Archdiocese of Boston
Bulletin Announcement
Lenten Reflections from Rev. Matt Williams

"You don't fast because you don't feast" a priest once told his congregation. He was speaking about feasting on the Word of God and it's correlation to fasting. Cardinal Seán reminds us that Lent is a "baptismal retreat," providinga great opportunity to deepen our friendshipwith Jesus andour understanding aboutwhatit means to live as His disciples.If wefeaston His Word, we will encounter the merciful gazeof Jesusandbe filledwith the love of God; this fullness, will give usthedesire tofastand detach from creature comforts. Join Fr. Matt Williams as he offers a daily reflection to inspire you to feast so that you may fast. For more information

Pastoral Planning Evangelization Notices

0th Wedding Anniversary Mass

March 5 ~ First Sunday of Lent
Jesus was like us in all things but sin. He was tempted, sorely tempted, over and over. This first Sunday in Lent might a good time to take account of the things in our lives that tempt us away from God and from the light of Christ. Like New Year’s resolutions, Lent is a time to look at what needs improvement in our relationship with God. The three pillars of Lent are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. It’s not about fasting to lose 10 pounds, it’s fasting to build up strength to resist temptation. A common practice in Lent is to give up something we like – a latte, not Brussel sprouts – and putting that money in a mission box or your St. Vincent de Paul box. Make this Lent a good one. Also, pray, today, for the hundreds of catechumens and candidates in our archdiocese who are entering the next stage of preparation to receive Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist or be received into the Catholic Church.

March 12 ~ Second Sunday of Lent
Transfigure. The dictionary defines this: “to give a new and typically exalted or spiritual appearance to:transformoutwardly and usually for the better.” At the Transfiguration of the Lord, Peter, James, and John heard the voice of God: “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him." This message is for us. Listen to Him. Pray that you, too, will be transfigured not just in appearance, but as an authentic, courageous messenger of God’s love.

March 19 ~ Third Sunday of Lent
In many parishes those preparing for initiation into the Catholic Church – Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist – at the Easter Vigil, will experience the first of three Scrutinies today. Scrutinies are “.. rites for self-searching and repentance and have above all a spiritual purpose…. meant to uncover, and then heal all that is weak, defective, or sinful in the hearts of the elect; to bring out, then strengthen all that is upright, strong, and good.” All of us can benefit from ‘self-searching and repentance’. Look at the Samaritan woman in today’s Gospel. Her conversation with Jesus put her on the ‘fast track’ to self-searching and repentance. Her conversation with Jesus transformed her into a great evangelizer: “Many of the Samaritans of that town began to believe in him because of the word of the woman who testified,‘Come see a man who told me everything I have done. Could he possibly be the Christ?’" This week, share what God has done for you with someone. Invite someone to Come see…..

March 26 ~ Fourth Sunday of Lent ~ Laetare Sunday
Laetare – Rejoice! We are nearing the end of our Lenten journey. How is your Lent? Saint Paul’s letter to the Ephesians and the Gospel story of the man born blind talk about light and dark. We are two weeks into Daylight Savings Time, days are longer, but is the light of faith growing stronger in you? “You were once darkness,but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light,for light produces every kind of goodnessand righteousness and truth. Try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord.” It’s not too late. Prayer, fasting, almsgiving (charity) are the pillars of Lent. How can you make these pillars pleasing to the Lord during these last weeks of Lent? It’s. Not. Too. Late.

Catholic Appeal Launch

0th Wedding Anniversary Mass


Next week, Catholics across the Archdiocese will be invited to pledge their support to the 2017 Catholic Appeal. The Appeal helps to maintain and expand the many ministries that serve the Catholic faithful in our part of Christ’s vineyard. Please be sure to read the insert in today’s bulletin to see how these ministries impact our parish and the life of our Church.


This week, Catholics across the Archdiocese are invited to pledge their support to the annual Catholic Appeal. If you were unable to make your pledge at Mass, please take a pledge form from the back of the church or pledge online at Thank you for your prayers for a successful Catholic Appeal.

For bulletin announcements related to the Special Collection, please see > Search for “Special Collection”