Fall 2012

This form reflects the understandings of the student teacher’s strengths and remaining areas of growth since the midterm conference, as discussed by the student teacher, cooperating teacher, and IWU supervisor at the final conference. To complete this form, reference the midterm evaluation, evidence presented since that time by the student teacher, the final assessment form completed by the cooperating teacher, and the supervisor’s site observations records. The completed form is reviewed by the student teacher and cooperating teacher, and signed by all parties within one week of the final conference. The student teacher receives a copy of the form. The IWU supervisor submits an electronic copy of the completed evaluation form to the Educational Studies office at the end of the term.


1.  For each indicator, note the quality of evidence provided by the student teacher according to the assessment rubric below. Please note that any one evidence item may address more than one standard and indicator. In addition, not all performance indicators yield physical evidence. Student teachers may provide narrative oral evidence. Supporting observations from cooperating teacher and supervisor are critical in those instances.

·  Ample evidence of proficiency presented by student teacher (indicators met beyond expectations of novice teacher).

·  Sufficient evidence of proficiency presented by student teacher (indicator met).

·  Some evidence of proficiency presented by student teacher (indicator met to some extent).

·  Little or no evidence of proficiency presented by student teacher (indicator not met).

2.  Also note:

·  Whether or not the cooperating teacher and IWU supervisor observations provide further evidence of the student teacher’s level of proficiency with respect to the standard indicators.

·  Whether or not opportunities for development noted at the midterm conference were satisfactorily addressed by the student teacher.

·  Whether or not the cooperating teacher and/or IWU supervisor consider the level of proficiency demonstrated by the student teacher to be an area of concern with respect to qualifying for certification.

3.  For each standard, provides a summary of the student teacher’s strengths with respect to the intent of the standard, and if applicable, any areas requiring further development. The supervisor assigns a final performance score for the standard based on the above notations, using the assessment rubric below.

Exemplary (6): The student teacher has provided ample, consistent, and outstanding evidence of his or her competence across each standard and indicator. Considerable and strong supporting observations from the cooperating teacher and IWU supervisor. Performance far beyond that of a novice teacher. These scores are rarely assigned.

Proficient (5, 4): The student teacher has provided sufficient, consistent, and strong evidence of his or her competence across all standards and almost all indicators. Supporting observations from the cooperating teacher and supervisor, although a few areas of further development may be noted. Demonstrates competence as a novice teacher. These are scores for all student teachers to strive toward.

Developing (3, 2): The student teacher has provided some evidence of his or her competence across all standards and most indicators, but of mixed consistency and quality. Supporting observations from the cooperating teacher and supervisor indicate mixed or inconsistent performance across the standard indicators and continuing areas for improvement.

Unsatisfactory (1): The student teacher has provided little or no evidence of his or her competence across the standards and indicators, despite

opportunities to do so. Supporting observations from the cooperating teacher and supervisor indicate problematic performance.

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Fall 2012

Student Teacher: Date:

Cooperating Teacher: School:

IWU Supervisor:

Indicators / Column 2
Check (x) one of the four options / Column 3
Indicate Yes (Y) or No (N)
Brief notes may be added as needed. /
Evidence Presented By Student Teacher /
Ample / Sufficient / Some / Little or No / Supporting observations by cooperating teacher / supervisor / Opportunities for development addressed / Area of concern /
SJ1: Demonstrates the belief that all students can learn.
SJ2: Responds to the educational needs of all students in a caring, non-discriminatory, and equitable manner.
SJ3: Demonstrates the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions that facilitate all students’ learning, regardless of race, culture, ethnicity, language, class, gender, and/or ability.
D1: Engages in ongoing and thoughtful reflection, which includes
·  self-assessment of knowledge and skills required to teach students from diverse backgrounds and those with disabilities;
·  one’s impact on students, parents, and other professionals in the learning community; and
·  being receptive to feedback from mentors.
D2: Demonstrates resourcefulness by
·  taking initiative, being self‐directed;
·  learning about individual children, their families and communities;
·  being creative, going beyond use of commercial texts and instructional resources;
·  seeking ways to improve practice and grow professionally.
D3: Demonstrates responsiveness by
·  developing caring, compassionate, and respectful relationships with all students and their families;
·  implementing multicultural perspectives when planning curriculum and teaching; and trying alternative approaches to teaching and learning, such as inclusion and other alternatives to ability grouping, authentic assessments beyond testing, and alternatives to traditional classroom discipline.
Summary: TEACHER SCHOLARS FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE. Student teacher is committed to social justice in the classroom and school and works toward equity and opportunity for all students.
Primary strengths:
Areas of continuing development (applies to scores of 3 or lower): / Score (use key pg. 1)
1H) Analyzes the thinking and learning strategies of all students and uses student information to design instruction that extends mathematical knowledge, meets the diverse needs of students, and leads to ongoing growth and achievement. (also M 1E)[1]
1I) Stimulates prior knowledge and links new ideas to already familiar ideas and experiences.
1J) Differentiates strategies, materials, pace, levels of complexity, and language to introduce concepts and principles so that they are meaningful to students at varying levels of development and to students with diverse learning needs; makes use of appropriate services or resources to assist students with exceptional learning needs.
1K) Facilitates a learning community in which individual differences are respected.
1L) Uses information about students’ individual experiences, families, cultures, and communities to create meaningful learning opportunities and enrich instruction for all students.
Summary: TEACHING DIVERSE STUDENTS. Applies understandings of the diverse characteristics and abilities of each student and the context of his or her social, economic, cultural, linguistic, and academic experiences to create instructional opportunities that maximize student learning.
Primary strengths:
Areas of continuing development (applies to scores of 3 or lower): / Score (use key pg. 1)
2I) Evaluates teaching resources and materials for appropriateness as related to curricular content and each student’s needs.
2K) Engages students in the processes of critical thinking and inquiry and addresses standards of evidence of the disciplines.
2L) Demonstrates fluency in technology systems, uses technology to support instruction and enhance student learning, and designs learning experiences to develop student skills in the application of technology appropriate to the disciplines. (also M5)
2M) Uses a variety of explanations and multiple representations of concepts that capture key ideas to help each student develop conceptual understanding and address common misunderstandings.
2N) Connections to life experiences (see IPTS 3K).
2O) Designs learning experiences and utilizes assistive technology and digital tools to provide access to general curricular content to individuals with disabilities.
2P) Adjusts practice to meet the needs of each student in the content areas.
2Q) Applies and adapts an array of content area literacy strategies to make all subject matter accessible to each student.
NOTE: The student teacher’s placement influences the degree to which it is possible to provide evidence or observation of competence with respect to the following Mathematics content area standards. In such situations, please indicate NA (not applicable to placement) in each column. The student teacher then provides evidence of having met the standard in other ways (e.g., Ed 362) in the portfolio.
Problem Solving to extend mathematical knowledge of all students, generalize results of problems, and extend them to other problem situations. (M 2B, 2C)
Mathematical Reasoning to develop and generalize mathematical concepts, procedures, and conjectures and apply or extend them to other contexts. (M 3B, 3C)
Number: accurately demonstrates, applies, and explains a knowledge and sense of number, number theory, and numeration systems and algorithms of operations. (M 6)
Measurement: accurately teaches customary, metric, and non‐standard measurements, units and tools for measuring, comparing, and ordering, and formulas and other procedures for computing or estimating the measure of multi‐dimensional objects. (M 7)
Algebra Patterns, Functions, Symbols, & Models: accurately teaches concepts, representations, and relationships of variables and patterns, relations and functions, applications of calculus, and algebraic structures. (M 8)
Geometry: accurately teaches geometric methods to analyze, categorize, and draw conclusions about points, lines, planes, and space. (M 9)
Probability: accurately teaches applications of probability, descriptive, and inferential statistics. (M 10)
Summary: CONTENT AREA and PEDAGOGICAL KNOWLEDGE. Creates meaningful learning experiences for each student, applying in-depth understanding of all Mathematics content area knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and evidence-based practice.
Primary strengths:
Areas of continuing development (applies to scores of 3 or lower): / Score (use key pg. 1)
3H) Establishes high expectations for each student’s learning and behavior.
3I) Creates short-term and long-term plans to achieve the expectations for student learning.
3J) Uses data to plan for differentiated instruction to allow for variations in individual learning needs.
3K) Incorporates experiences into instructional practices that relate to a student’s current life experiences and to future life experiences.
3L) Creates approaches to learning that develop the connections within and among the various branches of mathematics, as well as to other disciplines. (also M 4)
3M) Develops plans based on student responses and provides for different pathways based on student needs.
3N) Accesses and uses a wide range of information and instructional technologies to enhance a student’s ongoing growth and achievement.
3O) When planning instruction, addresses goals and objectives specified by law regarding students with disabilities.
3P) Works with others to adapt and modify instruction to meet individual student needs.
3Q) Develops or selects relevant instructional content, materials, resources, and strategies (e.g., project-based learning) for differentiating instruction.
Summary: PLANNING for DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION. Plans and designs instruction based on content area knowledge, diverse student characteristics, student performance data, curriculum goals, and the community context. Plans for ongoing student growth and achievement.
Primary strengths:
Areas of continuing development (applies to scores of 3 or lower): / Score (use key pg. 1)
4I) Creates a safe and healthy environment that maximizes student learning.
4J) Creates clear expectations and procedures for communication and behavior and a physical setting conducive to achieving classroom goals.
4K) Uses strategies to create a smoothly functioning learning community in which students assume responsibility for themselves and one another, participate in decision-making, work collaboratively and independently, use appropriate technology, and engage in purposeful learning activities.
4L) Analyzes the classroom environment and makes decisions to enhance cultural and linguistic responsiveness, mutual respect, positive social relationships, student motivation, and classroom engagement.
4M) Organizes, allocates, and manages time, materials, technology, and physical space to provide active and equitable engagement of students in productive learning activities.
4N) Engages students in and monitors individual and collaborative group-learning activities that help them develop the motivation to learn. (also M 1D)
4O) Uses a variety of effective behavioral management techniques appropriate to the needs of all students that include positive behavior interventions and supports.
4P) Modifies the learning environment (including the schedule and physical arrangement) to facilitate appropriate behaviors and learning for students with diverse learning characteristics.
4Q) Analyzes student behavior data to develop and support positive behavior.
Summary: LEARNING ENVIRONMENT. Structures a safe and healthy learning environment that facilitates cultural and linguistic responsiveness, emotional well-being, self-efficacy, positive social interaction, mutual respect, active engagement, academic risk-taking, self-motivation, and personal goal-setting.
Primary strengths:
Areas of continuing development (applies to scores of 3 or lower): / Score (use key pg. 1)
5I) Uses multiple teaching strategies, including adjusted pacing and flexible grouping, to engage students in active learning opportunities that promote the development of critical and creative thinking, problem-solving, and performance capabilities.
5J) Monitors and adjusts strategies in response to feedback from the student.
5K) Varies his or her role in the instructional process as instructor, facilitator, coach, or audience in relation to the content and purposes of instruction and the needs of students.
5L) Communicates mathematical concepts clearly and accurately in oral, written, visual, and symbolic forms, using alternative explanations to assist students’ understanding and presenting diverse perspectives to encourage critical and creative thinking. (also M 1C)
5M) Uses strategies and techniques for facilitating meaningful inclusion of individuals with a range of abilities and experiences.
5N) Uses technology to communicate mathematical concepts and accomplish differentiated instructional objectives that enhance learning for each student. (also M 1C and M 5)
5O) Models and facilitates effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning.
5P) Uses student data to adapt the curriculum and implement instructional strategies and materials according to the characteristics of each student.
5Q) Uses effective co-planning and co-teaching techniques to deliver instruction to all students.
5R) Maximizes instructional time (e.g., minimizes transitional time).
5S) Implements appropriate evidence-based instructional strategies.
Summary: INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY. Differentiates instruction by using a variety of strategies that support critical and creative thinking, problem-solving, and continuous growth and learning. In doing so, demonstrates understanding that the classroom is a dynamic environment requiring ongoing modification of instruction to enhance learning for each student.