WR 121 - Small Writing Group Evaluation Name ______
Use the back too, if you need to
1. What is working well for you in your group so far?
For example, (you could check off any of these that apply and add others)
__Getting positive feedback
__Getting specific feedback
__Getting helpful feedback
__The group's energy
__Everyone shares
__We divide the work for efficient use of everyone's time and talents
__People come prepared to work
__Members are interested in my progress
__Group is committed to helping each other
__Other? ______
2. What is not working well at this point?
For example, (you could check off any of these that apply and add others)
__Members are not dedicated to helping the group
__Members don't stay on task
__Some members don't share
__Some members try to dominate
__No clear leader at a session
__Other? ______
3. What strengths or talents do you bring to your group?
For example, I provide/ I am good with--- (you could check off any of these that apply and add others)
__Good with details
__Time keeping
__Good listener
__Always there
__Willing to talk
__Take good notes
__Willing to lead when needed
__Willing to report when needed
__Background knowledge and resource
__Willing to show others grammar / other writing strategies / ______
__Other? ______
4. List one change that you think might help the group process be more successful, effective, efficient and positive:
5. On the following scale, rate the statement "I feel like I belong in my group."
__not much __somewhat __mostly
6. On the following scale, rate the statement, "Our group has cohesion, a group feeling."
__not much __somewhat __mostly
7. At this point, our group is in the process of ____storming (we clash and can't agree) ~or ~
___ norming (we agree on procedures) ~ or ___ performing (we have a procedure and are working effectively)
8. Which metaphor best describes your group at the moment?
__ Like the Waltons, a big family
__Like Ozzy Osbourne, a dysfunctional chaotic family?
__Like Survivor, each individual competing against the others?
__Like Leave it to Beaver, 2 parents and 2 kids?
If none of these seems right, please think of another one with a characterizing statement,
Our group is like ______because we ______
9. Do you think it would be helpful to share these responses with the group?
If so, why?
If not, why not?