Please label the starred items(*) with your child’s name. Please no substitutions of brand names. Through the years we have found these brand names work the best for the children. No backpacks with roller/wheels.
*Backpack (large enough to hold a notebook)2 Crayola crayons 24 count4 glue sticks
*2 folders (three prong, 2-pocket, solid color)1 packagemarkers1 Box of facial tissues
*1-5 ounce container of Play-DohWhite school glue (do not buy “no-run” glue)
*1 pencil work box2 large pencils with erasers1 package of small pencils
*1 small beach towel or small blanket for resting1 Pair Fiskar scissors1 large box of facial tissue
2 Crayola 24 count small crayons1 box markers (basic colors)1 setwater color paints 8 count only
*6 Glue Sticks*Back pack (No Wheels)*Plastic folder w/brads (no Paper folders)
1 quart size Zip-lock baggies 2- 4oz Elmer’s glue (don’t buy no-run glue) 1 container Clorox Wipes
2 box Crayola 8 ct large crayons (no fluorescent and no washables)
*1 set of clothes to keep at school in top of locker: shirt, pants, underwear, socks (put in gallon zip lock bag w/child’s name)
10 #2 Pencils1 pink pearl eraser2 medium bottle of Elmer’s glue
2 box of small Crayola crayons (8basic colors)2 boxes of 24 small Crayola crayons1 school box (approximately 8 ½ x 5 ½)
1 box Crayola water color paints2 boxes of facial tissue1 box of 8 Crayola washable markers
1 pocket folder (plastic w/brads)1 container of Clorox wipes
1 resting mat (we recommend the red and blue vinyl mats that fold into fourths)
1 plastic folders w/2 pockets & brads1 package #2 pencils (10)1 package pencil top erasers
4 boxes of 24 count Crayola crayons20 glue sticks 1 pair of Fiskar scissors
2 boxes of Kleenex1 watercolor paint set (16 colors Crayola) 1 plastic school box (small 4X8)
2 packages broad tip Crayola magic markers (basic colors) 2 containers of Clorox Wipes1 box gal size Ziplock Slider Bags
1 box quart size Ziplock Slider Bags1 bottle of Elmer’s Glue1 – 3 ring binder – zipper pouch
1 packageof pencil top erasers1 large packages of #2 pencils4 boxes of Crayola brand crayons
2 boxes of Kleenex tissues2 bottles of glue1 plastic working box (small 4x8)
1 pair ofFiskarscissors10 Glue Sticks
1 container of Clorox wipes3 plastic 2-pocket folders w/brads (plastic is more durable)
*There is no need to label, because we all share supplies.
2 packages of notebook paper (wide line)*1 3-ring binder-1”*4 pocket folders – with holes
4-6 dozen #2 pencils (more may be needed) 2 boxes of Kleenex tissues *2 large spiral notebook (200 pages)
*1 pair of scissors*1 package of highlighters (assorted colors) 1 bottle of Elmer’s Glue
*2 boxes of crayons*1 pencil sharpener (with case to catch shavings) 1 container of Clorox Wipes
*1 package pencil top erasers1 pkg. expo dry erase markers Boys: quart size Ziplock Baggies Girls: gallon size Ziplock Baggies
1 composition book2 pocket plasticvinyl folders no brads2 pkg. loose leaf notebook paper
4 red grading pens24 #2 wooden pencils1 handheld pencil sharpener
1 bottle of white glue or glue stick1 box of colored pencils1 pkg pencil top erasers
2 large boxes of tissues1 -3 holed zipper pencil pouch1 pair of scissors
1 box crayons 1- 3 ring binder 2 inch1 container of Clorox wipes
1 box of quart size Ziploc Zipper Bags1 highlighter1 expo markers - colored ______
1- 3ring notebook binder 1 box crayons1 pair of scissors
2 boxes of Kleenex1 package ofnotebook paper (wide line)4 packages - #2 pencils (no mechanical)
2 bottles of Elmer’s glue 1 – 3 ring zipper pencil bag1 package of colored pencils
1 packageof red grading pens1 container of Clorox wipes2 heavy plastic folders with 3 holes
2 – 1 subject notebook/spiral1 package pencil top erasers