What is MPAS?

Michigan Protection and Advocacy Service, Inc. (MPAS) is the independent, private, nonprofit organization designated by the Governor of the State of Michigan to advocate for and protect the rights of people with disabilities in Michigan. MPAS services include information and referral, short-term assistance, selected individual and legal representation, systemic advocacy, monitoring, and training. The Client Assistant Program (CAP) resides within MPAS.


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Assistance Program

4095 Legacy Parkway, Suite 500

Lansing, Michigan 48911-4263

517.487.1755 or 800.288.5923

517.374.4687 (TTY)

Fax 517.487.0827

What is the Client Assistance Program?

The Client Assistance Program (CAP) is a federally mandated program that provides information and assistance to individuals seeking or receiving vocational rehabilitation services under the Rehabilitation Act.

Do You Need Help With Services You are Receiving From:

  • Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS)
  • The Bureau of Services for Blind Persons
  • Your local center for independent living or Disability Network
  • Other programs funded through the Rehabilitation Act

Your Concern May be:

  • Problems working with a counselor
  • Disagreement with services provided
  • A desire to transfer to another counselor
  • Disagreement with your case being closed

CAP May be Able to:

  • Help you advocate for yourself to obtain appropriate vocational rehabilitation services
  • Review and challenge eligibility decisions made by the Bureau of Services for Blind Persons, Michigan Rehabilitation Services, or Centers for Independent Living
  • Inform you of your rights and services available under the Rehabilitation Act
  • Advise you in developing an Individualized Plan for Employment
  • Advise or help you in pursuing legal, administrative, or other appropriate remedies when a determination has been made by CAP that your case has legal merit

Who Can Use CAP Services?

The Client Assistance Program is available to people with disabilities who:

  • Want to apply for services from Michigan Rehabilitation Services, Bureau of Services for Blind Persons, your local center for independent living, or other program funded under the Rehabilitation Act
  • Have been denied services from these agencies or programs
  • Are currently receiving services from any of these agencies or programs

How Can I Receive CAP Services?

Call us at 800.288.5923, and we will determine if you are eligible for services.

Are Discussions Confidential?

All discussions you have with CAP will be kept confidential. You must give permission for CAP staff to discuss your situation with rehabilitation counselors or independent living counselors.

Does CAP Provide Legal Services?

CAP may be able to help you appeal a decision to an impartial hearing officer regarding rehabilitation services. The decision you wish to appeal could be because:

  • You have been denied services
  • You feel that you did not receive appropriate services
  • Services to you were discontinued

Is There a Charge for Services?

No. CAP services are free to eligible Michigan residents. The program operates with federal funds received from the Rehabilitation Services Administration.