Engaging in Community Activity  Learning and Teaching Activity
Engaging in Community Activity  Learning and Teaching Activity

(Primary School)

Life Event: Engaging in Community Activity

Key Concepts:

Children’s engagement in community activity in leisure time will help them learn more knowledge, relax and get to know more friends. This exemplar is to let students experience the fun by actively participating in different community activities (e.g. drawing, singing, dancing, playing basketball, picnicking, etc.) in their leisure time, with a view to developing their positive attitude. They will also learn to accept and respect others.

Learning objectives / : /
  1. To help students understand the benefits and fun of participating in community activity
  2. To encourage students to participate actively in different types of community activity
  3. To foster the proper attitudes and behaviours in social life: taking the initiative, being punctual, active participation, care for others, acceptance and respect for others, etc

Values/ Attitudes / : / Positive, acceptance, respect, participation
Materials / : / “Activity Hunt”(Appendix 1)
“Discussion Cards”(Appendix 2)
“My Favourite Activity” leaflet design competition (Appendix 3)
Duration / : / 45 minutes
Mode / : / Class Teacher Period/ Moral & Civic Education Lesson/Others
Procedures / :
Engaging in Community Activity  Learning and Teaching Activity
Steps (Time) / Key Learning Points
Activity 1: Activity Hunt (10 mins)
  1. Raise these questions:
What do you usually do in your leisure time?
Have you participated inanyactivities organised in the community?
If so, in what activities have you taken part? What kind of experiencehave you gained?
  1. Distribute the “Activity Hunt” worksheet (Appendix 1) and ask students to fill in the activities they have participated in.
  2. Invite students to share their experience:
What did you participate in?
How did you learn about it?
What didyou learn from it and how did you feel about it? / ●To arouse the interest of students with questions.
●To help students get to know more about the activities organised by the community.
●To encourage students who have not participated inany activity by the experience of those who have or what they have learnt so that they will participatesome activitiesthat they like.
Activity 3: “Three to Win” game (10 mins) (like noughts and crosses)
  1. Draw on the blackboard the following table :
  1. Have the class divided into two groups. Each group will send one student to state one thing that they need to take note of when getting along with others in a social community setting. Those who are correct can draw e.g. “x” or “o” in a box that they like. If a student is wrong or cannot give an answer within five seconds, it will be the turn of the other group.
/ To further enhance students’understandingof how to get along with others in a social community setting.
Engaging in Community Activity  Learning and Teaching Activity
  1. If a student repeats what others have said, the whole group will have to pause once.
  2. The group which succeeds in placing three respective marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins the game.
/ To further enhance students’understandingof how to get along with others in a social community setting.


Reference: Summarise what should be taken note of when getting along with others in a social community setting, e.g. team spirit, taking the initiative, being punctual, care for others, acceptance and respect for others, etc.

Extended activity:

1. “My Favourite Activity” leaflet design competition

Teachers may organise a “My Favourite Activity” leaflet design competition. Ask students to choose their favourite activity and design a leaflet (Appendix 3) to present to fellow students how interesting it is and what the benefits are. Teachers may post up the good ones to further promote the idea.

2. Ask students to gather leaflets on community activities and post them up in the classroom. This will encourage them to take part insuitable activities in leisure time so that they can enjoy the fun, make more friends and broaden their horizons.

Appendix 1

What activities have you participated in? (Please tick “” as appropriate.)

1. / Sports (e.g.: ball games, swimming, gymnastics, other track and field sports, etc) / 
2. / Interest group (e.g.: drawing, singing, calligraphy, musical instrument, dancing, etc) / 
3. / Recreational activity (e.g.: picnicking, visit, carnival, fun fair, etc) / 
4. / Social service (e.g.: Scout, Community Youth Club, Junior Police Call, etc) / 
5. / Cultural or Artistic activity (e.g.: concert, drama, opera, etc) / 
6. / Academic activity (e.g.: English oral group, quick calculation for mathematics, etc) / 
7. / Others: ______/ 

Appendix 2


Engaging in Community Activity  Learning and Teaching Activity

Appendix 2


Appendix 3

Design a leaflet for your favourite activity to present how interesting it is and what the benefits are. Describe it with words.