May 22, 2002
May 20, 2002
10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Pacific Gas & Electric Company
245 Market Street, Room 636, San Francisco
Host: Valerie Richardson
10:00 – 10:30Opening, including agenda review and announcements on latest study developments that CALMAC needs to know about
10:15 – 12:00Review and interpretation of key features of MA&E issues in Decision 02-05-046
12:00 - 12:45Lunch Break
12:45 - 2:45Develop plans for meeting D.02-05-046 requirements
RFP Template for June 17 filing?
Review and discussion of first-draft scopes of work for CPUC-required studies
2:45 - 3:00Remaining Issues, Wrap-up, Next Meeting
SCE: Marian Brown, Chair
PG&E: Marylou Sutton, Kenneth James, Chris Ann Dickerson, Rafael Friedmann
SDG&E/SoCalGas: Athena Besa
Energy Division: Eli Kollman, Jay Luboff
ORA: Don Smith, Pete Skala
CEC: Mike Messenger, Sylvia Bender (by telephone)
NRDC: Noah Horowitz
Study Announcements
The Nexant study of the California Energy Commission’s AB 970 programs is now complete. It will be e-mailed to CALMAC members. It included measurement and verification of energy and peak demand savings plus process evaluations. Julia Curtis was the project manager. It will be a significant input for CALMAC’s statewide summary study.
The CEC has hired Xenergy to assess the baseline methodologies of all the demand reduction programs. Mike Messenger hopes that this will provide a first step in the direction of developing a national standard.
MA&E Issues from Decision 02-05-046
Regarding the stated preference for ex post measurement: There is not enough budget to do 100% ex post measurement for all programs.
- Mike suggests developing criteria for deciding when an ex post evaluation is necessary. Examples: new technologies, new applications, previous ex post evaluation is over 8 years old.
- Alternatively, allow for judgment rather than establishing mechanical rules, but justify when one sticks with ex ante estimates.
- Jay and Eli point out that having estimates of demand and energy savings by time period--on and off peak & shoulder, winter and summer—is now more important than it used to be. Could be made part of EM&V output requirements. OR could agree in CALMAC to use PG&E’s H-factors. Does these handle weather zone differences. Need to identify any problems with this. Could have EM&V framework consultant and/or Deemed Savings consultant address this issue. For new technologies, evaluation should at least differentiate peak and non-peak energy use.
- There is uncertainty about the nature of any process for reviewing and approving local program EM&V plans.
- Will anyone review the completed EM&V studies? It was recommended that this be placed in the EM&V Master Contract for coordination of studies.
Website Update
- The CALMAC website is getting 1900 hits a day, with 250 unique user Ids. The website is referenced by the CEE and ACEEE websites.
- PG&E has been notifying AESP and CEE e-mail lists of the availability of their newly released studies on the CALMAC website, for the last few studies.
- CEC will do a tabletop display of the CALMAC website at the ACEEE Summer Study in August.
- Conceio is now putting the new website pages together. The new materials will be presented to the website committee in June, and then Conceio will revise and finalize the Phase 1 changes to the website.
- Phase 2 is upgrading the search tool, currently scheduled for July and August. The new website will have links to other websites, such as those of CEC, CEE, ACEEE, and the utilities.
- Mike suggests that the CALMAC website could include any study of a California PGC-funded or tax-funded EE program.
Discussion of Specific CPUC-Mandated MA&E Projects
Best Practices Database
PG&E has circulated a proposal that they want Energy Division and other feedback on. The 1999 Mowris report is one starting point, but it was focused on market transformation effects. Primary intended audience is practitioners. Goal is for a program planner to be able to use the database as a guide for developing programs. So it should look beyond the whole program to processes within a program. Multiple criteria might be used to identify best practices, such as levelized cost, market transformation, inclusion of hard-to-reach customers.
EM&V Master Contract
The outline of the planned coordination contract is to coordinate all study plans, review all plans, summarize the quarterly reports on EM&V progress, develop a process for reviewing reports, and prepare an overall summary of the 2002 evaluations.
The scope of the EM&V Master contracts activity is unclear, since D.01-11-066 mentioned 4 areas of activity, but D.02-05-046 dropped mention of cost-effectiveness analysis and of outreach and forums, describing only the coordination/consolidation work and the development of a next-generation evaluation framework. A broad definition of the evaluation framework would include cost effectiveness analysis methods.
Saturation/Potential Project
The current project work, dating from 2001, is using the DSM Assist model. It has updated industrial gas and electric saturations, will soon be completing the commercial electric saturations and potential. Next will residential gas and electric and commercial gas. Scenario analysis includes 4 levels of PGC funds and different forecasts of rates.
Notes submitted by
Marian Brown,Chair