Kewill Imaging Internet Tracking & eVENT Integration

Kewill Imaging

Internet Tracking and eVENT Integration

Publication Date: August, 2008

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2

Kewill Imaging Internet Tracking and eVENT Integration 3

TPS Internet Tracking – Imaging Web Service Interface (TPSITIWS) 3

Kewill Imaging Internet Tracking and eVENT Integration

Introduction / Internet Tracking and eVENT retrieve documents available in Kewill Imaging for shipments. To do this, they communicate with Kewill Imaging via a Kewill Imaging Web Service client program called TPS Internet Tracking – Imaging Web Service Interface (TPSITIWS) to retrieve lists of document for shipments, to retrieve document images for shipments, and to retrieve lists of document types.

TPS Internet Tracking – Imaging Web Service Interface (TPSITIWS)

Description / TPSITIWS is a Kewill Imaging Web Service client. It is a VB.NET 2003 console application requiring the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 and Microsoft Web Services Extensions 2.0 SP3.
TPS Internet Tracking Imaging Web Service Interface screen:

Input / Input to TPSITIWS is via command line argument, as follows:
Command-line argument=”0” or “ ”
Interactive mode (0), for testing, and for specification of the Kewill Imaging Web Service location and Imaging user authentication. The Kewill Imaging Web Service location has the form
<server> is the address if the Kewill Imaging Web Service host server
<port> is the TCP/IP port of the Kewill Imaging Web Service listener, typically 8080 since Apache Tomcat is the container for the Kewill Imaging Web Service
Command-line argument = 1 / Command-line argument=”1,<filetype>,<filenumber>,<listfile>,<statusfile>
Document List mode (1), for retrieval of a document list for a shipment, where
<filetype> is the File Type of the shipment: “IMPORT”, “EXPORTAIRFILE”, “EXPORTAIRJOB”, “EXPORTOCEANFILE”, or “EXPORTOCEANJOB”.
<filenumber> is the File Number of the shipment.
<listfile> is the specification of the output text file containing the list of documents for the shipment. Each line in the file describes one document, as follows:
<doctype>t<desc>t<date>t <suffix>t<imagetype>t<docid>
<doctype> is the Document Type code (tracing date code)
<desc> is the Document Type description
<date> is the document date/time
<suffix> is the document suffix
<imagetype> is the document image type: “TIFF” for a TIFF image, “JPEG” for a JPEG image, or “PDF” for an Adobe Acrobat image
<docid> is the unique identifier of the document
t is a tab character
<statusfile> is the specification of the output text file containing the status of the Web Service call. If the Web Service call is successful, then the status file will be empty; otherwise, it will contain an error message.
Command-line argument = 2 / Command-line argument=”2,<filetype>,<docid>,<imagefile>,<statusfile>”
Document Image mode (2), for retrieval of a document image, where
<filetype> is the File Type of the shipment of the document image: “IMPORT”, “EXPORTAIRFILE”, “EXPORTAIRJOB”, “EXPORTOCEANFILE”, or “EXPORTOCEANJOB”.
<docid> is the document identifier from the Document List mode call.
<imagefile> is the specification of the output document image file. It should have an extension appropriate for the image type returned in the Document List mode call (“.TIF” if the image type is “TIFF”, “.JPG” if the image type is “JPEG”, or “.PDF” if the image type is “PDF”).
<statusfile> is the specification of the output text file containing the status of the Web Service call. If the Web Service call is successful, then the status file will be empty; otherwise, it will contain an error message.
Command-line argument = 3 / Command-line argument=”3,<listfile>,<statusfile>”
Import Document Types mode (3), for retrieval of a list of Import Document Types, where
listfile> is the file specification of the output text file containing the list of Import Document Types. Each line in the file describes one Import Document Type, as follows:
<doctype> is the Import Document Type code (tracing date code)
<desc> is the Import Document Type description
t is a tab character
<statusfile> is the specification of the output text file containing the status of the Web Service call. If the Web Service call is successful, then the status file will be empty; otherwise, it will contain an error message.
Command-line argument = 4 / Command-line argument=”4,<listfile>,<statusfile>”
Export Document Types mode (4), for retrieval of a list of Export Document Types, where
<listfile> is the specification of the output text file containing the list of Export Document Types. Each line in the file describes one Export Document Type, as follows:
<doctype> is the Export Document Type code (tracing date code)
<desc> is the Export Document Type description
t is a tab character
<statusfile> is the specification of the output text file containing the status of the Web Service call. If the Web Service call is successful, then the status file will be empty; otherwise, it will contain an error message.

Copyright © 2008 by Kewill plc [last revision date: 08/06/08]


Copyright © 2008 Kewill plc