Case of allergic rhinitis

31 year old female, first consulted on 5th July 2005.

Main complaint; dust allergy since 10 years. Every morning she wakes up with sneezing, running nose and throat irritation. This goes on until afternoon.

She has tried a lot of medication, including Homoeopathy without relief.

When it is unbearable she takes anti-allergens.

She is sniffing continuously as she talks.

Level 1 (Name)

Allergic rhinitis

Level 2 (Fact )


Some thin particle or pin slowly moving upwards, or moving in a circle: very, very slow movement.

A very thin particle moving slowly, slowly inside.

Lots of particles moving slowly, slowly inside.

Level 4 (Delusion)

Level 4(a): A situation that remains the same.

Level 4(b): Perceived as a burden.


She avoids the situation as she cannot do anything about it.

She sees the situation as being irremediable: this is the perceived depth.

Since she is unable to do anything about it she lives by avoiding it.

The miasm

The attitude in the case reflects the depth of the situation/sensation experienced.

This is also called the miasm.

The attitude in this case corresponds with the sycotic miasm.

What is the experience?

A heaviness.

Suddenly my body has become heavy; suddenly my body has gained some weight; some weight has been kept on my body.

With heaviness the movement of the body becomes slow and she is unable to move freely.

So heaviness is related to movement.


At local level MOVEMENT (felt in the nose.)

Situational level CHANGE, REMAINING THE SAME (felt in mind)

General level HEAVY, LIGHT (felt in whole being.)

Level 5 (Sensation)

Level 5(a): Heaviness.

Level 5(b): Heaviness and lightness

Slow movement and free movement.

Level 5(c): Avoiding the heaviness

The kingdom

The sensation in the situation is heaviness.

When we ask about heaviness, we get its opposite, viz. lightness.

All we get to see are pure sensations, ‘heaviness’ and ‘lightness’, sensations in themselves. The sensation is not inflicted by an aggressor on a victim. Nor is it associated with structure.

This indicates the plant kingdom.

Plant remedy states

You will see nothing but the sensation and its opposite.

A person needing an animal remedy might say, ‘He put a load on my back against my will, and that felt heavy and it was dragging me down.’

A ‘mineral person’ might say: I feel as if there is something heavy kept on my chest and I do not have the strength or capacity to take it.

So far…

She needs a plant remedy with the vital sensation of heaviness and lightness.

The remedy belongs to the sycotic miasm.


(Walnut family/ Bayberry family)

Remedy: Cannabis indica

Let us examine the dreams

Dreams of being in a closed place. There are only stairs, never ending stairs.

Or being in a small tunnel.

Or being under the ground.

Staying there alone and staying in the same place forever.

Alone, dark, no sunlight.

Without your loved ones, without seeing kids.

This is the unpleasant dream.

The pleasant dream

Open spaces, beautiful gardens.

Sunlight, beautiful flowers like in Heaven.

Children playing, cousins, friends, sisters.

Excitement, more charged, active.


Light, flying.

The opposite of heavy.

The family sensation

Heaviness Lightness, flying, free movement.

Shut, closed Open

Hamamelidae sensation

Closed, shut in, confined.

Pressed, compressed.

Drag down, heavy.


Expanding, enlarged,

Flying, floating

Light, free

Hamamelidae passive reaction

Dullness, dullness of the senses.

(Dullness means no drive, no enthusiasm, no ambition, no motivation.)

Heavy and dragged down.

Grounded; all movement ceases.

Lie down inclination to; rest, repose amel.

Motion aversion to.


Depressed, sadness

Hamamelidae active reaction

Desire to move; motion amel.

Desire to be in the open air; open air amel.

Fantasizing, imagination

Hamamelidae compensation

Adapted to living within a confined, limited space

Balanced (neither high nor low.)

Hamamelidae: remedies and miasms

Ringworm Fagus sylvatica

Malaria Cannabis sativa/ Myrica cerifera

Sycosis Cannabis indica

Cancer Elm

Tubercular Juglans cineria

Leprosy Castanea vesca

Syphilis Juglans regia


Activity: desire for.

Air: amel. from walking or being in open, mental symptoms.

Cares, worries: full of.

Delusions, imaginations: beautiful, wonderful.

Delusions, imaginations: deserted, forsaken.


Delusions, imaginations: enlarged: persons are.


Delusions, imaginations: heaven, is in.



Delusions, imaginations: weight, has no.

Fear: dark.

Forsaken feeling: isolation, sensation of.

Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy.

Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy: air, in open: amel.

Talk, talking, talks: desires to, to someone.

Thoughts: circles, moving in.

Thoughts: persistent.

Time: passes too slowly, appearing longer.

Chest; Oppression.

Chest; Oppression: air, in open: amel

Dr. Sankaran’s proving

Many dreams of being in spiral staircases or mazes.

Interesting facts


These plants originated in the Hindu-kush areas of Central Asia, where the weather is changeable and growing conditions can be harsh. Hardy plants, they mature early and are characterized by broad, short leaves and heavy, tight flowers. Cannabis indica varieties are ideal for indoor and outdoor cultivation in cooler climates.

The best variety is that grown in India at an elevation of 6,000 to 10, 000 feet.

Cannabis is a rank, weedy annual that is extremely variable and may attain a height of 18 feet.

Cannabis indica is a great plant to grow indoors as well as outdoors due to its low lighting requirements and tight internode spacing.

It has heavy buds with a lot of resin.


Situation is perceived to a depth that makes it appear permanent

It is fixed but not destructive

A fixed, irremediable, weakness within him, but it is benign.

He can live with it.


Irremediable, so accept it.

As long it can be covered up I am okay.

Avoidance hiding, cover up

Limited in his attitude. Restricted, fixed attitude. Interacts with few people as he has a weakness within him that needs to be hidden.

Attitude of a middle aged person as opposed to a younger person (Psora: struggle)

Key words


Cover up




Fixed weakness








 Natrum sulph.

Lac can


Case of Medorrhinum

Male patient in late 20s

Main complaint: chronic backache in LS spine.

My biggest weakness is fear.

This fear is stopping me from going ahead.

I have lost many opportunities because of this fear.

Would have been in a different place if not for this fear.

Got HR position in company

How will I handle it?

All confidential. If information leaks I will get caught

Think way ahead

Wrong decisions in fear

Once the tension comes it does not go; it stays.

Cannot stand straight; some action or the other.

Cannot understand what the opposite person is saying.

Will shake feet.

Restless hands.Before results, if boss calls, arguments

Do I have the knowledge?

Fear as to what people will think of me

So I avoid many things, which I should not do

I accept things

This is my biggest weakness that does not let me move ahead

I want to be like my friend; no matter what his fault is he will go ahead

Keep moving my ears

Keep doing some action.

I like listening to my praise

I am something

I can do it

I always like to plan

I do it.

Confidence level increases.


No movement


What I had to do I did

Now over

Absolutely cool


Not moving ahead, nor going back

Stopped at one place

Sitting at one place

Not going ahead, not looking back

Why am I not moving ahead?

Also where was I and where I have reached? Now where I have to go?

Planning, solutions to go ahead

I think but I am not able to because of fear

What is the miasm?

The miasm is the depth and degree of desperation to which the delusion is perceived.

Corresponding to this inner depth is an attitude that is outwardly evident.

Through this attitude is reflected the inner depth and desperation.

The deeper the miasm the more the desperation.

Sometimes the acute miasm seems to resemble the syphilitic: the acuteness maybe confused with desperation of syphilis (both can end in destruction).

The miasm is a measure of how much or

how intensely or

how acutely or chronically or

how deeply and desperately

the delusion is perceived.


Examples of the much larger miasm in a specific, characteristic way.

Often limited by provings.

The acute miasm

Temporary but sudden, dangerous and life threatening.

A lot of hope of recovery, but at the same time there is danger to one’s life.

Attitude is one of panic, an instinctive fight or flight response (Running for safety or even an instinctive violent response)

Clinging, child-like reaction, helplessness.

Key words
















Veratrum alb



Lithium carb


More depth than acute.

Situation becomes permanent.

Stress about the situation and he doubts his ability to overcome it.

However the depth is not enough to cause desperation.

In fact there is a lot of hope.

It is a stressful, difficult situation but he is hopeful of overcoming it, and he experiences a mixture of self doubt and hope.

Psora attitude

Making effort, struggling and overcoming the situation.

Permanent struggle with self doubt but also a lot of hope of success.

Key words












Calcarea carb

Cuprum metallicum

Typhoid miasm

In between acute and psora

Situation is seen as sudden, temporary but life threatening

But it requires more than just an instinctive response. It also requires struggle

The situation is perceived as being critical: this is the depth.

Typhoid attitude

Concentrated effort lasting a short duration

Once the crisis is over I can rest (Recover)

(Home desires to go: Bry, Rhus t.)

Sometimes the effort ends in collapse or exhaustion

Delusions, bed is sinking (Bry, Rhus t.)

Key words










Case example

The pain is so much that my work is affected.

I just want to finish my work and just sit down fast!

I feel shaky, like all the energy has been taken out of my legs and I won’t be able to stand for a moment longer.

In my daily chores I get irritated.

The bag is so heavy for me and pushing it hard is an effort.

The workload is too much for me.

When will it get over and I can sleep?

My mother’s death came as a terrible blow.

We were not prepared for it. It took time to register, was difficult to believe.

I could not do without her. It was like getting lost.

It is like when you do not have anyone of your own, no one to turn to.

It is like your chest is being pressed from all sides.

Crying would relieve.

It was difficult to breathe.

Want to get rid of it fast.


Nux vom


Rhus tox


Acid phos


Between acute and sycosis

The situation is fixed, stuck and permanent, and from time to time one is acutely attacked by it giving rise to feelings of persecution and being hindered.

Malaria attitude

Acceptance with a feeling that he is unfortunate, persecuted and hindered.

Acceptance with complaining that he is unfortunate and persecuted.


Hope but no effort.

He is unfortunate and stuck so he doesn’t make an effort but fantasizes.

Sometimes in the acute phases an instinctive response may be seen

Key words










Case example

Sexual thoughts.

I ask God, ‘Why am I being targeted’?

It is like everyone has got together and said let’s hit him only.

Work situation

I am not a slave.

These people are there to harass you, trouble you, overload you with work.

No one wants you to grow further. Stay where you are.

It is like there is one ton of material kept on your head.

You cannot take it, but you are still taking it.

You have no option.

You have to concentrate on balancing it. You have to concentrate immensely.

You cannot switch off or go into your own world.

You are restricted, tied up

You are not being allowed to think in any other direction.

You have more caliber than this.

You have better ideas, better thoughts, better solutions.

Many ideas. It makes me feel innovative.

Gives a thrill.

It is something that was there in my dreams and I did it.

50% of the time rejected.

Maybe someone else will like it. It is doable. Someone else will come up with that idea in the future




Nat mur




Antim crud

Lac def


In between psora and sycosis

The situation is seen as something that is fixed and permanent, yet not completely irremediable.

Ringworm attitude

Hope and struggle alternating with acceptance.

A lot of hope, but more doubt than psora, coming from the feeling of an inner weakness as in sycosis.

Key words




 Giving up




Calc sul

Calc sil

 Ringworm

 Mag sul

Case example

Hair fall

It is something new to me.

I do not know what the reason is.

I am not able to find out.

I am not able to understand.

Irritating. Frustrating.

When will it get over?

I am blank, blocked.

It is irritating, frustrating.

You want to avoid, escape

Solve it and get out.


The situation here is seen as very deep.

The depth is so much that it is permanent, destructive, to the point of being fatal.

There is no hope of recovery.

Syphilis attitude


Do or die ! Last ditch effort!

Completely, or radically change the situation or you are finished! All or none.

Violence: suicide or homicide.

Hopelessness. Despair. Giving up. Nothing can be done to change it.

Key words









Being in quicksand, a lot of muck.

I could not get out of it.

Tightened around my body and the waist.

I just couldn’t move.

Really stuck. It would break my bones.

I am not going to get out of it bcos the hold was very firm

That thing was holding me very bad.

It had weakened me with the pain.

So bad that I definitely knew that I could not get out of it.

I would never move


Merc sol.

Aurum met.




Lac leon.

Cancer miasm

This miasm lies between the fixity of sycosis and the destruction of syphilis.

The situation as seen as something fixed that is becoming chaotic, out of control and destructive.

The person has limited abilities to bring the situation under control.

There is little hope, not complete hopelessness.

Cancer attitude

The only way the situation can be brought under control is by stretching oneself far beyond one’s own abilities, making a superhuman effort. If this is done then with a lot of difficult the chaos can be controlled.

There is little hope, not complete hopelessness.

Cancer key words







Beyond one’s limitations

Tubercular miasm

Also between the sycotic and syphilitic miasms. The situation is experienced to a greater depth than in cancer.

The depth here is oppressive, almost to the point of destruction.

The situation can also be seen as being suffocating, one that is trapping or narrowing in on him.

Tubercular attitude

The attitude here is one of hectic activity to break free from the oppression.

Hectic activity can also be seen as a need for constant and complete change.

Sometimes the person may seen burnt out from this hectic pace.

There is very little hope and destruction seems imminent.

Tubercular key words






Narrowing in

Break free



Get out!


Tuberculinum (Bacillinum)




Calcarea phos.

Leprosy miasm

Very close to syphilis: almost the same amount of destruction, almost the same degree of desperation and hopelessness.

Between tubercular and syphilis.

The situation is perceived as oppressive and destructive.

Leprosy attitude

Tearing, biting, desperate, violent, destructive, despair.

This miasm is also characterized by its degree of isolation.

Leprosy isolation

The isolation is so great that the person is shunned, abandoned and forsaken by everyone, especially his near and dear ones. It is as if he is an outcaste.

He feels unfortunate and cursed.

There are feelings of disgust for oneself, feeling dirty, self contempt, self loathing.

Sometimes these feelings may be reflected in the person’s attitude of cursing, contempt and disgust for others.

Leprosy Key words

















Hunted down




Case example


I feel terrible, ugly.

All my life I have been trying to cure this

Like I have psoriasis or leprosy.

Being less than

I feel inadequate

I went into my shell, sat at home.

It was isolating.

You are alone, cut off from, an island unto yourself.

You are not part of something larger.

Marooned, away from the mainland.

Someone has just left you there.

You feel disequilibrium.

You want to abuse.

You are suspended, like free falling.

Things are going at a very fast pace and you have no control