Undertaking Observational Experience with the Ambulance Trust:

If you are interested in observing the work of the Ambulance service as part of your placement, you need to follow these guidelines:

First of all, the experience should be agreed with your practice mentor and personal supervisor. You should be clear as to what you hope to achieve from this experience. Observational experience will ONLY be supported if you can demonstrate clear relevance to your placement base (e.g. A&E).

How to apply:

1.  You will need to apply to the Ambulance Trust for permission to observe by completing the Observer Request Form. This is available on the ambulance trust website. If you have problems accessing the form please contact Sue Ford, Practice Experience Co-ordinator on 01904 321399 or email . You will be required to read the relevant policies detailed on the form and to agree to comply with the Trust regulations on conduct, dress and health and safety. This is for your own safety and that of others.

2.  You will be asked to complete a form detailing your aims and objectives. This will help the Ambulance staff provide you with the most appropriate experience. You should keep a copy in your portfolio as evidence of your experience.

3.  Insurance: you will be covered both by the University and Ambulance Trust insurance policies during the observation, but you should check that undertaking this experience does not invalidate any personal insurance policy you have in the unlikely event that a claim may arise.

The experience:

One of the ambulance crew will act as your mentor1 during your time with the ambulance staff. You will be under the direct supervision of the ambulance crew throughout your time with them. If the crew feel at any time that your own or the safety of patients, public or the crew is compromised by your being with them, you will be returned to your base station. A report will be made to the Trust and your supervisor in these circumstances.

In the case of injury or other adverse incident, an incident report form will be completed and a copy sent to your personal supervisor. You should note that you should not perform any task that involves handling and

moving patients or equipment. Together with your mentor, you will be asked to complete an evaluation form at the end of the experience. You should keep a copy of this for your portfolio. The Ambulance Trust will also keep a copy to provide them with information about the quality of the experience provided for you.

It should be noted that this experience differs from escort duty (see below).

1 For experience with the ambulance trust the term “mentor” refers to the member of ambulance crew who will be responsible for your supervision during your time with the crew. This person will not sign off outcomes in your portfolio but may provide other evidence to support the achievement of your outcomes (e.g. testimony) if appropriate.

Escort duty

Where a patient being transported from a hospital or other care environment for the purposes of their care and requires an escort..

Students may gain experience of this provided the mentor ensures that:

a.  The student is willing and competent to undertake identified responsibilities involved in the escort

b.  The supervising registered nurse has made a professional, informed judgement that the student has the requisite knowledge, attitudes and skills to safely undertake the specified activities. This judgement has been recorded in the student’s documentation.

c.  The supervising registered nurse should ensure that the clients/patients concerned are happy to have the input of a student nurse.

d.  Arrangements should be put into place for students to have the opportunity to discuss any issues arising from the activities undertaken under distant supervision. Students must be advised of the steps to be taken in the event of any emergencies or serious incidents.

You will not need to apply for permission to do this, but you will be required to observe the Ambulance Trust policies on Health, Safety and Conduct.

Date Last Updated: 04/06/2009