BCF references several sources for practice and programme standards and other ways of thinking about approaches to service in the community.

As a work in progress, we have cross-referenced some programme standards or indicators and outcomes for programmes to some of the services and programmes groups in Bermuda offer. NOTE: These sources are for reference only and are provided as a means to inform practice.

Please review the list of Standards, Indicators or Outcomes below for better and more specific information about your “match”. You may find a better one! You can then look for more details about the standard or outcome indicators on-line. If no standard seems to exist for your area of work, please review the BNSC Certification Standards and/or the Administration and Management Standards as general guides to good practice standards.

If your organisation is certified or accredited through any other agency, please let us know so that we can add it to our database.


Administrative and Service Environment
ASE1 - Promotion of Health and Safety*
ASE2 - Accessibility
ASE3 - Legal and Regulatory Compliance
ASE4 - Facility Maintenance*
ASE5 - Tools and Equipment*
ASE6 - Safety and Security*
ASE7 - Emergency Response Preparedness*
ASE8 - Special Health Precautions*

Behavior Support and Management (BSM)
BSM1 - Philosophy and Organization Policy*
BSM2 - Behavior Support and Management Practices*
BSM3 - Safety Training*
BSM4 - Restrictive Behavior Management Intervention Training*
BSM5 - Restrictive Behavior Management Interventions*
BSM6 - Documentation and Debriefing*

Client Rights (CR)
CR1 - Protection of Rights and Ethical Obligations*
CR2 - Confidentiality and Privacy Protections*
CR3 - Grievance Procedures*
CR4 - The Rights of Persons with Developmental Disabilities*

Training and Supervision (TS)
Adoption Services (AS)
AS1 - Adoptive Parent Recruitment
AS2 - Assessment
AS3 - Homestudy Practice
AS4 - Service Planning and Monitoring
AS5 - Child and Youth Permanency
AS6 - Service Philosophy
AS7 - Pre-Adoption Services
AS8 - Temporary Care for Infants
AS9 - Placement
AS10 - Community Partnerships
AS11 - Case Closing
AS12 - Post-Adoption Services
AS13 - Administrative Practice
AS14 - Personnel

Adult Day Services (AD)
AD1 - Access to Service
AD2 - Screening and Intake
AD3 - Assessment
AD4 - Service Planning and Monitoring
AD5 - Service Philosophy
AD6 - Service Elements
AD7 - Support Services for Caregivers
AD8 - Service Environment
AD9 - Care and Supervision
AD10 - Case Closing
AD11 - Aftercare and Follow-Up
AD12 - Personnel

Adult Guardianship (AG)
AG1 - Service Philosophy
AG2 - Community Outreach
AG3 - Screening and Intake
AG4 - Assessment
AG5 - Guardianship Planning, Monitoring, and Accountability
AG6 - Conflict of Interest
AG7 - Frequency of Contact
AG8 - Guardian of the Person
AG9 - Guardian of the Estate
AG10 - Case Closing
AG11 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Adult Protective Services (APS)
APS1 - Community Partnership
APS2 - Service Philosophy
APS3 - Screening
APS4 - Investigation and Risk Assessment
APS5 - Service Planning and Monitoring
APS6 - Appropriate Service
APS7 - Intervention
APS8 - Case Closing
APS9 - Aftercare and Follow-Up
APS10 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Case Management Services: Case Management; Care Coordination; Intensive Case Management (CM)
CM1 - Access to Service
CM2 - Screening and Intake
CM3 - Assessment
CM4 - Service Planning and Coordination
CM5 - Service Monitoring and Re-Assessment
CM6 - Service Philosophy
CM7 - Intensive Case Management Services
CM8 - Case Closing
CM9 - Aftercare and Follow-Up
CM10 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Child and Family Development and Support Services (CFD)
CFD1 - Access to Service
CFD2 - Screening
CFD3 - Assessment
CFD4 - Service Planning and Monitoring
CFD5 - Service Philosophy
CFD6 - Family-Focused Approach to Service
CFD7 - Community-Based Approach to Service
CFD8 - Service Environment
CFD9 - Health Services
CFD10 - Family Support Services
CFD11 - Parent Education Services
CFD12 - Positive Child Development Services
CFD13 - Early Intervention Services
CFD14 - Case Closing and Aftercare
CFD15 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Child Protective Services (CPS)
CPS1 - Access to Service
CPS2 - Community Partnership
CPS3 - Service Philosophy
CPS4 - Screening
CPS5 - Investigation
CPS6 - Safety Assessments
CPS7 - Assessment
CPS8 - Service Planning and Monitoring
CPS9 - Child Protective Case Management Services
CPS10 - Removing Children from the Home
CPS11 - Child Placement
CPS12 - Child and Youth Permanency
CPS13 - Case Closing
CPS14 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Community Change Initiatives (CCI)
CCI1 - Service Philosophy
CCI2 - Community Partnerships
CCI3 - Developing Partners’ Capacities and Connections
CCI4 - Community Assessment
CCI5 - Planning
CCI6 - Implementation of the Initiative’s Plan
CCI7 - Assessing and Sustaining Progress
CCI8 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Counseling, Support, and Education Services (CSE)
CSE1 - Access to Services
CSE2 - Screening and Intake
CSE3 - Service Philosophy
CSE4 - Counseling, Support, and Education for Individuals and Families
CSE5 - Education and Support Group Services
CSE6 - Information and Referral Services
CSE7 - Individual and Family Counseling, Support, and Education Personnel
CSE8 - Education and Support Group Personnel
CSE9 - Information and Referral Personnel
Table of Evidence

Crisis Response and Information Services: Crisis Intervention; Crisis Hotline Services; Information and Referral Services (CRI)
CRI1 - Access to Services
CRI2 - Screening and Assessment
CRI3 - Quality of Services
CRI4 - Service Philosophy
CRI5 - Community Connections and Coordination
CRI6 - Crisis Intervention Services
CRI7 - Crisis Hotline and Information and Referral Services
CRI8 - Crisis Hotline Services: Additional Requirements
CRI9 - Personnel: Crisis Intervention Services and Crisis Hotline Services
CRI10 - Personnel: All Services
Table of Evidence

Day Treatment Services: Social Adjustment Services; Intensive Outpatient Treatment; Partial Hospitalization (DTX)
DTX1 - Targeted Service Delivery
DTX2 - Screening and Intake
DTX3 - Assessment
DTX4 - Service Planning and Monitoring
DTX5 - Service Philosophy, Modalities, and Interventions
DTX6 - Interdisciplinary Program
DTX7 - Services for Families
DTX8 - Education Services
DTX9 - Care and Supervision
DTX10 - Case Closing
DTX11 - Aftercare and Follow-Up
DTX12 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Disaster Recovery Case Management Services (DRCM)
DRCM1 - Access to Service
DRCM2 - Screening and Intake
DRCM3 - Assessment
DRCM4 - Service Planning, Coordination, and Implementation
DRCM5 - Service Monitoring and Re-Assessment
DRCM6 - Service Philosophy
DRCM7 - Case Closing
DRCM8 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Domestic Violence Services (DV)
DV1 - Access to Service
DV2 - Screening
DV3 - Safety Assessment and Plan
DV4 - Assessment
DV5 - Service Planning and Monitoring
DV6 - Service Philosophy
DV7 - Community Partnerships
DV8 - Advocacy and Support Services
DV9 - Promoting Child Well-Being
DV10 - Crisis Hotline Services
DV11 - Safety and Security of Shelters and Safe Homes
DV12 - Rights of Shelter and Safe Home Residents
DV13 - Shelter and Safe Home Facilities
DV14 - Supporting and Monitoring Safe Homes
DV15 - Case Closing
DV16 - Aftercare and Follow-Up
DV17 - Record Keeping
DV18 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Early Child Care and Development Services; Child Care Centers; Family Child Care Homes (ECCD)
ECCD1 - Screening
ECCD2 - Service Philosophy
ECCD3 - Parental Involvement
ECCD4 - Health Promotion and Protection
ECCD5 - Quality and Safety in the Service Environment
ECCD6 - Quality and Stability in Relationships
ECCD7 - Developmental and Educational Activities
ECCD8 - Services for Children with Special Needs
ECCD9 - Child Supervision
ECCD10 - Family Support
ECCD11 - Transition
ECCD12 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Early Childhood Education (ECE)
ECE1 - Philosophy of Care
ECE2 - Enrollment
ECE3 - Parental Involvement and Support
ECE4 - Health and Safety
ECE5 - Classroom Environment
ECE6 - Promoting Quality Relationships with Teaching Staff and Peers
ECE7 - Developmental and Educational Activities
ECE8 - Caring for Children with Special Needs
ECE9 - Child Supervision
ECE10 - Transition
ECE11 - Personnel
ECE12 - Oversight of Family Child Care Homes
Table of Evidence

Employee Assistance Program Services (EAP)
EAP1 - Access to Service
EAP2 - Internal EAP/Parent Company Relations
EAP3 - Program Implementation and Contract Management
EAP4 - Contractor Accountability
EAP5 - Record-Keeping
EAP6 - Assessment
EAP7 - Service Planning and Monitoring
EAP8 - Service Elements
EAP9 - Critical Incident Reporting
EAP10 - Work-Life Services
EAP11 - Case Closing
EAP12 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Family Preservation and Stabilization Services (FPS)
FPS1 - Access to Service
FPS2 - Screening
FPS3 - Assessment
FPS4 - Service Planning and Monitoring
FPS5 - Service Philosophy
FPS6 - Family-Focused Approach to Service Delivery
FPS7 - Family Supports and Services
FPS8 - Assessing the Need for Out-of-Home Care
FPS9 - Case Closing
FPS10 - Aftercare and Follow-Up
FPS11 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Financial Education and Counseling Services (FEC)
FEC1 - Service Initiation
FEC2 - Service Philosophy
FEC3 - Information about Services
FEC4 - Development of an Action Plan
FEC5 - Financial Education and Counseling Services
FEC6 - Housing Counseling and Education Services
FEC7 - Debt Management Plans
FEC8 - Administration of the Debt Management Plan
FEC9 - Responsible Management of Client Funds
FEC10 - Creditor Relations
FEC11 - Referrals and System Collaborations
FEC12 - Client File Review
FEC13 - Truth in Marketing
FEC14 - Business Ethics
FEC15 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Foster Care Services (FC)
FC1 - Screening
FC2 - Assessment
FC3 - Service Planning and Monitoring
FC4 - Child and Youth Permanency
FC5 - Service Philosophy
FC6 - Child Placement
FC7 - Developing and Maintaining Connections
FC8 - Services for Parents
FC9 - Services for Children and Youth
FC10 - Physical and Mental Health Care
FC11 - Therapeutic Services
FC12 - Worker Contact and Monitoring
FC13 - Transition to Independent Living
FC14 - Case Closing
FC15 - Aftercare and Follow-Up
FC16 - Recruitment and Retention of Foster Families
FC17 - Homestudies
FC18 - Respite Care
FC19 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Group Living Services (GLS)
GLS1 - Access to Service
GLS2 - Family Connections
GLS3 - Assessment
GLS4 - Service Planning and Monitoring
GLS5 - Child and Youth Permanency
GLS6 - Service Philosophy, Modalities, and Interventions
GLS7 - Community Connections
GLS8 - Health and Dental Services
GLS9 - Education Services
GLS10 - Services for Substance Use Conditions
GLS11 - Privacy Provisions
GLS12 - Group Living Environment
GLS13 - Residential Facilities
GLS14 - Care and Supervision
GLS15 - Transition from the Service System
GLS16 - Case Closing
GLS17 - Aftercare and Follow-Up
GLS18 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Guardianship Services for Minors (GSM)
GSM1 - Community Collaboration
GSM2 - Service Philosophy
GSM3 - Child and Youth Permanency
GSM4 - Homestudy
GSM5 - Assessment
GSM6 - Service Planning and Monitoring
GSM7 - Pre-Guardianship Services
GSM8 - Support Services
GSM9 - Case Closing
GSM10 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Home Care and Support Services: Home Health Aide Services, Personal Care Aide Services, and Homemaker Services (HCS)
HCS1 - Community Approach to Service Needs and Access
HCS2 - Screening and Intake
HCS3 - Client-Centered Service Philosophy
HCS4 - Assessment Based Care Planning and Coordination
HCS5 - Care Monitoring
HCS6 - Coordinated Home Management, Activities of Daily Living, and Health Services
HCS7 - Case Closing
HCS8 - Aftercare and Follow-Up
HCS9 - Personnel Qualifications and Supervision
HCS10 - Personnel Who Provide Services to Older Adults and Special Needs Individuals
HCS11 - Training and Support
Table of Evidence

Immigrant and Refugee Resettlement: Resettlement Practice with Separated and Unaccompanied Children; Transition Services; Immigration, Citizenship and Naturalization Legal Assistance Services (IRR)
IRR1 - Collaborative, Culturally Competent Outreach
IRR2 - Screening and Intake
IRR3 - Assessment
IRR4 - Service Planning, Coordination and Monitoring
IRR5 - Service Philosophy
IRR6 - Transition Assistance
IRR7 - Sponsoring Families, Groups, and Communities
IRR8 - Resettlement Practice
IRR9 - Resettlement Practice with Separated and Unaccompanied Children
IRR10 - Immigration, Citizenship, and Naturalization Legal Assistance
IRR11 - Case Closing
IRR12 - Aftercare and Follow-Up
IRR13 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Intercountry Adoption Services (ICA)
ICA1 - Adoptive Parent Recruitment and Orientation
ICA2 - Homestudy Practice
ICA3 - Service Planning and Monitoring
ICA4 - Service Philosophy
ICA5 - Pre-Adoption Preparation Services
ICA6 - Placement
ICA7 - Post-Placement and Post-Adoption Services
ICA8 - Case Closing
ICA9 - Ethical Administrative Practice
ICA10 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Juvenile Justice Case Management Services (JJCM)
JJCM1 - Service Philosophy
JJCM2 - Engagement and Assessment
JJCM3 - Service Planning
JJCM4 - Coordination and Collaboration
JJCM5 - Services and Supports
JJCM6 - Service Monitoring and Supervision
JJCM7 - Case Closing and Follow-Up
JJCM8 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Juvenile Justice Corrections Services (JJC)
JJC1 - Screening and Assessment
JJC2 - Service Planning and Monitoring
JJC3 - Service Philosophy, Modalities, and Interventions
JJC4 - Family Connections and Involvement
JJC5 - Collaboration and Coordination
JJC6 - Health Services
JJC7 - Mental Health Services
JJC8 - Services for Substance Use Conditions
JJC9 - Education Services
JJC10 - Development of Social and Independent Living Skills
JJC11 - Workforce Development Services
JJC12 - Living and Service Environment
JJC13 - Service Culture
JJC14 - Maintaining Safety and Security
JJC15 - Planning for Reentry
JJC16 - Case Closing and Aftercare
JJC17 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Juvenile Justice Day Services (JJD)
JJD1 - Engagement and Assessment
JJD2 - Service Planning and Monitoring
JJD3 - Service Philosophy, Modalities, and Interventions
JJD4 - Collaboration and Coordination
JJD5 - Family Involvement and Services
JJD6 - Developing Life Skills and Connections
JJD7 - Education Services
JJD8 - Service Environment and Culture
JJD9 - Maintaining Safety and Security
JJD10 - Planning for Transition and Aftercare
JJD11 - Case Closing and Follow-Up
JJD12 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Kinship Care Services (KC)
KC1 - Access to Services and Screening
KC2 - Assessment
KC3 - Service Planning and Monitoring
KC4 - Child and Youth Permanency
KC5 - Service Philosophy
KC6 - Homestudy and Placement Services
KC7 - Maintaining Connections
KC8 - Services for Parents
KC9 - Services for Children and Youth
KC10 - Physical and Mental Health Care
KC11 - Therapeutic Services
KC12 - Caregiver Support
KC13 - Worker Contact and Monitoring
KC14 - Case Closing
KC15 - Aftercare and Follow-Up
KC16 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Opioid Treatment (OTP)
OTP1 - Access to Service
OTP2 - Screening and Intake
OTP3 - Assessment
OTP4 - Service Planning and Monitoring
OTP5 - Service Philosophy
OTP6 - Community Services
OTP7 - Service Elements
OTP8 - Medical Services
OTP9 - Toxicology Testing for Continued Drug Use
OTP10 - Take-Home Privileges for Unsupervised Use of Medication
OTP11 - Dosage Requirements
OTP12 - Detoxification Treatment
OTP13 - Interim Maintenance Treatment
OTP14 - Opioid Treatment During Pregnancy
OTP15 - Withdrawal
OTP16 - Case Closing
OTP17 - Aftercare and Follow-Up
OTP18 - Diversion Control
OTP19 - Program Administration
OTP20 - Personnel
OTP21 - Personnel Qualifications
Table of Evidence

Out-of-School Time Services (OST)
OST1 - Service Philosophy
OST2 - Registration and Orientation
OST3 - Building Healthy Relationships Between Children and Youth and Adults
OST4 - Promoting Positive Behavior and Healthy Peer Relationships
OST5 - Programming and Activities
OST6 - Indoor Environment
OST7 - Outdoor Environment
OST8 - Nutrition, Health, and Safety
OST9 - Family Connections
OST10 - Community Involvement and Partnerships
OST11 - Supervision
OST12 - Personnel Qualifications
OST13 - Personnel Training and Support
Table of Evidence

Outdoor Activities Supplement (OAS)
OAS1 - Screening
OAS2 - Activity Requirements
OAS3 - Safety and Risk Management
OAS4 - Physical Environment
OAS5 - Equipment Safety
OAS6 - Activity Technical and Safety Requirements
OAS7 - Supervision
Table of Evidence

Outpatient Mental Health Services (MH)
MH1 - Screening and Intake
MH2 - Assessment
MH3 - Service Planning and Monitoring
MH4 - Service Philosophy, Modalities, and Interventions
MH5 - Clinical Counseling Services
MH6 - Mental Health Services
MH7 - Psychiatric and Medical Care and Support
MH8 - Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Conditions
MH9 - Case Closing
MH10 - Aftercare and Follow-Up
MH11 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Outreach Services (OS)
OS1 - Access to Service
OS2 - Engagement and Assessment
OS3 - Service Philosophy
OS4 - Service Provision
OS5 - Drop-In Centers for the Homeless
OS6 - Follow-Up
OS7 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Pregnancy Support Services (PS)
PS1 - Access To Service
PS2 - Screening
PS3 - Assessment
PS4 - Service Planning and Monitoring
PS5 - Service Philosophy
PS6 - Pregnancy Options Counseling/Birth Options Counseling
PS7 - Health Services
PS8 - Education Services
PS9 - Promoting Positive Life Course Development
PS10 - Case Closing and Aftercare
PS11 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services: Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services; Assertive Community Outreach Services (PSR)
PSR1 - Screening and Intake
PSR2 - Assessment
PSR3 - Rehabilitation Plan
PSR4 - Service Philosophy, Modalities, and Interventions
PSR5 - Service Elements
PSR6 - Rehabilitation Team
PSR7 - Case Closing
PSR8 - Aftercare and Follow-Up
PSR9 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Residential Treatment Services (RTX)
RTX1 - Needs Based Access to Service
RTX2 - Family Connections
RTX3 - Assessment
RTX4 - Service Planning and Monitoring
RTX5 - Child and Youth Permanency
RTX6 - Service Philosophy, Modalities, and Interventions
RTX7 - Coordinated Customized Team Approach
RTX8 - Service Array
RTX9 - Health and Dental Services
RTX10 - Education Services
RTX11 - Preparation for Community Membership
RTX12 - Services for Substance Use Conditions
RTX13 - Special Risk Populations
RTX14 - Residential Facilities
RTX15 - Privacy Provisions
RTX16 - Care and Supervision
RTX17 - Transition from the Service System
RTX18 - Case Closing and Aftercare
RTX19 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Respite Care (RC)
RC1 - Access to Services
RC2 - Screening
RC3 - Assessment
RC4 - Service Planning and Monitoring
RC5 - Service Philosophy
RC6 - Support Services for Caregivers
RC7 - Care and Supervision
RC8 - Service Environment
RC9 - Short Term Residential Respite and Crisis Nursery Services
RC10 - Case Closing
RC11 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Services for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities (DDS)
DDS1 - Access to Services
DDS2 - Screening and Intake
DDS3 - Assessment
DDS4 - Person-Centered Service Planning and Monitoring
DDS5 - Service Philosophy and Interventions
DDS6 - Social Inclusion and Community Participation
DDS7 - Assistive Technology
DDS8 - Family Support
DDS9 - Residential Services
DDS10 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Services for Substance Use Conditions (SA)
SA1 - Screening and Intake
SA2 - Assessment
SA3 - Service Planning and Monitoring
SA4 - Service Philosophy, Modalities, and Interventions
SA5 - Service Elements
SA6 - Treatment for Substance Use Conditions
SA7 - Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Conditions
SA8 - Support Services
SA9 - Case Closing
SA10 - Aftercare and Follow-Up
SA11 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Shelter Services (SH)
SH1 - Access to Service
SH2 - Intake and Assessment
SH3 - Service Planning and Monitoring
SH4 - Service Philosophy
SH5 - The Rights of Shelter Residents
SH6 - Shelter Facilities
SH7 - Service Components
SH8 - Safety and Security
SH9 - Enhanced Shelter Services
SH10 - Services for Homeless and Runaway Children and Youth
SH11 - Developmentally Appropriate Programs for Homeless and Runaway Children and Youth
SH12 - Exit Planning, Aftercare, and Follow-Up
SH13 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Social Advocacy (SOC)
SOC1 - Service Philosophy
SOC2 - Setting the Agenda
SOC3 - Advocacy Issue Assessment
SOC4 - Advocacy Planning
SOC5 - Civic Engagement
SOC6 - Partnerships and Collaborations
SOC7 - Advocacy Activities and Interventions
SOC8 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Social Development and Enrichment Services for Children and Youth (SDE)
SDE1 - Access to Service
SDE2 - Screening and Assessment
SDE3 - Service Philosophy, Modalities, and Interventions
SDE4 - Service Environment
SDE5 - Developmental and Educational Programming
SDE6 - Building Healthy Relationships
SDE7 - Family and Community Connections
SDE8 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Supplement for Developmental Disabilities Programs (SDD)
SDD1 - Access to Services
SDD2 - Person-Centered Service Planning and Monitoring
SDD3 - Service Philosophy and Interventions
SDD4 - Social Inclusion and Community Participation
SDD5 - Assistive Technology
SDD6 - Family Support
SDD7 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Supported Community Living Services (SCL)
SCL1 - Access to Services
SCL2 - Screening and Intake
SCL3 - Assessment
SCL4 - Service Planning and Monitoring
SCL5 - Service Philosophy
SCL6 - Service Components
SCL7 - Tenant Relations
SCL8 - Case Closing
SCL9 - Aftercare and Follow-Up
SCL10 - Personnel
Table of Evidence

Vocational Rehabilitation Services Skill Development Training; Vocational Evaluation; Work adjustment; Job Development and Placement; Supported Employment; and Work Services (VOC)
VOC1 - Access to Services
VOC2 - Screening
VOC3 - Vocational Assessment
VOC4 - Vocational Planning and Monitoring
VOC5 - Service Philosophy
VOC6 - Skill-Development Training
VOC7 - Vocational Evaluation Services
VOC8 - Work Adjustment Services
VOC9 - Job Development and Placement Services
VOC10 - Supported Employment Services
VOC11 - Work Services
VOC12 - Case Closing
VOC13 - Aftercare
VOC14 - Personnel
Table of Evidence