One-Two Weeks Prior to your CLOW Assignment:

  1. Look up the First and Gospel readings for the Sunday.
  2. Checkout
    For additional ideas to go with your theme, if needed, checkout these other helpful sites:
  3. FaithFirst
  4. CatholicMom
  5. TheCatholicToolbox
  6. ReviewtheCLOW Format.
  7. Contact Your Coordinator – Martha Plumb – Cell for Text only 909-809-4812. Office 798-4167 X36 the Monday prior to your assigned CLOW date to begin the planning process.(Can be earlier, but no later!)
    Assess their level of participation and assign accordingly (i.e., hold response signs (provided), read lectionary, develop reflection, present reflection.) Catechists should be very comfortable presenting and also consider selecting strong readers among your students. You are the lead person.
  8. Coordinate visuals/focal center based on the gospel reflection that week. (Christ is the Light – Bring in a lamp! Mustard Seed – pass a box of mustard seeds around – let them take one!)
  9. You will provide children with some type of “take-home” hand-out prepared and ready for you for pick up in the church office Sunday morning; or on the table outside the Olive hall
  10. Prepare your focal center (altar) and the chairs if not done so – 30 minutes prior to mass. Consider getting the cross and two candles; battery operated – and select children in the mass to be your servers.

The Day of CL)W:

  1. Arrive 30 minutes early to complete set-up, get the Lectionary, altar items, and hand out.
  2. You will process with the servers chosen and their class to the hall/basement/picnic table as assigned and based on weather.
  3. Be certain lights are turned off and door is locked after you enter hall and when you depart.
  4. Never let the door remain open for the safety of the children and yourself.
  5. It is good practice to assign an older student to either lead or be last to assure that no children lag. All children under age 7 should be holding hands with their sibling or a friend. Be certain you have an eye on the youngest children at all times, and be sure you take an ‘in charge’ posture for the safety of all.
  6. Pray before you lead. God is so pleased to help you through it, and to be certain the children encounter Jesus through the word and lesson.