Lake Wales Care Center

Volunteer Information Sheet – Please complete front & back

Birthdate ______Today’s Date ______


Name ______

Parent Name (If applicant is under 18/living at home)______

Local Address ______

City______State ______Zip ______Phone ______

Email:______Local Church Affiliation ______

Age Range: [ ] Youth [ ] 18-24 [ ] 25-45 [ ] 46-62 [ ] 63+

Service category (please check one)

_____ Volunteer _____ Required Community Service _____ Comm. Service for School Credit

Days and Time Available to Serve: circle those that apply

Monday: Morning Afternoon Thursday: Morning Afternoon

Tuesday: Morning Afternoon Friday: Morning Afternoon

Wednesday: Morning Afternoon Saturday: Morning Afternoon

other ______

Have you ever been involved in the past with Lake Wales Care Center? If yes, explain ______


What is your motivation or interest in being a volunteer? ______


List abilities, talents or special skills you have to offer: ______


Please describe any physical limitations or special medical conditions: ______


If you are being required to volunteer for community service hours describe the nature of your offense, what

agency assigned the hours, how many hours you must perform, and to whom you will be reporting.



I,______, give my permission for Lake Wales Care Center to produce, print, and/or use my photograph for

promotional purposes of Lake Wales Care Center. ______




Please check all areas of service that interest you

[ ] Front Office Receptionist

Receptionists work half-day shifts, usually one morning or afternoon per week. Tasks include receiving guests & answering the phone.

[ ] Mailing Assistant

Assist with mailings, affix labels & tabs; stuff, seal and stamp envelopes

[ ] Meals-on-Wheels

One day per week, 2 hours delivering noon meals to area shut-ins.

[ ] Light Housekeeping

Provide basic cleaning tasks for the elderly, disabled, and shut-ins.

[ ] Records and Reports

Tasks include record keeping and/or computer entry.

[ ] Food Room

Receive food, stock shelves and pre-pack boxes for deliveries.

[ ] Surplus Sales - Thrift Store

Sort donated items, restock merchandise, and assist customers.

[ ] Furniture Pickups & Deliveries

[ ] General Maintenance

Assisting with building and equipment maintenance.

[ ] Home Visitation & Follow-up Calls

May include food deliveries and/or follow-up encouragement visits.

[ ] Transportation [ ] Local only [ ] Willing to travel out of town

Provide transportation for area shut-ins to the store or special appointments.

[ ] Home Repair Projects

Minor home repairs, chaperon at summer camp, minor home repair. List skills ______

[ ] Holiday Assistance

Prepare and deliver food baskets and toys

[ ] Transitional Housing

Groups, families, or individuals may adopt a unit, perform yard work, or mentor a family

[ ] Skills Training for Clients

Assist in teaching homemaking, work related skills, money management, parenting, and other self-help skills. Please list particular skills you could teach. ______


[ ] Literacy Tutoring

Tutoring-one on one and in small groups, Adult Literacy, ESOL Classes.

[ ] Free Health Clinic-receptionist, qualifying patients, medical professional.

Please return this form to Care Center. Thank you for your time and cooperation. Background screenings are a standard requirement for volunteer positions. We look forward to working with you. If other areas of community service may suit you better we also have a list of other local organizations that utilize volunteers.