Village of Wellsburg
3663 Sixth Street
Wellsburg, NY 14894
Voice (607)271-9129
Fax (607)271-9182
December 8th, 2014
Village of Wellsburg Monthly Meeting Minutes
Officials Present: Mayor Malcolm Coles, Trustee Glenn Hurd Jr., , Clerk-Treasurer Nancy Craig, Fire Department - Commissioner Andrew Coles, Assistant Chief Thomas Benedict, President Matthew Holmes
Public Present: Richard Casselberry
Trustee Hurd makes the motion to approve the meeting minutes from November 10th, 2014.
Mayor Coles seconds the motion.Favor 2 Opposed 0.Motion is carried.
Fire Department Report –Commissioner Coles asks the board why there has been a delay in fixing the men’s bathroom at the fire department. Trustee Hurd states that Barnes Plumbing and Heating is waiting on a part to fix the heater on the trooper’s side of the truck room and would like to wait to fix the bathroom and the heater on the same day. Commissioner Coles states that they would rather have the bathroom ASAP as opposed to waiting for a part for the heater. Trustee Hurd states that he will call Barnes Plumbing and Heating tomorrow and inform them that the bathroom should be fixed immediately.
Commissioner Coles asks the board if they plan on doing any major renovations at the fire department. The board states that they are not doing any major renovations at this time due to possibly moving the fire department. The member’s room is currently being painted to make the interior more presentable. Trustee Hurd had been allocated $1000. tomake the interior more presentable so all purchases should go through him.
Two new members have been elected by the membership. They are AnnaBogdan and Barry Keller.
No MS4 Report.
Court Report – Court report read.
CEO Report read.
Trustee Hurd makes the motion to approve the payroll for November totaling $1734.84.
Mayor Coles seconds the motion. Favor 2 Opposed 0. Motion carried.
Trustee Hurd makes the motion to approve the payroll transfer for November totaling $1867.55.
Mayor Colesseconds the motion. Favor 2 Opposed 0. Motion carried.
Trustee Hurd makes the motion to approve November 2014 claim #s 2028-2039totaling $16,902.27.
Mayor Coles seconds the motion. Favor 2 Opposed 0. Motion carried.
Trustee Hurd makes the motion to close the Village Office December 29th and 30th so that the Town of Ashland clerk can prepare her taxes uninterrupted.
Mayor Coles seconds the motion.
Favor 2 Opposed 0. Motion was carried.
Trustee Hurd makes the motion to allow the village clerk to purchase Avast Anti-Virus for both village computers at the cost of $20 per machine annually.
Mayor Coles seconds the motion.
Favor 3 Opposed 0. Motion was carried.
Trustee Hurd asks Mayor Coles if the village has heard anything from NYSDOT regarding the maintenance permit to remove gravel from Bentley Creek. Mayor Coles states that he has not heard anything and will call Senator O’Mara’s office in the morning.
Matthew Holmes states that he is still having problems with run off from the road draining into his yard and eventually his basement. Mayor Coles will speak with the highway superintendent about it.
Mayor Coles makes the motion to close the General Meeting at 7:32pm.
Trustee Hurd seconds the motion.
Favor 2 Opposed 0. Motion was carried.
Water Meeting
Mayor Coles makes the motion to open the Water Meeting at 7:32pm
Trustee Hurd seconds the motion
Favor 2 Opposed 0. Motion was carried.
Water Report read.
Trustee Hurd makes the motion to approve payroll for November totaling $1761.42
Mayor Coles seconds the motion.
Favor 2 Opposed 0. Motion was carried.
Trustee Hurd makes the motion to approve the payroll transfer for November totaling $2390.77
Mayor Coles seconds the motion.
Favor 2 Opposed 0. Motion was carried.
Trustee Hurd makes the motion to approve November 2014 claims #2040-2044 totaling $2390.77
Mayor Coles seconds the motion.
Favor 2 Opposed 0. Motion was carried.
Trustee Hurd makes the motion to approve the shut-off list. Last day to pay is January 5th, 2015 and shut-offs are January 6th.
Mayor Coles seconds the motion.
Favor 2 Opposed 0. Motion was carried.
Trustee Hurd makes the motion to allow the clerk to purchase 20 padlocks for water meters.
Mayor Coles seconds the motion.
Favor 2 Opposed 0. Motion was carried.
Trustee Hurd makes the motion to send shut off notices to property owners as well as tenants. The notice should state that if bill is unpaid the owner is responsible.
Mayor Coles seconds the motion.
Favor 2 Opposed 0. Motion was carried.
Mayor Coles makes the motion to allow Trustee Hurd to purchase 6 D and 1 9Volt batteries for the leak detector.
Trustee Hurd seconds the motion.
Favor 2 Opposed 0. Motion was carried.
Mayor Coles makes the motion to close the Water Meeting at 7:45pm.
Trustee Hurd seconds the motion.
Favor 2 Opposed 0. Motion was carried.
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