Major Weather Highlights for Concord (and all of) New Hampshire


Date YearEvent and Location .

2-4 1975Severe storm blasted the northeast. Mount

Washington had 140 mph winds and most of

New Hampshire received between 24 and 36

inches of snow.

31-7 1987(March 31st – April 7th) Near record snow in

January coupled with warm temperatures and a

week of heavy rains helpedproduce the worse

flooding in the state since1936. Seven to 10

inches of rain fell in southernNew Hampshire.

Hardest hit area was the Monadnock region. The

Merrimack River went to the highest level since


12 1934World record wind. The highest wind speed ever

reported from a station at the surface of the earth.

Mount Washington registered a gust of 231 mph

and a five minute average of 188 mph.

15-17 2007 “Patriot’s Day” (April 16th) Storm. Widespread

flooding and wind damage (after accumulating

snow) with numerous power outages and coastal

flooding during “Spring Tide”. Concord had 1.5

inches of snow at the onset on the 15th with a 3

day total of 3.70 inches of precipitation. Peak

wind of 45 mph at Concord on the 16th. Mount

Washington recorded a peak gust of 156 mph on

the 16th. High storm surge (2.72 ft at Portland)

and 30 ft waves caused coastal flooding and

beach erosion.

20 1941Highest April temperature in New England.

Durham, New Hampshire reported a temperature

of 95 F.

22 1696Rev. John Pikes’ Diary from Dover: “About 8

AM it begins to snow, by noon the houses and

Grounds were covered, and at 5 PM I saw an

isicle 7 inches long.”

28 2009 Record heat. Concord reached 93 degrees, the

third warmest temperature ever recorded in April.

Nearby, Portland, ME had the warmestever April

temperature and first 90 degree reading in April

with a high of 92.

28-29 1987Late season snowstorm hit southern New

Hampshire. 18 inches of snow was recorded in the Monadnock region at Francestown and

Deering. The heavywet snow knocked power out

in manycommunities.

Updated 5-15-09 sjc