gifts that are mention here:
5. All these gifts are given by whom?
6. How many Christians have a gift?
7. How does he determine who gets what?
Bonus – Go back and give what each gift was to do in the local church. Show it to me on Wednesday night and there will be something for you!
It is God that gives the gifts and he gives them according to His will!
Several of these gifts are no longer in use today but we will learn about it later. Are you doing anything to serve God?
Ask God to reveal to you what you can do for Him?
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse – 1 Corinthians 12:26
Read – 1 Corinthians 12:12-17
Examine –
1. Our body is what?
2. Of what do we have many?
3. Yet all the members are still what?
4. Who else is like this?
5. How were we baptized into the body?
6. The body is what?
7. What are the four descriptions he gives to us about people?
8. What do we all have in common?
9. What is the body not?
10. What is it then?
11. To whom is the foot talking?
12. What does he say?
13. Does this make it true?
14. What other two parts does he talk about?
15. What does each one do?
Whether we like it or not all parts of our body have their function and without them we can’t be successful. The same is true for the body of Christ. Are you content with what God has given you to do?
Are you doing it?
Are you jealous of what others have?
Ask God to make you content with what He has for you!!!
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse – 1 Corinthians 12:26
Read – 1 Corinthians 12:18-21
Examine –
1. Who sets the members in the body?
2. How does He do this?
3. If everyone were one member what would be the problem?
4. They are ______members!
5. Even though the above statement is true, yet they are what?
6. What can the eye not say to the hand?
7. What can the head not say to the feet?
8. Why is this true?
Read Romans 12:4-8
9. What do all members not have the same?
10. We are one body in whom?
11. List the gifts that Paul lists here and out beside each one list how that gift is to be carried out:
Are you working to be one in the body?
Are you causing problems in the body of Christ?
Which one of the parts is more important?
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse – 1 Corinthians 12:26
Read – 1 Corinthians 12:22-26
Examine –
1. What do some parts of the body appear to be?
2. What are they to use?
3. Some members of the body are what?
4. On these we do what?
The word uncomely means deformed, indecent or unseemly.
5. What do we do with these parts?
This word means external beauty!
6. What do our comely parts need?
7. What has God done?
8. What does he do for those unhonorable parts?
9. What should there not be in the body?
10. Define the above word –
11. What should we have one to another?
12. If one member suffers what should we do?
13. If one member is honored what should we do?
Paul’s point is that those who seem to never get recognized in this world will be abundantly rewarded in Heaven. Our human body needs all of the parts no matter what their function. We also need all the parts in the body of Christ to function.
Do you suffer with those who have suffered?
Do you rejoice when someone else gets honor?
Are you causing divisions in the body?
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse – 1 Corinthians 12:26
Read – 1 Corinthians 12:27-31
Examine –
1. Who is the body of Christ?
2. What are we in particular?
3. Where has God set some?
4. List the gifts and their order:
5. Does everyone have the same gift?
6. What are we to covet?
7. How are we to covet?
8. What does Paul show unto us?
This way Paul is going to lay out in the next chapter. We commonly call this the love chapter. We will study this next week!
The words earnestly covet mean to desire earnestly or pursue; passion. It is a command in the Bible.
Each person has a particular job to do in the Body of Christ! Ask God to help you do what He would have for you!
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse – 1 Corinthians 12:26
Read – Review
Examine –
1. What is this chapter about?
2. Why did Paul write this chapter (vs. 1)?
3. Who gives gifts?
4. Are some more important than others?
5. Can we function right without some parts?
6. Does anyone part have a right to tell another part that they do not need them?
7. What should there never be in the body?
8. How should we react when someone suffers?
9. How should we react when someone is honored?
What did you learn this week that you did not know before?
How are you going to function differently in the body as a result of the study this week?
Main thoughts to meditate on this week: