Patron: Ian Macfarlane M.P. Federal Member for Groom Registered Charity No 1263

ABN: 67 476 925 016

OFFICE: 27 Scott Street, TOOWOOMBA, 4350

Office Hours: 10am –3pm Tuesday to Thursday

ME/CFS/FM Phone/Fax Office: (07) 4632 8173

Email: Website:

The Hon Kevin Rudd

Prime Minister of Australia

630 Wynnum Road

Morningside Qld 4170

13th May 2008

To the Hon Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister of Australia,

I am writing on behalf of the ME/CFS/FM Support Association of Qld Inc which supports sufferers of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Fibromyalgia (FM), to ask you why your government did not include disabled pensioners in the $500 bonus that was given to carers and aged pensioners in the budget.

There are many disabled pensioners who care for themselves without help from carers and they are also in need of the bonus which would help them to purchase medical aids such as wheelchairs, walkers and hydraulic lifts to assist them out of bed. They are also burdened with the added cost of medications and medical expenses which are a really big drain on their current disability pension.

Personally I was very disappointed as you only answered my personal letter I had sent to you last year after the Howard government did not give disabled pensioners the $500 just before the election and in that letter you said that you would not forget the disabled pensioners. I know you said and did deliver on your promise to include disability pensioners in the increased payment for utilities but it still seems like a slap in the face that you did not include us in the $500 bonus when we are in such need of this kind of boost.

I really hope you will be able to give me a good reason for this decision so I will be able to put your reply into our journal “The Queensland Communicator” which I send out to all financial members, politicians, doctors, and each state society. They are also sent to South Africa, America, Canada, Denmark, England, New Zealand the Queensland State Library, the National Library in Canberra, and Queensland Health.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

Take care and have a great day.

Lyn Wilson

President ME/CFS/FM Support Association Qld Inc

Queensland Director ME/CFS Australia

Aiming to assist those with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, & Fibromyalgia