International Economics
Exam notes and practice answers
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Gains from trade
Lecture 3: Specific Factors Model and Rybcyznski’s Theorem
Lecture 4: Trade Equilibrium
Lecture 5: Trade Policy
Lecture 6: Environmental economics
Lecture 9: Immigration
Lecture 11: developmental economics
Lecture 1: Introduction
Introductory lecture not examined
Lecture 2: Gains from trade
- This topic will analyze 2 models
- Ricardo’s model (comparative advantage in labor productivity)
- Specific Factors model (comparative advantage based on different resource endowments)
- Definitions:
- Comparative advantage
- Being able to produce a good with the lowest opportunity cost
- Opportunity cost
- The value of the next-best alternative foregone
- Absolute advantage
- The ability to produce with the least cost – in terms of resources used
Ricardo’s model – not in exam
- Basics of the model/assumptions
- Only two countries
- Only input is labour
- The only difference between the countries is their relative productivity in producing different goods
- This allows for an analysis of comparative advantage, via the opportunity cost of production for each country.
The PPF and Indifference curves
- The ability to produce is described by the Production Possibility Frontier (the PPF) (see Figure 1 Production Possibility Frontiers, below)
- This shows how much of each product is able to be produced by a country
- At production point “C”, on the graph, Y1 units of guns and X1 units of butter are producible
- At production point “A” on the graph, Y2 units of guns and X2 units of butter are producible.
Figure 1 Production Possibility Frontiers
- The preference towards consumption are described by indifference curves, (seeFigure 2 Indifference Curves, below)
- At any point on these curves, the consumers are equally happy
- The further away from the origin the indifference curves, the happier the consumers.
- At consumption points A, B and C, consumers are equally happy
- However, at curve 3, they are happier than at curve 1, since they can consume more
Figure 2 Indifference Curves
Cobb-Douglas production function
- The Cobb-Douglas production function, simply, is as follows
- The marginal product of labour (MPL) is the increase in output from a one unit increase in labour (with capital fixed)
- the marginal product of labour is the change in output divided by the change in labour
- The marginal product of capital (MPK) is the increase in output from a one unit increase in capital
- the marginal product of capital is the change in output divided by the change in capital
- Graphing a Cobb-Douglas Production Function against Labour (see Figure 3 Cobb Douglas (y;L), below)
- Production is increasing, but at a decreasing rate
- i.e. there is a decreasing but positive marginal product of labour
- Note, a Cobb Douglas function for capital looks identical
Figure 3 Cobb Douglas (y;L)
- Constant returns to scale
- If you double inputs, outputs double
- A Cobb Douglas function necessarily has constant returns to scale
- Marginal products
- Thus, Marginal Product of Capital (MPK) is inversely related to the Capital Labour Ration (K/L)
- The Marginal Product of Labour (MPL) is directly related to (K/L)
The PPF, Indifference Curves, and Trade
Production Possibility Frontiers – Production Bias
Figure 4 Production Bias
- On this PPF, Country A has a production bias towards food, and Country B has a production bias towards clothing
- i.e. Country A has a lower opportunity cost for producing food
Consumption preference
- Just as production may be biased, consumption may be as well
Figure 5 Consumption Bias
- In this diagram, Country A has a consumption bias towards Clothing (less units of clothing would satisfy the same as more units of food
Considering an economy with a Food production bias and a Clothing consumption bias
Without Trade
- Without trade, production and consumption must occur at the same point – a “kissing point”
Figure 6 Kissing Point Equilibrium
With Trade
- Trade allows a separation of the PPF and the Indifference Curve: goods produced can be sold, to purchase the goods to be consumed: a budget line is created
Figure 7 Trade Equilibrium
This allows greater consumption, with the production at point A, sold, and with the money, consumption bought at point B
Gains from trade
The distance between the two indifference curves represents the gains from trade
- Without trade, there is a lower, “kissing point equilibrium”
- Trade allows a different basket of goods to be consumed than produced
- Sell excess food at PfQf and buy clothing at PcQc
- Creates a budget line
- Trade, if not required, won’t occur, thus, trade is an unrestricted optimum, whereas no trade restricts the optimum, necessarily less than or equal to the unrestricted one.
Lecture 3: Specific Factors Model and Rybcyznski’s Theorem
Creating the PPF via the Specific Factors Model
Figure 8 SFM1 - Labor is interchangeable
- Labor is interchangeable between the two industries (Food and Manufactures) – i.e. one unit of labor leaves manufactures, one unit of labor enters food production.
Figure 9 SFM2 - Production function for food
- Create a production function for food (labor (food); food production) with diminishing returns to labor (as per a Cobb-Douglas production function)
Figure 10 SFM3 - Production function for manufactures
- And the same for manufactures
- Allows us to construct a production possibility frontier (A PPF – in Blue) by creating a 4 segment graph and plotting relevant points)
Figure 11 SFM4 - The PPF
Two countries with different factor endowments
- Taking the example of England (blue) and France (red)
- They have the same labor force
- France has double the land (therefore, a higher returns to land (land/labor ration))
Figure 12 SFM5 - Trade
- That France has more land gives it a PPF in which it has a comparative advantage over England in the production of food (less manufactures are wasted in the production of food)
- Thus, it is more efficient, between the two economies if England solely produces manufactures and France solely produces food
Rybcyznski’s Theorem
- At constant product prices, when you add to a specific factor, you increase the production of the good that relies on that factor, and decrease production of the other good in the SFM
- This is because of the good which is more produced (i.e. the good with the increased factor) will provide more profit per unit of labor (because of an increased factor-labor ratio), therefore, the wages in that area will increase (to PfMPLf)
- Labor then shifts away from the other factor to the increased factor
- Increasing production of the increased factor at the expense of the other factor
Figure 13Rybcynzki's Theorem
- An increase in food technology increases the MPL of food shifting the PfMPLf curve upwards.
- Wages increase for labor in food production, Labor shifts (diff between two dotted lines) from Manufactures to Food
- Thus, the production of food increases because of increased labor and capital input, and the production of manufactures decreases because of equal capital and decreased labor
Figure 14 Proof of Rybcyznski's theorem
The SFM model shows the proof: for a fixed price level (shown as the diagonal dashed lines) an increase in food tech (purple arrow) leads to a change in the PPF’s (it gets pushed out, blue to red), a decrease in manufactures and an increase in food production.
Lecture 4: Trade Equilibrium
Step 1 Define PPF’s
In this example, a mini US and Australia (same manufacturing output, US has higher food output)
Figure 15 PPF's
Step 2: Autarky prices
Determine the autarky prices for the smaller economy
Figure 16 Autarky (AUS)
Determine the autarky price for the other economy
Figure 17 Autarky (US)
Step 2: determine trade price [check]
For trade, the prices must be the same (with the same “trade trianges”).
You export what you are relatively better at producing (what is relatively cheaper in autarky (Stolper Samuelson)
Thus, the price lines must be parallel
Figure 18 Trade
Thus, Australia produces at A and consumes at B
The Uroduces at D and consumes at C
The US sells food to buy manufactures
Australia sells manufactures to buy food
Relationships – The Hecksher Ohlin Theorem
You sell what you can produce relatively cheaply, buying what is relatively more expensive
The Stolper Samuelson Theorem
An increase in the relative price of a good increases the real return to its specific factor and reduces the return to the other specific factor via marginal products and wages, as per Rybcyznski’s
Welfare analysis
Who receives more money and who has to pay more? (Oz rel prices of manufactures increases, food prices decrease: capitalists get more, poor pay more)
Lecture 5: Trade Policy
- Basic trade policy instruments:
- Tariff
- Subsidy
- Quota
- Voluntary export restraints
Figure 19 without trade, supply and demand equilibrate domestically
Figure 20 where the world price is lower than domestic price, goods are imported
Figure 21 when the world price is above the domestic equilibrium, excess production is exported
Tariffs are a government “fee” on imported items, which serves to raise the “world price” in the above diagram
Figure 22 A tariff
- “a” is the cost of tariff (i.e. the increase in price)
- “d” is government revenue (calculated by “cost of the tariff” multiplied by the amount of goods imported)
- “b+c+d+e” is the consumer loss
- “c+e” is the deadweight loss
- “b” is the producer gain
Quotas have the same effect as tariffs, but instead of increasing the price, they restrict the quantity of imports (“d”). But the government doesn’t make any money.
Optimal Tariff
- Where a nation is a huge market, a tariff may dent a market so much (by reducing demand) that the world price decreases
- Terms of Trade are the ratio of export prices to import prices (an measure of, relatively, how many exports are required to fund imports)
- An increase in the terms of trade is an increase in welfare for the country, since they are able to purchase more imports for the same amount of exports
- An optimum tariff works by reducing the world prices enough that the terms of trade benefit outweighs the deadweight loss of the tariff
- This works by creating a tariff where the world price falls as a result, and government revenue increases
- This is irrelevant to Australia which does not have the market share to influence the world markets to such an extent
sExport subsidies
These work to increase the competitiveness of domestic goods, so that they may be exported.
Figure 23 An export subsidy
- “c+d+e” is the government cost of the subsidy
- “b+c+d” is the producer surplus
- Consumer loss is “b+c”
- “c+e” is deadweight loss
Voluntary export restraint
- like a quota, limits exports
Lecture 6: Environmental economics
Concerns of environmentalists
- Pollution, environmental degradation, global warming etc. caused by:
- Population growth and industrialization
- Market failure via externalities
- There is an argument as to whether pareto (economic) efficiency should take precedence over sustainability
- Internalizing externalities
Global population
- Increasing wages have increased the opportunity cost of child bearing, reducing fertility (from 6 children per woman in 1800 to 2.5 in 2000) and causing a global aging population
- This is enforced by a doubling of life expectancy in the past 200 years
- In 1950 there was a population explosion, but population growth is said to decrease by 2050
- Population growth is said to plateau
Global warming
- 0.8 degree temperature rise since the 1800’s
- large increase in co2 stock since industrial revolution
- Sources of co2 emmissions:
- Land use
- Energy
- Agriculture
- Transport
- In 2100, worst projection is 5 degrees higher, best is 1.5 degrees (we are currently tracking worse than the worst projections
Environmental economics
Figure 24 the difference between MDS and MDF is the externality
Internalizing externalities
Figure 25 A tax increases the cost to the firm so that MDF=MDS at social optimum
Figure 26 A subsidy reduces the MC of Abatement so that the firm outputs at the socially optimum level
Figure 27 A legal limit illegalizes output where pollution is greater than the legal limit
Policy issues
- Costs
- Difficulty of determining the social optimum
Multiple polluters
The social optimum creates a target, which is the allowable output for the two firms in this model
Figure 28 with a "0" target, each firm produces nothing
With a current output of 20, and a target of 10 (a halving of pollution)
Figure 29 A legal limit would force each firm to output no more than 5 units
Figure 30 At this tax level, firm 1 outputs 1 unit, firm 2 outputs 4 units: the tax is too high
Figure 31 At this tax level, firm 1 outputs 4, and 2 outputs 6, ideal output with no knowledge of internal costs
Tradable rights to pollute similarly equilibrate without knowledge of costs of each firm
Through trade: price equilibrates at unit outputs required, easier than tax
Lecture 9: Immigration
Allocation of revenue to factors of production leaves 0 net income, therefore wages are equal to the MPL at the point of labour employment multiplied by wages divided by price, or
Figure 32 An initial allocation of labour
Figure 33 Equilibrium (with immigration)
Figure 34 Welfare analysis
Figure 35 Deadweight loss of no immigration
Lecture 11: developmental economics
- Aid is complex, sometimes political (e.g. eastern Europe and Israel)
- Africa is still the hotspot of population on less than 1 dollar a day
- As well as under 5 year old mortality rate
- HIPC – highly indebted poor countries (centered on Africa)
- Three scourges of the developing world
- Currency risk
- Commodity risk
- Debt trap
- Rose in the ‘70’s because of OPEC
- Debt relief
- Increases value of debt via increasing chance of payback via “effort”
- Super-incentives too
- Reduce food subsidies
- Though this might increase food prices
The Maths
Effort is the chance of repayment, L is the original loan value, R is the “asked for” loan value
The Creditor’s perspective
- The valuation of a loan in this model takes into account the likeliness of repayment, in the form of “e”
- Thus, it is in the creditor’s interest to increase “e”
The creditor can only do this by changing “”
- The creditor will end up halving “” to maximize “”
The debtor’s perspective
The debtor can only change “”
There is, in this model, an assumption that the debtor nation is only able to produce, at maximum effort , an output equal to L.
Thus, the most the debtor nation is able to get is (L-R), multiplied by the “effort”, that is .
Utility to the debtor =
The debtor seeks to maximize
Thus (to maximize)
This is called the debtor reaction function
- If R=L, e=0
- If R-0,
Simultaneously equate
Thus, the optimum “R” in this model is “L/2”