Kim McQuaid
c/o Faculty Mail
Lake Erie College
391 W. Washington Street
Painesville, Ohio 44077
(440) 375-7177 (w);
Educational Background
1975Ph.D. (American History), Northwestern University
1973M.A. (American History), Northwestern University
1971Graduate Study at University of British Columbia (U.S. and Canadian History)
1970B.A. (History), Antioch College
1995-96Fulbright Visiting Professor, U.S. History, University of Science
Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
1989-90Visiting Associate Professor of U.S. History, Claremont Graduate School, The Claremont Colleges, Claremont, California
1985-86Mary Ball Washington Visiting Professor of U.S. History, University College Dublin, The National University of Ireland
1971Northwestern University Fellow and Hearst Fellowship
1970Woodrow Wilson Fellowship
Areas of Specialization
Post-Civil War U.S. History, with special fields in:
20th Century business-government relations
The evolution of U.S. social welfare policy, 1890s-present
U.S. political, economic and social history, post-1932
The social history of the Space Age, 1950s-present
Academic Work Experience
1991-presentProfessor of History, Lake Erie College
1984-1991Associate Professor of History, Lake Erie College (tenured 9/84)
1977-1984Assistant Professor of History, Lake Erie College
1976-1977Assistant Professor of History (part-time), Northwestern University
1975Lecturer, Antioch Graduate School of Education (Yellow Springs, Ohio)
Publications (Books)
Uneasy Partners: Big Business in American Politics, 1945 – 1991, (Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994), xvi + 224 pp., (paperback and hardback editions).
The Anxious Years: America in the Vietnam-Watergate Era, (New York, Basic Books, 1989), xii +350 pp., (paperback edition, 1990).
Creating the Welfare State: The Political Economy of Twentieth Century Reform, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, (New York, Praeger, 1988), xiv + 243 pp. Co-authored with Edward D. Berkowitz, (paperback edition, University Press of Kansas, 1992), xiv + 247 pp.
Big Business and Presidential Power: From FDR to Reagan, (New York, William Morrow & Company, 1982), 383 pp.
A Response to Industrialism: Liberal Businessmen and the Evolving Spectrum of Capitalist Reform, 1886-1960, (New York, Garland Publishing, ‘American Business History Series of Outstanding Dissertations’ edited by Professor Stuart Bruchey of Columbia University, 1986), vii + 310 pp., (reprinted Beard Publishing, 2003).
Creating the Welfare State: The Political Economy of Twentieth Century Reform, (New York, Praeger, 1980), xv + 185 pp., Co-authored with Edward D. Berkowitz.
[Academic and non-academic reviews of books on-request. Latter include New York Times Book Review, Christian Science Monitor, Fortune Magazine, Boston Globe, Cleveland Magazine, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Dallas Times Herald, San Francisco Examiner, and San Diego Union.]
Publications (Articles)
“Selling the Space Age: NASA and Earth’s Environment, 1958 – 1990”, accepted for publication by Environment and History, A UK-based journal, June 2005.
“Social Security and the American Welfare State”, in: Joel Mokyr (ed) The Vital One,
Essays in Economic History in Honor of Jonathan Hughes by His Students and
Colleagues, (Greenwich, Connecticut, JAI Press, 1991) pp. 169-190. (Co-authored with Edward D. Berkowitz).
“Nation-Building Today: Ground for Tragedy…”, Commonwealth, (August 15, 1986),
pp. 421-423.
“The Corporate Counterattack”, Antitrust Law & Economics Review, Volume 17 (1985), pp. 101-110 and Volume 17 (1985-1986), pp. 61-72.
“The Roundtable: Getting Results in Washington”, Harvard Business Review, Volume 59
(May-June, 1981), pp. 114-123. Reprinted in: Editors of the Harvard Business Review,
Rethinking Business-Government Relations, (Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard
Business Review, 1985), pp. 99-108.
“Big Business and Public Policy in the Contemporary United States”, Quarterly Review of Economics and Business, (Summer, 1980), pp. 57-68.
“Big Business and Government Policy in Post-New Deal America: From Depression to Détente”, Antitrust Law & Economics Review, Volume 11 (1979), pp. 41-72.
“Welfare Reform in the 1950s”, The Social Service Review, (March, 1980), pp. 45-58. Co-authored with Edward D. Berkowitz. Reprinted in: Ellis W. Hawley and Donald T. Critchlow (eds.), Social Policy in Modern America, (Chicago, Dorsey Publishing, 1989), pp. 200-210.
“Bureaucrats as ‘Social Engineers’: Federal Welfare Programs in Herbert Hoover’s America”, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, (hereafter designated AJES), (October, 1980), pp. 321-335. Co-authored with Edward D. Berkowitz. Reprinted in: Ellis W. Hawley and Donald T. Critchlow (eds.), Social Policy in Modern America, (Chicago, Dorsey Publishing, 1989), pp. 89-99.
“The Frustration of Corporate Revival During the Early New Deal”, The Historian, (August, 1979), pp. 682-704.
“Back-Door Policymaking”, Working Papers For a New Society, (July-August, 1979), pp. 50-54.
“Corporate Liberalism in the American Business Community, 1920-1940”, Business History Review, (Autumn, 1978), pp. 342-368. Reprinted in: Steven W. Tolliday (ed.) Government and Business: The International Library of Critical Writings in Business History, Volume 2, (Aldershot, U.K., Elgar Publishing, 1991), pp. 436-452.
“Businessman and Bureaucrat: The Evolution of the American Social Welfare System, 1900-1940”, Journal of Economic History, (March, 1978), pp. 120-142. Co-authored with Edward D. Berkowitz.
“The Business Advisory Council of the Department of Commerce, 1993-1961: A Study in Corporate-Government Relations”, in: Paul Uselding (ed.), Research in Economic History, Volume 1, (Greenwich, Connecticut, JAI Press, 1976), pp. 171-198.
“Competition, Cartelization, and the Corporate Ethic: General Electric During the New Deal Era, 1933-1940”, AJES, (October, 1977), pp. 417-428.
“Owen D. Young, Gerard Swope, and the ‘New Capitalism’ of the General Electric Company, 1920-1933”, AJES, (July, 1977), pp. 323-334. Reprinted in: Robert F. Himmelberg (ed.), Business and Government in Modern America, (Hamden, Connecticut, Garland Publishing, 1994).
“William Apes, Pequot: An Indian Reformer in the Jackson Era”, The New England Quarterly, (December, 1977), pp. 605-625. Revised edition to be reprinted in: Alden D. Vaughan & The Editors of the New England Quarterly (eds.), New England Encounters: Indians & Anglo-Americans, 1607-1836, (Boston, Northeastern University Press, 1999), pp. 379-401.
“Industry and the Cooperative Commonwealth: William P. Hapgood and the Columbia Conserve Company, 1917-1943”, Labor History, (Fall, 1976), pp. 510-529.
“An American Owenite: Edward A. Filene and the Parameters of Industrial Reform, 1890-1937”, AJES, (January, 1976), pp. 77-94.
“Businessman as Social Innovator: N.O. Nelson and the Consumer Cooperative Movement”, AJES, (October, 1975), pp. 411-422.
“Businessman as Reformer: N.O. Nelson and Late 19th Century Social Movements in America”, AJES, (October, 1974), pp. 424-436.
Other Articles
“Business Roundtable.” Article in Paul Boyer (editor-in-chief), Oxford Companion to United State History, (New York, Oxford University Press, 2000).
“Gerald Swope.” Article in Joel Mokyr, (editor in chief), Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, (New York, Oxford University Press, 2001).
“Business Policy” and “Full Employment”, articles in: Leonard W. Levy and Louis Fisher (eds.), The Encyclopedia of the American Presidency (New York, Simon and Schuster, 1994).
“Ellesmere”, Focus: The Magazine of the American Geographical Society, Fall 1991, Vol. 41, #3, pp. 12-18.
“Ireland Today: Life in the Big Village”, Focus: The Magazine of the American Geographical Society, Spring 1989, Vol. 39, #1, pp. 1-4.
“A Response to Industrialism: Liberal Businessmen and the Evolving Spectrum of Capitalist Reform, 1886-1960.”
References Available Upon Request
Academic Offices
Academic Assessment Committee, chair 1997-1999; 2005-present (elected)
College Personnel Committee, 1987-1989; 1994-1995 (elected)
Academic Standards Committee, 1991-1993 (elected)
College Council, 1991-1992 (elected)
Dean of the College Search Committee, 1983-1984 (elected)
Educational Policy and Planning Committee, 1981-1982 and 1983-1985 (elected)
Faculty Secretary, 1980-1981 (appointed)
Grew up in Boothbay and Edgecomb, Maine. Worked as a psychiatric social worker in Harlem. Taught arts and crafts to mentally retarded and emotionally disturbed children at state mental hospitals, including one in Ronald Reagan’s hometown of Dixon, Illinois. Have worked as an antiquarian bookseller in Maine and as an illustrator in Berkeley, California. Was manager of a small motel when I was aged 16 and 17. Hobbies include: Wilderness backpacking treks in the Canadian and America High Arctic (e.g. Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Ellesmere Island (twice), North Greenland, , Nahanni River, Tatshenshini-Alsek Rivers, and Auyuittuq National Park on Baffin Island), portraiture, photography, visiting old battlefields, and riding trains. Political activism and occasional volunteer work in homeless shelters are among my Civic Duty avocations. I also recently trekked across the Chilkoot Pass between Alaska and the Canadian Yukon Territory to relive a portion if the Yukon Gold Rush of 1897-1898.
Other Professional
Delivered papers to the Economic History Association (1977), and the Business History Conference (1978); commented on papers at the Organization of American Historians annual meeting (1983), chaired a session at OAH in 2002; commented on papers at the Business History Conference (1994). Have reviewed books for the Journal of Economic History, Business History Review, Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Reviews in American History, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Journal of American History, and The American Historical Review. Have refereed papers and research proposals for The Historian, the Business History Review, Public Historian, Enterprise and Society, The Journal of American History, and the Sociology/Political Science section of the National Science Foundation. I’ve evaluated book-length manuscripts for Cornell University Press, Northern Illinois University Press, and others.
Biographical Data In
Contemporary Authors Vol. 49/New Series (Detroit, Michigan, Gale Research, 1995); ibid., Vol. 107 (1983), p. 331; International Directory of Business and Management Scholars and Research (Boston, Harvard Business School Press, 1995); International Directory of Business Historians (Cheltenham, U.K., Elgar Publishing – for British Association of Business Historians – 1994); Directory of American Scholars (Detroit, Michigan, Gale Research, 2001); Who’s Who in America, (2004-present).
Interviewed by newspapers and radio stations regarding matters of economic policy, business-government relations, and foreign policy, including The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Forbes Magazine, and The National Public Radio affiliates in Seattle, Washington and Champaign-Urbana, Illinois (University of Illinois) – the latter three times, and WERE Talk Radio in Cleveland. The only major television I’ve done has been with the BIZNET cable network of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington, D.C. I’ve also gotten media practice assisting the producers (Actuality Productions, Sherman Oaks, CA) of a show on the Alaska Pipeline which aired in the “Modern Marvels” series on The Arts & Entertainment cable network in 1997.
Work In-Progress
“The Life and Death of the Space Age” (sample chapters and/or contents page on request).