Jane Austen (1775 – 1817) – ДжейнОстин
A British writer who wrote novels about the way of life of English middle class people of her time. She is known for the clever and amusing way in which she describes people’s social behavior, and her novels regarded as being among the most important works of English literature. Several of her books have been made into successful films.
Works: “Pride and Prejudice” (1813) (Гордостьипредубеждение); “Sense and Sensibility”, “Emma”.
Brontё - Бронте
The family name of three sisters from Yorkshire in the north of England, who wrote some of the most famous novels in England.
Charlotte Brontё(1816 – 1855) – wrote “Jane Eyre” (ДжейнЭйр) – (1847)
Emily Brontё (1818 – 1848) – wrote “WutheringHeights” (Грозовой перевал) – (1847)
Anne Brontё (1820 – 1849) – wrote “The Tenant of the Wildfeel Hall”
Lord George Noel Gordon Byron (1788 – 1824) – ДжорджНоэлГордонБайрон
An English writer of romantic and satirical poetry. He is also remembered for his romantic life which included many famous love affairs and for his death of fever in Greece while fighting against the Turks for Greek independence.
Works: poetry, “Manfred” (1816 – 1817); “Don Juan” (1818 – 1823); “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage” (1809 – 1817) (“ПаломничествоЧайльдГарольда”)
Lewis Carroll (1832 –1898) – ЛьюсКэррол
A British writer, his real name was Charles Dodgson and he was also a teacher of Mathematics of Oxford University.
Works: “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” (1865); “Through the looking glass”
Charles Dickens (1812 – 1870) – ЧарльзДиккенс
A British writer whose novels made him the most popular British writer of the 19th century, and are still very popular today. His books contain humorous characters with unusual names, many of whom have become very well known. But they also show how hard life was in Victorian England, especially for poor people and children.
Works: “Hard Times” (1854) (“Тяжёлыевремена”); “David Copperfield”; “Adventure of Oliver Twist” (1838); “Great Expectations”; “A Christmas Carol”; “A tale of two cities”; “The Pickwick papers”.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 – 1930) – АртурКонанДойл
A British doctor and writer who is known especially for his stories about the detective Sherlock Holmes and his friend Dr. Watson.
Works: “The sign of four” (1890) (“Знакчетырёх”); “The Hound of the Baskervilles” (1902)
George Eliot (1819 – 1990) – ДжорджЭлиот
A British woman writer, whose real name was Mary Ann or Maria Evans. She is generally considered to have written some of the greatest English novels. Her novels give a detailed picture of many different characters at all levels of English society.
Works: “Middlemarch” (1871 – 72); “The Mill of the floss”.
John Galsworthy (1867 – 1933) – ДжонГолсуорси
A British writer of books and plays who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1932. He is best known for his series of novels called The Forsyte Saga, about a wealthy English family called the Forsytes.
Works: “The Forsyte Saga”
William Golding (1911 – 1993) – УильямГолдинг
A British writer who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1983.
Works: “Lord of the Flies” (“Повелительмух”)
Thomas Hardy (1840 – 1928) – ТомасГарди
A British writer and poet, many of his novels are set in the countryside of Dorset in the southwest of England and they often describe the unhappy side of life. His characters are often shown to be struggling against their own feelings and against fate. Many of his books have been made into films.
Works: “Tess of the d’Urbevilles” (“Тессизродад’Эрбервиллей”), 1891; “Far from the Madding Crowd”.
Aldous Huxley (1894 – 1963) – ОлдосХаксли
A British writer known especially for his novel Brave New World, about a society of the future where people are completely controlled and have no freedom.
Works: “Pint – Counter Point” (“Контрапункт“) (1928); “The brave New world” (“О дивный, новый мир“), 1932.
James Joyce (1882 – 1941) – ДжеймсДжойс
An Irish writer of novels, he greatly influenced the way English novels were written, with his use of unusual and invented words such as stream of consciousness (=expressing thoughts and feelings as they pass through the mind).
Works: “Portrait of the artist as a young man” (1916) (“Портрет художника в юности“); “Ulysses” (1928) (“Улисс“).
Rudyard Kipling (1865 – 1936) – РедьярдКиплинг
A British writer, born in India. He is known for his novels, poems and short stories set in that country, especially his popular children’s story The Jungle Book, and for poems such as Gunga Din and If. He won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1907. He is sometimes criticized now as being a strong supporter of the British Empire and British Imperialism.
Works: poetry; “The Jungle Book” (1895).
Christopher Marlowe (1564 – 1593) – КристоферМарло
An English poet and writer of plays. He is told by many people to have influenced the work of Shakespeare. He was killed in fight in a tavern.
Works: “The tragical history of doctor Faustus”; “Edward III”.
Sir Walter Scott (1771 – 1832) – ВальтерСкотт
A Scottish writer and poet who was one of the most popular British writers of the 19th century. He is best known for many historical novels based on Scottish history such as Rob Roy and on Old English stories. One of his best known poems is The Lady of the Lake.
Works: “Old Mortality” (“Пуритане”), 1816; “Ivanhoe” (“Айвенго”), 1820; “Quentin Durward” (“КвентинДорвард”), 1823.
William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616) – УильямШекспир
An English writer of plays and poems, born in Stratford-on-Avon inEngland, who is generally regarded as the greatest of all English writers. Many well-known English sayings come from Shakespeare’s works, and he had a great influence on the English language and literature. He also wrote poetry, including the Sonnets and worked as an actor at the Globe Theatre in London. He married Anne Hathway in 1582 and they had three children. He is buried at Stratford-on-Avon.
Works: Plays: Tragedies: “Romeo and Juliet”(1595); “Hamlet” (1603); “Macbeth” (1606); “Othello” (1604); Comedies: “A midsummer night’s Dream”; “The twelfth Night and as you like it” (1600); “The merry hives of Windsor” (“Виндзорскиенасмешницы”) (1597); Historical plays: “Richard III”; “HenryV”.
Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 – 1894) – РобертЛьюисСтивенсон
A Scottish writer whose books Treasure Island and Kidnapped are among the best adventure stories in English.
Works: “Treasure Island”, 1883; “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”.
William Makepeace Thackeray (1811 – 1863) – Уильям Мейкпис Теккерей
A British writer, born in India.
Works: “Vanity Fair (a novel without a hero)”(“Ярмарка тщеславия (Роман без героя)”), 1847 – 1848.
Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) – ОскарУальд
An Irish writer of poems, stories and especially humorous plays. He is best known for his play The importance of being earnest and for his novel The Picture of Dorian Gray. He was famous for his wit and many of the clever and funny things he said in conversations are still remembered. For example, as he was dying, he said: “Either that wallpaper goes or I do”. He was sent to prison for being homosexual, which was illegal in the UK at that time.
Works:“The Picture of Dorian Gray” (“ПортретДорианаГрея”), 1890.
Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) – АлександрДюма
naquit a Villers-Cotterets, non loin de Paris. Tout le monde connait “Les trois mousquetaires” (1884) et leur suite “Vingt Ans apres” (1845) et “Le Vicomte de Bragelonne” (1850); “Le Comte de Monte-Cristo” (1844-1845), “La Reine Margot” (1846) et d’autres romans de capeet d’epee. Alexandre Dumas ecrivit de 300 romans et pieces de theatre.
Jules Verne (1828-1905) – Жюль Верн
est un grand ecrivain français, tres aime des jeunes. Il est ne en 1828 a Nantes, sur la Loire. En 1863, il a commence sa carriere d’ecrivain par le livre “Cinq Semaines en ballon”. Il a ecrit beaucoup de romans d’aventures. Il est aussi l’auteur de nombreux romans de science-fiction: “De la Terre a la Lune”, “Voyage au centre de la Terre”, “Vingt Mille Lieues sous les mers”, “Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours” et d’autres.
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)– Виктор Гюго
est un des plus grands poetes français du XIXe siecle. Il est ne le 26 fevrier 1802 a Besançon. Tout jeune, Victor Hugo a fait beaucoup de voyages a travers l’Espagne. Ces voyages ont laisse dans la memoire du future ecrivain les traces profondes.ses recueils de poemes les plus connus sont: “Les Orientales” («Восточныепоэмы»), 1829; “Les Feuilles d’automne”, 1831; “Les Contemplations” («Созерцание»), 1856 et d’autres.
JohannWolfgangvonGoethe (1749-1832) – ЙоганнВольфангфонГёте
der bedeutendste Vertreter der deutschen klassischen Literatur, der größte deutsche Dichter, Denker, Wissenschaftler. Er studierte in Leipzig und Straßburg Latein, Griechisch, Italienisch, Englisch, Französisch, Rechte. Sein Name ist mit vielen Städten verbunden: mit Weimar, Jena, italienischen Städten.
Werke: Lyriksammlung „West-östlicher Divan“, Tragödie „Faust“, Briefroman „Leiden des jungen Werthers“ («СтраданиямолодогоВертера»), Roman „Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre“.
Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805) – ФридрихШиллер
der weltberühmte deutsche Klassiker, Balladendichter, Dramatiker. Er studierte an der militärisch ausgerichteten Karlsschule Jura und Medizin. In seiner Bedeutung für die deutsche Nationalliteratur steht Fr. Schiller neben J.W von Goethe.
Werke: Dramen – „Die Räuber“ («Разбойники»), „Kabale und Liebe“ («Коварствоилюбовь»); Tragödie „Don Carlos“; Balladen – „Der Taucher“ («Ныряльщик»), „Der Handschuh“; Geschichtsdramen – „Maria Stuart“, „Wilhelm Tell“.
Heinrich Heine (1797-1856) – ГенрихГейне
der weltberühmte deutsche Dichter, Lyriker. Er studierte Rechte in Berlin. Sein „Buch der Lieder“ war ein Welterfolg. Seine Gedichte sind unvergänglich.
Werke: „Harzreise“ («ПутешествиепоГарцу»), Lyriksammlung „Buch der Lieder“ («Книгапесен»), „Reisebilder“, „Deutschland. Ein Wintermärchen“.
Jacob Grimm (1785-1863), Wilhelm Grimm (1786-1859) – ЯкобГримм, ВильгельмГримм
die deutschen Wissenschaftler, Philologen, Märchen- und Sagensammler.
Werke: „Deutsche Sagen“, „Kinder- und Hausmärchen“, „Deutsches Wörterbuch“.
Thomas Mann (1875-1955) –ТомасМанн
der bekannte deutsche kritisch-realistische bürgerliche Schriftsteller des 20. Jahrhunderts. Für seinen Roman „Buddenbrooks“ erhielt er den Nobelpreis für Literatur.
Werke: Romane – „Buddenbrooks. Verfall einer Familie“ («Будденброки. Упадоксемьи»), „Der Zauberberg“ («Волшебнаягора»), „Doktor Faustus“; Erzählungen – „Tristan“, „Der Tod in Venedig“ («СмертьвВенеции»); Essays – „Goethe und Tolstoj“, „Theodor Fontane“.
Theodor Fontane (1819-1898) – ТеодорФонтане
ein scharfer, aber humorvoller Beobachter. Er wurde mit seiner Sammlung „Balladen“ in Deutschland bekannt.
Werke: Romane und Novellen – „Effi Briest“, „Der Stechlin“, „Schach von Wuthenow“, „Irrungen. Wirrungen“ («Заблуждения»).
Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) – РайнерМариаРильке
der österreichische Dichter, der genialste Lyriker seiner Zeit. Er hat viele europäische Dichter, Schriftsteller und Philosophen beeinflußt.
Werke: Gedichtsammlungen – „Das Stundenbuch“ («Часослов»), „Neue Gedichte“; Essays – „Rodin“, „Worpswede“; Übersetzungen.
Franz Kafka (1883-1924) – ФранцКафка
der österreichische Schriftsteller. Er studierte Jura in Prag. In seinen Werken vermischten sich humanitätes Empfinden und Denken mit tiefer Verzweiflung über die Wirklichkeit seiner Zeit.
Werke: „Briefe an Milena“ («ПисьмакМилене»), „Der Prozess“, „Das Schloß“, „Amerika“.
Heinrich Böll (1917-1985) – ГенрихБёлль
der deutsche Schriftsteller, schrieb vom Grauen des Kriefes, von vaterlosen Kindern, vereinsamten Frauen, Jugend- und Eheproblemen. 1972 erhielt er den Nobelpreis für Literatur.
Werke: “Billiard um halb zehn”, „Und sagte kein einziges Wort“ («Инесказалнислова»), „Wo warst du, Adam“, „Ansichten eines Clowns“ («Глазамиклоуна»).
Max Frisch (1911-1991) – МаксФриш
der schweizerische Schriftsteller.
Werke: Romane – „Stiller“, „Homo faber“; Dramen – „Don Juan, oder die Liebe zur Geometrie“; Erzählung „Glück“; Essay „Achtung: die Schweiz“.
Ingeborg Bachmann (1926-1973) – ИнгеборгаБахманн
die österreichische Dichterin und Erzählerin.
Werke: Roman „Malina“; Gedichtsammlung „Die gestundete Zeit“ («Отсроченноевремя»); Erzählungen – „Das dreißigste Jahr“, „Simultan“ («Синхронно»), „Probleme, Probleme“.
Rainer Maria Remarque (1898-1970) – РайнерМариаРемарк
der deutsche Schriftsteller. Er schrieb gesellschafts- und zeitkritische Romane, von denen einige Welterfolge wurden.
Werke: „Drei Kameraden“ («Тритоварища»), „Im Westen nichts Neues“ («Назападебезперемен») und andere.
der bedeutendste Vertreter – самыйзначимыйпредставитель
der Dichter/die Dichterin – поэт\поэтесса
der Denker - мыслитель
der Wissenschaftler – учёный
der Schriftsteller/die Schriftstellerin – писатель\писательница
derMärchen- undSagensammler – собиратель сказок и сказаний
der Erzähler/die Erzählerin - новеллист
Rechte = Jura – юриспруденция
sein verbunden – бытьсвязанным
die Lyriksammlung = die Gedichtsammlung – сборникстихотворений
(welt)berühmt = bekannt – (всемирно)известный, знаменитый
die militärisch ausgerichtete Karlsschule – военноеучилище
in seiner Bedeutung – посвоейзначимости
sein\werden Welterfolg – получитьвсемирныйуспех
unvergänglich – вечный
den Nobelpreis erhalten – получитьНобелевскуюпремию
scharf – острый
der Beobachter – наблюдатель
beeinflußen – оказатьвлияние
Grauen des Kriefes – убогостьвойны
vaterlose Kinder – безотцовщина
vereinsamt – одинокий
Jugend- und Eheproblemen – молодёжныеисемейныепроблемы
gesellschaftskritisch – критикующий общество