Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee

Held at Exeter Hall, Oxford Road, Kidlington on Thursday 9 February 2012

Present: Cllr Carole Pack (Chair)

Cllr M Billington

Cllr A Graham

Cllr A Hornsby-Smith

Cllr Chris Pack

Cllr E Stevens

Cllr T Wyse

Apologies for Absence: Cllr S Rhodes,

Declaration of Interest: None


The minutes of the meeting held on 12th January 2012 were agreed and signed as a true record.


i)  Lyne Road station (Minute 54 (i))

A letter had been received earlier that day indicating that the county council was no longer pursuing the development of a rail station at Lyne Road. The letter had been circulated to members though Cllr Hornsby-Smith did not appear to have received a copy.

There had also been a circulation earlier in the week notifying of a county council rail strategy and this notification may fall within the brief.

ii)  Oxford City Council – Green Space strategy (Minute 58 (ii))

A link to the strategy had been circulated but no interest expressed from members.


The Committee considered a list of planning applications received from Cherwell District Council. The comments of the committee are attached.


The Committee noted a list of planning decisions received from Cherwell District Council as per attached schedule.


The Committee noted that an appeal had been lodged against the refusal of application no. 11/01293/F – Installation of window, 24 Old Chapel Close, Kidlington.


The Committee noted the decision of the Secretary of State who was minded to make the order for the proposed Bicester to Oxford improvements and deemed planning permission.

The order did not give detailed permission for the station, car park etc design.

Cllr Graham reported that he had been concerned to read locally that a suggestion had been made that provision of the east west link would mean greater use of Oxford station, and that maybe the Chiltern rail link should wait for a full expansion of Oxford station. This could cause undue delay to the delivery of the Water Eaton station.

The committee referred to the current county rail strategy and thought that all local matters raised in connection with rail needed to be looked at as part of that consultation.

It was agreed that Cllr Hornsby-Smith draft a response to the rail strategy consultation and all members were asked to contribute their views/comments to Cllr Hornsby-Smith in time for a draft to be presented to the next meeting of the planning committee.


The committee considered a referral from the Policy and Finance committee to consider a policy for use of the area to the north of Langford Lane with current planning permission for a household waste recycling centre.

Cllr Hornsby-Smith reported that he was aware that there were problems relating to the access to the site and had recently found that these appeared to relate to ownership of a ransom strip.

He suggested that in consideration of the Parish Council support for the Begbroke Science Area, the Council may wish to approach Oxford University Press to suggest that it would be more beneficial to develop a high quality technical / Science Park on this site.

He proposed that the Council carry out investigations into the relevant ownership but also write to OUP saying that the Parish Council would look sympathetically at a different type of development on this site even though it was located within the Green Belt.

Cllr Hornsby-Smith had met with Karen Matthews (CDC) and was aware that CDC was turning away applications for economic development in Kidlington due to a lack of land availability.

It was suggested that the impact on the wildlife of the area would be less than that associated with the waste recycling centre, and a high tech use of the land would be more valuable to Kidlington.

The letter to OUP could record that the Parish Council was reviewing its position on its earlier submission in relation to the sites and options of the local development framework; and was concerned that insufficient land was coming forward for hi tech development. It could say that the Council was reconsidering its policy on a more appropriate use for the surrounding area.

Discussion followed concerning the use of a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to Oxfordshire County Council in regard to the implications (financial or otherwise) of the access issue as it related to the development of the waste recycling centre at Langford Lane.

It was thought that OUP may have an obligation as a charity to obtain the best consideration for its site.


i)  Thornbury House

Cllr Billington reported his concern about access issues relating to the proposals for further development on the Thornbury House site. He wanted this sorted whilst Oxfordshire County Council still owned the site. He believed that County Highways would have no problem with the access and that the impetus to secure an improvement would be lost.

He reported that he had spoken to Greg Stacey (Mouchel) who was aware of the situation and was endeavouring to help.

It was noted that the access to the site was shared with Homewell House and that now that residents of Homewell House had acquired more cars there were problems associated with parking and many vehicles were parked in the road.

The meeting finished at 8.30pm


Cherwell District Council

Planning Applications

9th February 2012


Mr & Mrs Gordon Moss

Conversion of existing house to form 2 x 1bed flats

217 The Moors, Kidlington, Oxfordshire, OX5 2AE

The Parish Council objects to this proposal as being contrary to Policy C30 (i) of the local plan, on the grounds that it is not compatible with the existing surrounding residential properties.


Mr Ross Warburton

Single Storey extensions to front and rear

52 Lock Crescent, Kidlington, Oxfordshire, OX5 1HG

No objection


Mr Yagananda-Mysore

Proposed white UPVC conservatory to rear. Garden shed - retrospective

3 Kidston Court, 12 Oxford Road, Kidlington, Oxfordshire, OX5 1AA

No objection


Mr Colin Homans

T1 x Ash – Crown reduce by 50%

54 Crown Road, Kidlington, Oxford

The Parish Council raises no objection to this application subject to inspection by Cherwell District Council’s tree officer.


Mr David Smith

T1 x Beech – Fell

T2 x Norwegian Spruce - Fell

4 Spindlers, Kidlington, Oxfordshire

The Parish Council raises no objection to this application subject to inspection by Cherwell District Council’s tree officer.


Mrs Rachel Hill

T1 to T4 x Leylandii- Fell

T5 to T8 x Scots Pine – Fell

40A Mill Street, Kidlington, Oxfordshire

The Parish Council raises no objection to this application subject to inspection by Cherwell District Council’s tree officer.


Mr David Smith

T1 x Beech – Fell

4 Spindlers Kidlington Oxfordshire

The Parish Council raises no objection to this application subject to inspection by Cherwell District Council’s tree officer.


Mr I Henwood

Conversion of part of garage – (PD removed 97/00633/F)

63 Morton Avenue, Kidlington, Oxfordshire, OX5 1BX

No objection


Ms Holly Branson

Enlargement of existing kitchen in west wing (ground floor); alteration of the living room window in the south elevation, west wing (ground floor)

Alteration to the bedroom layout in the west wing (first floor) and installation of a new dormer windou (north elevation); formation of a WC in the existing lobby in the west wing (ground floor); installation of new partitions in east wing (second floor)

Kidlington Mill, Mill End, Kidlington, Oxfordshire, OX5 2EG

No objection


Ms Holly Branson

Installation of a new dormer window (north elevation)

Kidlington Mill, Mill End, Kidlington, Oxfordshire, OX5 2EG

No objection


Mr & Mrs Collett

Front extension

69 The Phelps, Kidlington, Oxfordshire, OX5 1TL

No objection


Glenmore Commercial Estates

Erection of two light industrial buildings for a mix of B1, B2 and B8 use classes with associated parking, roadway and yard.

Former J A Pye Oxford Ltd, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxfordshire, OX5 1HZ

The Parish Council objects to this application due to the proximity of the substantive building to the canal and the resulting detriment to the amenity of the surrounding area.

Cherwell District Council

Planning Decisions

9th February 2012


Minor changes to existing sales facility/car showroom

Cross Roads Garage, Oxford Motor Park, Langford Lane, Kidlington



Tingate Ltd

Demolition of existing dwelling, construction of building containing 7 apartments and parking, access and ancillary works

3 Bicester Road, Kidlington Oxford OX5 2LA



Elsevier Science Ltd

Various works to multiple trees subject to TPO 41/89 (see Tree Survey attachment)

Elsevier Science oxford Spires Business Park, The Boulevard



Mr Ian Brooke

Amendments to unit 3 permitted by consent 08/01039/F to include dormer window and enlarged kitchen window.

Plot 3, The Old Courthouse, Crown Road, Kidlington



Thames Water

Temporary Office Building

Thames Water, Kidlington Depot, Langford Lane, Kidlington



Mr Lesley Townsend

Single storey side extension in place of garage

15 Chorefields, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1SX



Mr Sam Hicks – Coleman Hicks Partnership

Erection of 3 bed bungalow

Land off Waverley Avenue and to rear of 59 Bicester Road, Kidlington