Meeting of the Planning and Footpaths Committee

held on Wednesday 1st November 2017 at 7 pm at the Grove.


Present: Cllrs Kennedy, Crawford, Taylor, Hardisty Makin and Bailey

1.  Apologies for Absence were received from Cllrs Warrilow and Sutherland.

2.  Disclosure Of Pecuniary And Non Pecuniary Interests: None

3.  The Minutes of Previous Meeting. It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 4th October 2017 were approved as a true record. The minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.

4.  Residents’ Points of Interest relating to planning matters. None.

5.  To receive any comments from Burscough Flood Group: None

6.  To consider Planning Applications:

Application Number: 2017/1015/FUL

Proposal: Two storey side extension to existing nursery building to create a ground floor staff room/meeting

room and first floor quiet area for the under two year olds.

Location: Munchkins Village Nursery, 31 Junction Lane, Burscough, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L40 5SN. It was resolved that the Parish Council make no objection.

Application Number: LCC/2017/0080

Proposal: County Matter - Erection of single storey office building.

Location: Ormskirk Skip Recycling, Unit 9A, Abbey Lane Industrial Estate, Abbey Lane, Burscough: It was resolved that the Parish Council make no objection.

Application Number: 2017/1042/COU

Proposal: Siting of portacabin for use as cafe/takeaway including decked area to entrance.

Location: Mouse's Kitchen, 2 Kestrel Place, Guys Industrial Estate South, Burscough, Ormskirk, Lancashire: It was resolved that the objection be made as follows:

1.  Concern was expressed regarding parking provision: In this area of the industrial estate, and at the entrance to Guys Industrial Estate, cars and commercial vehicles are often seen parked on the roadside/grass verges and can cause an obstruction.

2.  The plans show potential for 24 covers. It is likely in this location that customers may arrive by car and may include HGVs and other larger commercial vehicles. The café must provide adequate parking spaces in line with guidelines and must also take account of the parking requirements of the whole site.

3.  The lack of adequate sanitary facilities and arrangements for foul sewage disposal in this location is of concern.

Application Number: 2017/1054/FUL

Proposal: Proposed Renovation and Extension to Domestic Outbuilding for Ancillary Accommodation.

Location: Highfield, 13 Liverpool Road North, Burscough, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L40 5TN:

It was resolved that the Parish Council make no objection.

Application Number: 2017/1055/FUL

Proposal: Variation of Condition No's. 2 and 15 of planning permission 2012/0549/FUL to read: Condition 2

The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with details shown on the

following plans: - Plan references: JB/PL1/AMB rev J received 5 October 2017. LP1/AMB;

375/01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 received 16 May 2012. House type plans:

Newby, Hatfield, Rufford, Crathorne, Cherryburn, Clandon, Clevedon, Roseberry, Barrington,

Runswick & Penshaw received May 2012. 15. Full details of the car park layout including the

provision for 10% mobility standard/visitor spaces shall be in accordance with plan JB/PL1/AMB

rev J received 5 October 2017. Thereafter the parking area shall be provided in accordance with

those details and retained for the duration of the development.

Location: Former Ainscough Mill, Mill Lane, Burscough, Lancashire, L40 5UX: It was resolved that a decision be delegated to the Clerk in consultation with the Chairman of Planning Committee.

Application Number: 2017/1058/LBC

Proposal: Listed Building Consent - Replacement of existing stop planks and installation of a clay bund at

the entrance of the dry dock

Location: Junction Bridge Canal Basin And Former Dry Dock At Top Locks, Wheat Lane, Lathom: It was resolved that the Parish Council make no objection.

7.  It was resolved that Cllrs Bailey, Hardisty and Makin be nominated to attend West Lancashire Local Plan Review – meeting Tuesday 16th January 2018 at 4pm – 6pm, and that any two of the three, depending on avaialability at the time should attend.

8.  It was further resolved that the West Lancashire Local Plan should be included for discussion on the agenda for the December meeting of the Parish Council.

9.  To consider any urgent planning matters.

a.  The meeting discussed the appeal re Meadowbrook . It was resolved that a representative of the Parish Council should speak and a request should be made to WLBC as when details are advised.

b.  Appeal re Millstone Court, app/p2365/d/3187087: It was resolved that the Parish Council object to the appeal and seek to retain the original ruling that there should be no relaxation of parking standards.

10.  Date of next meeting: 6th December 2017.