Year 12 Senior Drama
Dramatic Form and Style: Theatre of the Absurd
Instrument No.:11
Name: / Date Distributed:
Teacher: / Draft Due:
Dimension Assessed: PRESENTING / Assessment technique and instrument: Performance, stage acting (published playscript) / Final Due:
To entertain, to educate / Context
Historical, cultural, sociological / Text
Published playscript
- interpret purposes, contexts and texts to communicate dramatic meaning through performance
- manipulate elements of drama through conventions of forms and styles to realise style in performance
- demonstrate skills of drama to communicate dramatic action and meaning for audiences.
Throughout this term, you have been exploring the theories behind Absurdist Theatre, Existentialism, and the meanings behind life, existence and its distorted view. In groups of 2-4, you will select and choose a scene from an Absurdist playand rehearse, polish and present to an audience.
You must successfully demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the Absurdist conventions as well as the Elements of Drama by creating and communicating intended dramatic meaning and action to an audience. You must carefully choose dramatic languages which will determine an understanding and function of drama.
Student Assessment Requirements:
- Playscript with students role highlighted is to be surrendered on day of assessment
- Audiovisual recording of the performance
- All props and costumes must be provided by students
- All lines must be memorised
Dramatic Languages
Elements of Drama
- Character
- Role
- Relationship
- Language
- Place
- Tension
- Dramatic focus
- Mood
- Symbol
- Acting (movement, voice)
- Applying stagecraft
- Working as an ensemble
•Gaps and silences
•Gestures: inventive, fluid, disciplined
•Movement: realistic and non-realistic, ritualistic,circus, commedia
•Language: part of theatrical spectacle, often illogical, often stereotyped and clichéd.
- at least two weeks preparation time in and outside of class time.
- Teacher consultation and rehearsal permitted during preparation time.
- 3-5 mins per person.
The student work has the following characteristics:
- interpretation of purposes, contexts and texts to communicate dramatic meaning through performance
- manipulation of elements of drama through conventions of forms and styles to realise style in performance
- demonstration of skills of drama to communicate dramatic action and meaning for audiences.
Criteria / A / B / C / D / E
See task sheet
/ The student work has the following characteristics:
- insightful interpretation of purposes, contexts and texts to skillfully and sensitively communicate dramatic meaning through performance
- perceptive manipulation of elements of drama through conventions of forms and styles to skillfully realise style in performance
- insightful and polished demonstration of skills of drama to communicate convincing and engaging dramatic action and meaning for audiences.
- effective interpretation of purposes, contexts and texts to clearly communicate dramatic meaning through performance.
- effective manipulation of elements of drama through conventions of forms and styles to clearly realise style in performance.
- effective and well-rehearsed demonstration of skills of drama to communicate engaging dramatic action and meaning for audiences.
- interpretation of purposes, contexts and texts to communicate dramatic
- manipulation of elements of drama through conventions of forms and styles to realise style in performance
- demonstration of skills of drama to communicate dramatic action and meaning for audiences.
- basic interpretation of purposes and texts to partially communicate dramatic meaning through performance
- use of elements of drama through conventions to demonstrate aspects of style in performance.
- demonstration of basic skills of drama to partially communicate dramatic action and meaning for audiences.
- use of texts to communicate a partial performance
- superficial use of elements of drama in performance.
- demonstration of aspects of skills of drama to partially communicate dramatic action.
Teachers Comment:
Teacher's Signature: Date:
Task 11 – Presenting a publishedplayscript– Presenting / Individual