February 19, 2002

Note: Copies of the orders, decisions, and resolutions mentioned in these minutes can be obtained from Maureen Marché, Clerk to the Board, State Water Resources Control Board, Post Office Box 100, Sacramento, California, 95812-0100; or call (916) 341-5600.


The meeting was called to order by Arthur G. Baggett, Jr., Chair, Tuesday, February 19, 2002, at 10:00 a.m., in the Coastal Hearing Room, 1001 I Street, Sacramento, California.


Arthur G. Baggett, Jr., Peter S. Silva and Richard Katz.




Celeste Cantú, Harry Schueller, Tom Howard, Craig M. Wilson, Stan Martinson,

Maureen Marché, Michael Levy, Karen O’Hare, Joanna Jensen, Darrin Polhemus and Margie Youngs.


John Hewitt, California Farm Bureau; Larry Forester, Mayor, City of Signal Hill; Margaret Clark, Council Member, City of Rosemead; John Pratt, Mayor Pro Tem, City of Bellflower; Desi Alvarez, City of Downey; Richard Montevideo; Howard Gest, County of Los Angeles; Rufus Young, Jr.; Jay Golida; Leslie Mintz, Heal the Bay; David Beckman, NRDC; Jorge A. León, representing Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board; Deborah Smith and Melinda Becker, Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board; Chris Westhoff, City of Los Angeles; Penny Weind, City of Los Angeles; Patrick Porgans, Porgans & Associates; Robert Lucas, California Council for Environmental and Economic Balance; Bobbie Larson, CASA/ Tri-TAC; Margie Nellor, Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County; Steven Arita, WSPA.


No one addressed the Board.


The Board unanimously approved the minutes of the January 23 and February 6, 2002 Board Meetings.


Items 2 – 12 were unanimously adopted as recommended by staff. Item 1 was removed from the uncontested item calendar. Item 13 was previously removed from the agenda.


1. Consideration of a Resolution Approving with Partial Remand an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Colorado River Basin Region to Establish the AlamoRiver Sedimentation/Siltation Total Maximum Daily Load.

No staff presentation was made.

John Hewitt addressed the Board.

Motion: The Board unanimously adopted the resolution approving the amendment with the exception of the paragraph establishing a site-specific water quality objective for total suspended solids in the Alamo River. Resolution 2002-0037

2. Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing the Executive Director or Designee to Negotiate, Execute, and Amend a Contract With the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA) to Provide Funding for the Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) Chino Basin Facilities Improvements Project From the Southern California Integrated Watershed Program (SCIWP) Established in the Costa-Machado Water Act of 2000.

Motion: The Board unanimously adopted the resolution. Resolution 2002-0026


3. Consideration of Approval of a Water Recycling Construction Program Grant to the City of Redlands; Water Reclamation and Treatment Plant Upgrade Project; WRCP Grant Project No. 3804-110.

Motion: The Board unanimously approved the grant. Resolution 2002-0027

4. Consideration of Approval of a Water Recycling Construction Program Grant to the City of San Luis Obispo; Water Reuse Project; WRCP Grant Project No. 3304-110.

Motion: The Board unanimously approved the grant. Resolution 2002-0028

5. Consideration of Approval of a Water Recycling Construction Program Grant to the Las Virgenes Municipal Water District; Recycled Water Line Extension-Parkway Calabasas Project; WRCP Grant Project No. 3405-110

Motion: The Board unanimously approved the grant. Resolution 2002-0029

6. Consideration of Approval of a Water Recycling Facilities Planning Grant for the City of Modesto, Northern San Joaquin Valley Water Reclamation Project.

Motion: The Board unanimously approved the grant. Resolution 2002-0030

7. Consideration of Approval of a Clean Beaches Initiative Grant for the City of Coronado for Funding the Coronado Island Dry/Wet Weather Diversion Structures and Devices Project From the Coastal Nonpoint Source Control Subaccount Established in the Costa-Machado Water Act of 2000.

Motion: The Board unanimously approved the grant. Resolution 2002-0031

8. Consideration of Approval of a Clean Beaches Initiative Grant for the City of Newport Beach for Funding the Newport Bay Diversions and Surface Water Treatment Systems From the Coastal Nonpoint Source Control Subaccount Established in the Costa-Machado Water Act of 2000.

Motion: The Board unanimously approved the grant. Resolution 2002-0032

9. Consideration of Approval of a Clean Beaches Initiative Grant for the County of Los Angeles for Funding of the Marina Beach Project to Reduce Contamination at Marina Beach From the Coastal Nonpoint Source Control Subaccount Established in the Costa-Machado Water Act of 2000.

Motion: The Board unanimously approved the grant. Resolution 2002-0033

10. Consideration of Approval of a Clean Beaches Initiative Grant for the County of Ventura for Funding of the Kiddie and Hobie Beaches Project to Reduce Contamination at Channel Islands Harbor From the Coastal Nonpoint Source Control Subaccount Established in the Costa-Machado Water Act of 2000.

Motion: The Board unanimously approved the grant. Resolution 2002-0034

11. Consideration of Approval of a Proposed Resolution Amending the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund Priority List – Amendment No. 93

Motion: The Board unanimously adopted the resolution. Resolution 2002-0035


12. Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing the Executive Director to Negotiate, Execute and Amend if Necessary a Contract for up to $484,800 to Conduct Rainbow Trout Toxicity Monitoring in the Sacramento River Watershed.

Motion: The Board unanimously adopted the resolution. Resolution 2002-0036

13. Item removed.


14. Consideration of Approval of an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region Incorporating a Total Maximum Daily Load for Trash for the LosAngeles River.

Items 14 and 15 were considered together.

Larry Forester, Margaret Clark, John Pratt, Desi Alvarez, Richard Montevideo, Howard Gest, Rufus Young, Jay Golida, Leslie Mintz, David Beckman, Jorge A. León and Chris Westoff addressed the Board.

Michael Levy, Office of Chief Counsel, presented the revised language for Findings 4 and 6 in the proposed resolutions for both Items 14 and 15.

Following the discussion one additional revision was made to the draft resolution in Resolved 2, last sentence: “The State Board will review any failure to consider the matter, including any new data and information pursuant to Water Code section 13320(a).

Motion: The Board unanimously adopted the revised resolution. Resolution 2002-0038

15. Consideration of Approval of an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region Incorporating a Total Maximum Daily Load for Trash for BallonaCreek and Wetland.

Item 15 was taken up with Item 14. See discussion for Item 14.

Motion: The Board unanimously adopted the revised resolution. Resolution 2002-0039

The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:25 a.m. for closed session and brought the meeting back to order at 11:45 a.m.


16. Consideration of Approval of the Revised State Water Resources Control Board Water Quality Enforcement Policy.

Darrin Polhemus, Office of Statewide Initiatives, presented the item, noting the February 15 revisions to the draft resolution and the Policy.

Patrick Porgans, Leslie Mintz, Robert Lucas, Bobbie Larson, Margie Nellor, Steven Arita and Richard Montevideo addressed the Board.

Following the discussion, the Board directed an additional revision to the Policy on page 13, Section III.H.3:

“… Performance standards applicable to municipal storm water discharges are to implement best management practices that reduce the discharge of pollutants from the municipal separate storm sewer system in the discharge to the maximum extent practicable.”

Motion: The Board unanimously adopted the resolution approving the Policy as revised. Resolution 2002-0040


No reports were given.


The Executive Director submitted a written report summarizing current significant issues.


The meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m.