
(Transliterated from Greek, δύναμις means power.)

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.II Cor. 12:9

Led by Christopher and Dorothy Greco

Sunday Afternoons1:45-3:45 p.m. SHARP

Antioch Community Church Waltham, 17 Spruce St. Waltham, MA

FALL GROUP: Oct 15, 22 & 29, Nov 5 & 12

WINTER GROUP: Jan 7, 14, 21, 28 & Feb 4

Fee: $250 (scholarships available)

A safe, therapeutic setting for Christian men and women who needGod’s power to be manifest in personal weakness as they face challenges and disillusionment in the realm of relationships, sexuality, identity, vocation, and/or physical health.

For more than 20 years, Christopher and Dorothy Greco have pioneered prayer-based healing and growth groups for men and women in the Boston area. Christopher is a master’s level counselor, worship pastor, and theatre educator. Dorothy is a photojournalist, writer, and author of Making Marriage Beautiful. (

This five week intensive will include brief talks on need and shame, bonding and attachment, gender identity and sexuality, spiritual attack in areas of greatest gifting, and finding joy in the midst of suffering. Weekly readings and journal assignments will assist participants to highlight areas of specific challenge and disillusionment. Same-gender small groups will provide a safe and confidential context to share, to listen, and to access God’s power in our weakness.

Guided small group discussions may include (and not be limited to) recent and historic experiences of trauma, broken relationships, substance or sexual addictions, family of origin and generational sin patterns, marital struggle or failure, singleness and celibacy, parenting deficiencies, ethnic identity struggles, vocational transition, and chronic health concerns.

This group is recommended for men and women ages 22 and olderwho have had some experience being transparent with others about their sins and struggles.We’re looking for 6 men and 6 womenfor each group.

Please e-mail the completed application to or mail/hand deliver to:

Antioch Community Church Waltham

17 Spruce St.

Waltham, MA 02453
ATTN: Dunamis Group.

Receipt deadline: Monday, September 25 for fall group. October 1 for winter group.

APPLICATION. Dunamis Group with the Greco’s. 2017 OR 2018


NAME__typehere__ E-MAIL__typehere__ CELL__typehere__

To which program are you applying: ____ Fall ____ Winter ____ Either

Relationships, Sexuality, Vocation, Physical Health. Describe recent events and personal actions that are prompting you to seek the support of this group.

Challenges & Disillusionment. Describe how your current dilemma has impacted your spiritual walk with Christ. Jesus asked someone in need of healing, “Do you want to get well?” How would you answer Him if He asked you that question?

Dynamic Small Group Sharing. To what extent are you comfortable sharing the details of your situation in a same-gender small group of individuals who may be struggling in similar or very different ways?

Incarnational Prayer. How have you gone about praying for this situation? To what extent are you comfortable receiving prayer from others?

Supportive Base. Do you participate in other settings where you receive support, such as small groups, accountability partnerships, 12-step programs, and/or therapy? Are you willing to mobilize more support?

Being Present. All group members are expected to attend all sessions. Do you foresee any schedule conflicts? Please be specific.

Maintaining Contact. Do you have regular access to the Internet through e-mail in order to access weekly journal assignments and blog entries related to this group?

Confidentiality. All group members will sign an agreement to maintain the confidentiality of all individual disclosures. Do you foresee difficulty in honoring other people’s need for privacy?

Intake Interview. Please check any and all times that will work for you for a 20-minute phone interview with Christopher (men) or Dorothy (women).

___Monday 6-9 p.m. ___Tuesday 6-9 p.m. ___Wednesday 6-9 p.m. ___Thursday 6-9 p.m.