MEETING 1st August 2012 at St Katharine's Church

Members present: JP Carr, I French, Vickie and Russell Galer, Leslie Ellis-Day, Tony Skipper, Mavis Thomas, Ashley Fortino, Richard Hunt, Mary Jones and Nikki Daft

Apologies: Ian MacDonald, Andrea Pearce, Jason Baker, Mossey Waters, Peter Walker and Chris Painter

Meeting opened at 7.00pm

20) Neighbourhood Planning Away Day - JP stated that an opportunity had arisen between the meetings for representatives , being JP Carr, Lesley Ellis-Day and Nikki Daft, to attend an away day run by Northamptonshire County Associations of Local Councils (NCALC). Speakers were present from:

Danny Moody Chief Executive, Northants NCALC

Professor Gavin Parker Director of Professional Standards, RTPI(Royal Town Planning Institute)

John Romanski Senior Neighbourhood Planning Advisor, Planning Aid England

Rebecca Elson Community Planning Adviser, Planning Aid England

Representatives were also present from Middleton Cheney Parish Council and Oundle Town Council giving their experiences to date of producing a NHP.

The information showed that Irchester Steering Group were working on the same lines as the others and it was felt that, as the NHP was a statutory document, it would be taken into consideration in respect of future planning, development and community applications by the Borough Council. JP stated that should the group decide to produce a NHP then they would have to approach the Parish council for their approval, a statement of intent needed to be sent to the Borough Council by the Parish Council and a meeting would be held to define the plan between the Borough Council and the Parish Council. Currently only Wollaston and Earls Barton were intending to produce NHP's in the Borough of Wellingborough however Wellingborough Council were in support of the plans and hoped to employ an officer jointly with East Northants District Council in order to help and support parishes.

Once the statement of intent was received by WBC then there would be a minimum of 6 week public consultation in which residents could make comment on the proposed area for the plan. This would be displayed on notice boards, websites, library, Wellingborough Borough offices and the news papers.

WBC would pay for the independent inspection of the draft plan and also the referendum however the cost to produce the whole plan is uncertain. Concern was raised regarding the potential cost as it could be between £17k and £63k and it was felt that the residents should be informed of this.

Concern was also raised regarding the parish council in case they were not in favour of the group producing a NHP.

A vote was taken and all agreed that the group should pursue a Neighbourhood Plan and that JP should write a briefing sheet to all the councillors explaining the reasons for the changes. This to be sent around to all the Committee for comments.

Booklets regarding the NHP produce by the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) were given to group members.

21) Minutes - The minutes of the meeting held on 28th June 2012 were agreed as a true record with Richard Hunt added as an attendee.

22) Matters Arising -

Website - Ian French was thanked for adding details of the group to the village website

Wollaston and Earls Barton NHP - Both Wollaston and Earls Barton group had been contacted and Wollaston stated that a visit in October could be arranged. As yet no word from Earls Barton. Nikki Daft to follow up Earls Barton.

23) Terms of Reference - It was felt that this should wait until confirmation had been received from the pc that they would support the NHP.

It was suggested that the group could have a logo for letterheads etc a couple of suggestions were for buildings or features of the parish or history i.e. Romans. Vicki Galer has offered the services of her son, Sam, a recent graduate in Graphic Design, to assist with this aspect.

24) Health and Safety - The pc insurers were unhappy to have the group hold events etc under the current insurance so a further quotation was received from their partner company. Cover was for £5million public liability, Funds of £5k, up to 4 events of no more than 250 people at one time and personal accident cover totalling £226.58. It was agreed to arrange the insurance at a later date.

25) Public Events - A meeting of the working party had taken place regarding the event days of which minutes were circulated prior to the meeting. It was suggested that maybe the school would like to make a model of the village so JP would speak to the head teacher when the working party visits to. AF also stated that he may be able to get a large map of the parish copied. JPC to investigate where to get a map from. AF to find out 'electronic'format it would be required in 'for reproduction'.

It was also agreed that as well as the event days then a stand could be at the Gala Day next year, at any craft shows or events being held in the village, at the library etc.

26) Contact Forms - CP had produced contact forms for business and organisations. After discussion it was agreed that the business annual turnover was not required but that on both forms question should be asked if they would be happy to be added to an electronic register (which could be a basis for inclusion later on the pc website or a directory) and details given to a third party. The form should also include a data protection statement. JP to thank and notify CP of the amendments and additions.

27) Expenses - Expenses were agreed for the NCALC training, travelling to Litchborough and Admin hours and also a donation of £20.00 for the use of the church for the meeting. Details to be sent once payments made at the next pc meeting.

28) Topics for the Next meeting - It was suggested that a walk of the parish could take place and this was arranged for Thursday 16th August, meeting outside the Chapel in the High Street at 7.00pm weather permitting and route to be agreed.

Other topics:

Project Plan

Working Parties


29) AOB - None

30) The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday 4th October 2012 at 7.00pm - Venue to be agreed.

The meeting closed at 8.34p.m.