APRIL 2016
Greetings! First, Here is an update from Washington, D.C. An intense Four-Week period in February showed the importance of being ever vigilant in maintaining the freedom of flight, as many aviation organizations such as AOPA, EAA, USPA, MPA joined with several business organizations in helping to turn back a proposal that could have been devastating for general aviation.
To recap: On February 3, the Aviation Innovation, Reform and Reauthorization (AIRR) Act was introduced in the House by Rep. Bill Shuster (R-Pennsylvania). In the bill was a new plan that would move control of the national airspace system from the FAA to a not-for-profit corporate board that would be dominated by airline interests. Although there were several provisions in the bill added in an attempt to suppress GA concerns, EAA, AOPA, USPA, MPA, NBAA, NATA, and HAI, groups quickly saw that the fast-tracked legislation would create a system in which GA’s future voice would be minimal at best.
The bill’s sponsors pushed to quickly move the bill through the House, scheduling a hearing and committee markup session within a week of the measure’s introduction. The Groups submitted a strong statement to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee that gave a detailed breakdown of the damage the bill could cause not only to GA but to the national airspace system as a whole. The bill passed out of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee on a party-line vote, except for the committee’s two GA Pilots, Rep. Sam Graves (R-Missouri) and Rep. Todd Rokita (R-Indiana), who voted against the measure.
As the legislation moved to the full House, the groups called upon all members to voice their opinions. Thousands of you did. That feedback, along with a more detailed look at the bill by others in Congress, led House leadership to shelve the measure on February 25th.
The House and Senate were headed toward approving a continuing resolution that would extend short-term funding for the FAA, while a new multiyear reauthorization measure was being drafted in the Senate.
The groups are vigorously working to include many of the positive elements (including medical reform) that had been included in the ill-fated House AIRR Act, while also working to ensure that ATC privatization is not advanced in any Senate bill that is introduced. This situation was a great example of how many groups can work together to ensure GA’s interests are protected.
This proves that the groups supply the horsepower to make sure that our voice is heard on Capitol Hill.
Secondly, here is a list of Aircraft and Airport Bills:
98th General Assembly, 2nd Session
Bills Indexed by Subject
Bill Information
HB2682 / Shull, Noel J / HB 2682 / 3/31/2016 Referred: Select Committee on General Laws
6611H.01I - Modifies provisions relating to the sale of intoxicating liquor at the St. Louis International Airport
HB2784 / Pike, Patricia / HB 2784 / 4/5/2016 Referred: Ways and Means
4867H.03I - Changes the laws regarding taxation of aircraft
2 Records
4/8/2016 12:04:51 PM
Larry G. Harmon
Legislation Chairman
Missouri Pilots Association