Sociology Syllabus 2016-2017
Ms. ClarksonP.A.T. Time: 3rd& 7th
Room 20
Course Description:
Sociology is the study of human society. It focuses on human relationships between people and examines how behavior is affected by culture and social context. This course will provide an introduction to key sociological perspectives, concepts, and terminology. It will focus primarily on American society and investigate issues and topics that are relevant for understanding the system of relationships that are central to life in America. First semester topics will include the American culture and values, bullying and school violence, social class and poverty, and America’s War on Drugs.
Power Standards:
- Social Commentary: I can develop a thesis fairly by utilizing persuasive techniques and supplying appropriate evidence.
- Data Analysis: I can draw meaningful conclusions (synthesis) from demographic data.
- Informed Discussion: I can assess and appropriately respond to different points of view and contribute insightful dialogue on a particular issue.
Grades will be based solely on students’ performance on assessments (100%). The average of all assessments will be calculated to determine the final semester grade. All assessments will be directly linked to the power standards that have been established for the course. All grades will be converted to these percentages and posted on TAC:
- 90 - 100% = A (Mastery)
- 80 - 89% = B (Proficient)
- 70 - 79% = C (Approaching Proficient)
- 60 - 69% = D (Progressing toward Proficiency)
- below 60% = INC or F (Not Proficient)
Description of Assessments:
- Social Commentaries – (30%)
Students will design three Social Commentaries during the course of the semester. At least 2 of these will be written essays. One social commentary may be in a “non-traditional” format such as a piece of art, a poem, or a song. Additional resources will be provided to give students precise guidelines for these social commentaries. Together, the social commentaries will account for 30% of the semester grade.
- Data Analysis – (30%)
Students will be required to analyze a variety of visual sources (such as graphs, tables, diagrams, etc…) that provide demographic information. Students will need to recognize demographic trends and interpret meaningful conclusions from the data. These assessments will account for 20% of the semester grade.
- Informed Discussion - (30%):
Discussions (Socratic Circles) will be used to assess students’ ability to thoughtfully examine complex issues and communicate their thoughts effectively. These discussions allow students a forum to engage in rich discussion in a structured setting. Clear criteria for successful participation will be provided to all students. Students will participate in three Socratic Circles, and their two highest scores will account for 20% of the semester grade.
- Final Exam (10%):
Retakes on Assessments
- Social Commentaries and Data Analysis: Although there will not be “retakes”, students will have up to three opportunities to reach proficiency on social commentaries and the analysis of demographics. The low score will be dropped.
- Informed Discussion: The student will participate in three discussion circles and the two best scores will be taken. Completion of prep work is required to earn scores for the discussion circles, and the prep work is also required for the discussion circle that is “dropped”. The low score will not be dropped without the student submitting all prep work.
Other Class Information:
- If at any point you are having difficulty, do not wait! Come and seek help right away so that we can work together to improve! It is your responsibility to advocate for yourself and to maintain an awareness of your own progress.
- DUE DATES: All formal assessments will be completed in class except for the social commentaries, which will most often be typed essays. Typed assignments will be due at the beginning of class on the due date.
- ABSENCES: Please check the website first for missed lecture notes, assignments, videos, etc… It is your responsibility to schedule a make-up or retake of an assessment. Assignments missed due to absences will not be accepted until the absence is excused.
- Student Grade Information: Grades will be updated on Home Access Center at least once every two weeks. Please contact me if there are any concerns or questions regarding your grade.
- Food and drink are not allowed in the classroom. Water is acceptable if it is in a container with a secure lid and does not become a distraction.
- Cell phones are not acceptable in class. They will be confiscated, a referral will be issued, and the student will retrieve the phone from the office at the end of the day. Additional offenses will follow the policies outlined in the student handbook. However, there will be designated independent work times when it is acceptable to use personal music devices (iPods) as long as they do not disrupt the educational environment.
- Value the opportunity to learn. For most, this is your last year of a free education. Take advantage!
- Be respectful. We will be discussing sensitive and controversial topics. People will have differing points of views. Sometimes it may get uncomfortable, but personal attacks and a lack of respect to others will not be tolerated. Remember, it’s the perception; not the intention.
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
Please review the above syllabus and sign below as a receipt of this information. If you have questions please reach me by email at or by phone (689-0731). Thank you for taking this time to review these policies.
Claire Clarkson
Print Student Name______
Student Signature______
Parent/Guardian Signature______
*** Must have syllabus signed and turned in to receive a grade for this class ***