WRC Proposal Submission Cycle 2011
Proposers,who are registered on the WRC Proposal Submission (FMS)system, must use the same user-id and password that they used in the past.First time users will have to register as new users of the FMS system. Please do not confuse the WRC community membership login with the proposal submission (FMS) login as they link to totally different servers. We also recommend that first time users attend a WRC101 workshop to familiarize themselves with the WRC proposal submission system as well as proposal and contract management requirements. These workshops or information sessions will be advertised on the WRC website.
All proposals, both solicited and non-solicited, have to be submitted on-line via theweb based submission system. TheGuidelines for Proposal Preparation and Submissiondocument can be downloaded from the web.This document contains valuable information that will assist in the preparation of proposals and alsoprovides clear pointers regarding the submission process.Proposers are strongly advised to download a copy and familiarize themselves with the requirements for proposal preparation and submission (the web-based submission screens do not include the explanatory detailscontained in the Guidelines document).
A HelpDesk will be available for both technical and proposal-content queries and problems. Thissupport will be available via email or telephone.Details will be provided when the system goes live.
Proposers are strongly encouraged to complete their submissions as early as possible to avoid last minute bottlenecks and possible problems due to system overload.
The proposed schedule of dates for both the Solicited and Non-solicited proposal funding streams is given below. Any changes will be announced on the WRC's website.
Proposal Submission Schedule for 2011 (For funding to commence in 2012)
1. Non-solicited Proposals
• May 2(Monday):Call for Non-solicited proposals by Special Announcement on the WRC website. This will be accompanied by:
a) a list of thrusts and programmes (research areas) to be addressed; and
b) anindication of funds availableagainst each research area.
• July 1(Friday):Deadline for submission of Non-solicited proposals. System for on-line submission closes.
2. Solicited Proposals
• June 1 (Wednesday)Publication of Terms of Reference (ToRs) and Call for proposals by special Announcement on the WRC website.
• July 1(Friday):Deadline for submission of Solicited proposals to the WRC. System for on-line submission of proposals closes.
3. Pre –selection Process: Non-solicited and Solicited Proposals
• July 4 -July 15:Completion of internal pre-selection of proposals and nomination of reviewers (in accordance with specific screening criteria).
4. Review and selection process
• July 25(Monday):Reviewer finalization and invitation.
External review process commences.
• August 26 (Friday):Deadline for submission of completed reviews to the WRC.
• September 7–
October 6Internalevaluation and prioritising of proposals.
•October 7(Friday)Deadline for submission of internal (KSA) assessments and recommendations to the WRC Executive.
• October 21(Friday)Final selection of proposals by WRC Executive.
• November 2010Communication to proposers of acceptance/rejection of proposals for funding.
• February 2012:Preparation and signing of contracts.
• April 2012:Project funds become available.