Poems dealing with the Art of Poetry


The Stage and the Mirrors tr. Samuel Hazo

Oscar Acosta

El libro de poemas

The Book of Poemstr. Harry Haskell

Yves Bonnefoy

Art Poétique

The Art of Poetrytr. Susanna Lang

Art of Poetrytr. Galway Kinnell

Alain Bosquet

Verbe Voyou

Hooligan Verbtr.Elisabeth Malaquais

Méfait du Verbe

The Word's Misdeedtr.Wallace Fowlie

Le Fragment

The Fragmenttr. Wallace Fowlie

La terre écrit la terre

Earth Writes the Earth tr. Wallace Fowlie

Paul Celan


BelowJoachim Neugroschel

Angel Gonzalez


Poeticstr. Bary Brower


Counterordertr. Gary Browers


Order tr. Gary Brower

Vicente Huidobro

Arte Poética

Ars Poeticatr. David Guss (editor?)

Spanish Poetry tr.Muriel Kittel

Manifesto Perhapstr.David M. Guss (editor?)

La Poesia es un atentado celeste

Poetry is a Heavenly Crime

Galway Kinnell

The Poem

Günter Kunert

Eine Poetik

Denise Levertov

Art (After Gautier)

Archibald MacLeish

Ars Poetica

W.S. Merwin

The Cold Before the Moonrise

Sally McNall


Marianne Moore


Gajanan Madhav Muktibodh

At Every Steptr. Arvind Krishna Mehrotra

Pablo Neruda

Arte Poética

Arts Poetica tr. Donald Walsh

The Art of Poetry tr. Robert BLy

Ars Poeticatr. Nathaniel Tarn

Ars Poetica tr. Ben Belitt

El Poeta

The Poettr. Nathaniel Tarn

La Poesía

Poetrytr. Alasteir Reid

Charles Ekwusiaga Nnolim

Poetry Is Not

Kole Omotoso

Poem, Poet, Poetry

José Emilio Pacheco

Critique of Poetry tr. Alastair Reid

Dissertation on Poetic Propriety tr. Alastair Reid

Dichterliebe tr. Alastair Reid

The Crickets (Defense and Illustration of Poetry)

tr. Alastair Reid

Octavio Paz

Toward the Poemtr. Muriel Rukeyser (Indiana Univ)


In the Middle of this Phrase trs. Eliot Weinberger,

Elizabeth Bishop, Mark Strand

Homage to Claudius Ptolemy trs. Eliot Weinberger, Elizabeth Bishop, and Mark Strand

Writingtr. Muriel Rukeyser

Sylvia Plath


Vasco Popa

Poetry Reading for the Gastarbeiter tr.Danny Weissbort et al.

Miguel Flores Ramirez

Ars Poeticatr. Linda Scheer

Brevity Gaspstr. Linda Scheer

Yannis Ritsos

The Meaning of Art trs. Kimon Friar & K.Myrsiades

Extinction trs. Kimon Friar & K. Myrsiades

Theretrs. Kimon Friar & K. Myrsiades

"The insane and the invalids increase" tr.Minas Savvas

A Farmertr. Minas Savvas

Necessary Explanation tr. Rae Dalven

Public Speech trs. Kimon Friar & Kostas Myrsiades


Tadeusz Rozewicz

My Poetrytrs. Krystyna Kaminska, Janusz Maliszewski, Eta Perepeczka

They Shed the Loadtr. Adam Czerniawski

Proofstr. Adam Czerniawski

In the Theater of Shadestr.Adam Czerniawski

Knowledgetr. Adam Czerniawski

Upon the Departure of a Poet and a Passenger Train

tr. Adam Czerniawski

I was Writing tr. Adam Czerniawski

May Sarton

Journey Toward Poetry

Italian Garden

George Seferis

Haikutr. Rex Warner

Wallace Stevens

Of Modern Poetry

Paul Verlaine

The Art of Poetrytr.Muriel Kittel