Premiere Intro rev 11/24/2015

Let’s see how some of these terms can be applied

Getting Started

·  Create folder:


We will store our movie assets (music, still images,…) inside the Projects folder


Premiere is a Non-Linear Editing (NLE) program video editing application

·  Can go directly to a particular (remember SMTPE) spot…don’t need to linearly navigate (using VCR-like controls) to the spot

·  The videos we make are built around a timeline…aka a sequence, show this asset ( a picture, a video clip,…) for x seconds, then this asset for y seconds, etc., then add music to play for z seconds, and play this song while this picture displays, etc. remember SMTME

Download some assets

·  Right-click the Video Assets link ( on our Web site, and save, then unzip, the file into your InClassPremiere>Projects folder. It contains: two music clips, several cat jpg pictures (what else!) , and a short avi file shot with my old video tape camera.

Premiere Basics

·  Start Premiere Pro

·  Choose New Project

·  Or File>New Project

A New Project window opens

·  For Location, browse to your InClass>PremiereProjects folder

·  Enter a project Name: Cats Movie

·  Click OK

Workspace opens

·  Choose File>New Sequence

·  A sequence may also be called a timeline

·  A window opens… a collection of presets, or templates; the default one is highlighted

·  Choose DV-NTSC Standard 48KHz

·  Name the Sequence Cats Timeline

Why 29.97 and not 30? Has to do with first adapting black and white video for color when it first came out, and we’ve been stuck with it ever since.

·  We will use DV-NTSC>Standard 48KHz (see above)

Note: DV is a codec: Compressor/Decompressor,

More Notes:

·  NTSC…defaults to Standard Definition

·  Audio: 48,000 samples/second ; CD quality

·  Frame Rate: 30 fps (29.97)

·  Frame Size: 720 x 480

·  Click OK

Workspace: Looks intimidating, three main windows Project, Source and Program , plus a small toolbox


·  Project Window

Where you store all your imported assets;

·  Second window is where we do most of our editing

·  Third window is where you preview your window


·  Let’s import our assets

·  Use File>Import and select the assets

Note: There is a Media Browser tab that makes importing easy...we don’t use it here, but if you do so Right click on the folder containing the assets and choose Import and specify which folder has the assets

You can also import using File>Import and selecting the assets you want)

·  I used: click the first asset, shift-click the last item, unselected the Premiere-created asset

Lists or Icons

·  You can show the Projects files as a list or as icons( If you don’t see the Project window, choose Window >Project)

·  Click List view button to show asset names, instead of icons

See the colors? Pink indicates an image, blue a video clip,

Green for audio files

·  Close Media browser, if it’s open

Note: Folders are called bins

·  Switch to icon view

·  Switch back to list view:

·  Click the pic1.avi movie clip

·  Click Info tab:

·  Notice the frame size: 720 x 480

·  Frame rate essentially 24 fps

·  Captured sound was 32 kHz…aka. 32 k Hertz, 32,000 samples per second. DV NTSC wants 48,000

Exploring the Timeline

·  Drag the pic1.avi video clip to the timeline, on the V1 track

·  If you don’t see a timeline, drag pic1.avi to the timeline area.

·  Choose + and – (actually “=” and “-“ ) to zoom in or out

·  Another way to zoom:

To reveal:

There was also an audio track (See A1 above) on the tape, but it was actually silent…I didn’t capture the sound, but space was allocated for it on the tape

·  You can delete the audio: Alt click it

·  Press Del

Note: The most recent version of Premiere (cc 2015) seems to permit you to just click the audio and then Del

Deleting part of a timeline: Option 2

Originally, we added pic.avi to V1, , we saw the audio went to the A1 track. The video and audio were linked. (We can use alt-click to delete the audio).Another way would have been:

·  Clip>Unlink

·  Then select A1 and press del

Still Images Size Problem

What is the frame size we are using?

Here is info on Coco bed…

Will become a problem…The complete picture won’t fit in frame

·  Drag the picture to the timeline after the pic1 video.

·  What was the duration of the Coco picture? We’ll modify that later

·  Next, add Rocco Tree Calendar

·  Drag Cat Scratch Fever (an mp3 file)

to the beginning of A1 track…

·  Notice how long the song plays

Let’s fix those problems: Frame size and still duration


(1) Delete the silent part of the video clip---done

(2) trim the end portion of the audio clip using the razor blade and Selection tools,

(3) Resize the jpg pictures

Trimming on timeline

Now, to trim the Cat Scratch track (delete excess music), find the Razor Tool:

·  Position the razor blade tool where you want the music to end (say 24 second mark(00:00:24:00) (Use the playhead)

·  and click

Your music is now in two pieces

o  Select the right portion using selection tool

o  Delete the selection

Use the bar on A1 and pull-down to enlarge the track to show the wave form:

The Volume Indicator:

Click and drag down:

·  Select the yellow line and decrease the level “a bit” by dragging the yellow line down

Playing the current video

Click Home key to go to 00:00:00:00

·  To play: Space bar or Enter key, or press Play in Program window

·  Plays in Program window

o  Space Bar again to stop

·  Also, can use the gold play head above the timeline

·  Audio (music) plays after movie clip and the still picture end

·  We just saw how to fade

A Bit more about the interface

Note the first two windows…

·  Left one for editing video and audio clips ( aka.Source window)

·  Right one shows playback movie (aka.Program window)

Safe Areas

·  Move the playhead so it’s over one of the cat images, select the clip by clicking it. Note the white border:

·  Right-click the Program window, choose Safe-Margins

·  The safe outer rectangle area (inside the outer rectangle) is where the significant action takes place. This is what will show when we create the actual movie

·  The safe title area (inside rectangle) is where you should place text titles

Open your project, if necessary

The jpeg images you added to the timeline are a lot bigger than 720 x 480

·  Select coco clip

Can see the actual size if you click it in Project window and click Info tab (1280 x 1002 pixels)

·  Resize by selecting the clip on the timeline, right clicking, and choosing Set to Frame Size


·  Add another image to the timeline

Duration of images

We can change the duration of last clip by dragging its right edge to the right. Do it so it ends when the music ends

Note the new cursor:


·  File>Save as Cats MovieV2.prproj

·  Close and Exit


Video: Page 1