Cathedral House, Great George Street,
Leeds, LS2 8BE.
Tel: 0113 245 4545
Fax: 0113 245 3626
Dean:Fr Michael McCreadieDirector of MusicBenjamin Saunders
Fr Martin KellyAssistant Director of MusicChris McElroy
Deacons: Rev John LytheOrganistJulie Tanner
Rev Michael MkpadiMusic Office 0113 244 8634
Religious SistersSr. Beatrice Ogbonna, DMMMCathedral Secretary:Mrs Rebecca Phillips Sr. Martin Raphael Akpan, DMMM
23rd April,2006.
Day / Feast / Mass Time / Mass IntentionSunday / Saturday Vigil / 6.00pm
6.45pm / Jimmy St. George
Elizabeth Shyngle
Pro Pop
Hilda Holt (LD)
Monday / St. George / 8.00am
5.30pm / Patsy Brady
William Vincent Johnson (YB)
Pat Kane
Tuesday / St. Mark / 8.00am
5.30pm / Michael & Eileen O’Sullivan
Mgr. Morgan Sweeney
Eileen Tooher
Wednesday / 8.00am
5.30pm / Vera & Ted Devers
Agnes McGilly
The Sacred Heart & Our Lady
Thursday / 8.00am
5.30pm / Sarah Mitchell (LD)
Eveline McCabe
Mgr. John Dinn
Friday / 8.00am
5.30pm / Mary Theresa Graham
Bridie Smith (LD)
Thomas Moore
Saturday / St. Catherine of Siena / 12.05pm / Martin Conway
Sacrament of ReconciliationExposition of the Blessed SacramentRosary
Mon -Sat11:00am – 11:55amMon – Fri3:00pm – 5:00pm Mon – Fri 11:30am
5:00pm – 5:25pmAngelus
Sat also 5:00pm – 5:55pm Mon – Sat 12:00noon
Morning Prayer Mon – Fri 7:40amEvening Prayer Mon-Fri 4:45pm
Diocese of Leeds Registered Charity No 249404
Last Week’s Offerings: £943.00- Received with thanks
Diocese of Leeds Registered Charity No 249404
Hymns: 273, 287
11.30 a.m. Mass
Mass with Cantor
CHANGE IN MASS VENUEPlease note that the Saturday evening Vigil Mass on 29th April, 6th May and 13th May (three consecutive Saturdays) will be held at 6.00 p.m. in Cathedral Hall (preceded by confessions) as Holy Trinity is unavailable.
MASS INTENTIONS: Drewery Family, Hilda Holt, Bernadette & James.
CATHEDRAL SERVICES: The Cathedral resumes its normal timetable this week, from 24th April, after the Easter holidays.
The Choir return next Sunday after their well-earned break. Choral Vespers resumes this Wednesday, 26th April at Holy Trinity at 5.15 p.m.
AFRICAN & CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY: This community will be attending and providing the music for the 11.30 a.m. Mass on Sunday 30th April.
MARIST MISSIONS: Each year a different missionary society or religious order is given an opportunity to make an appeal in the parish. Next weekend, 29th/30th April, we will be welcoming Fr. Riley of the Marist Fathers who will speak at all Masses about their work and a second collection will be taken.
ST. VINCENTDE PAUL SOCIETY: A collection will be taken by the parish S.V.P. group after all Masses today, Sunday 23rd April. Please give generously to support the work done for the disadvantaged in our own parish.
FEAST OF DIVINE MERCY: This celebration will take place at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 130 Cardigan Road, Leeds LS6 today, Sunday 23rd April. Prayers & Readings at 2.30 p.m.3.05 p.m. Mass & Divine Mercy Image veneration. Tea & Coffee in the Church Hall afterwards.
THREE CHOIRS IN CONCERT: On Sunday, 30th April our Cathedral Choir will be giving a concert with the Yorkshire Youth Choir and Oldham Youth Choir at HuddersfieldTown Hall at 7.30 p.m. Tickets available on 01484 223 200.
COFFEE/TEA: will be served as usual after the 11.30 a.m. Mass today in Holy Trinity’s adjoining café.
PETER’S PENCE: Thank you to all who gave to the collection for the Holy Places in Jerusalem on Good Friday, a total of £330 was received. The Lenten alms boxes for Catholic Care raised £257.
HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE, 2007: A 9-day pilgrimage from 10th-18th February next year is being organised by Fr. Peter Kravos. An information meeting will be held at Our Lady of Lourdes’ Parish Hall, Cardigan Road, Leeds 6 on 25th April at 7.30 p.m. for those who are interested. Further information is available on 0113 275 2093.
RIGHT TO LIFE: The Catholic Bishops have written to parishes throughout the country stressing the current dangers in the fight against euthanasia and drawing attention to the ‘Care Not Killing Alliance’ which has launched a campaign against the Lord Joffe Assisted Suicide Bill which is to have its Second Reading in the House of Lords on 12th May. Please write (or telephone) your M.P. (Cathedral Parish is Rt.Hon. Hilary Benn) at The House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA (Telephone 020 7219 3000 and ask for our M.P. or his secretary. Give your name & address and stress your opposition to any attempts to introduce the Joffe Assisted Suicide Bill in the House of Commons.
RESTORATION APPEAL: New, updated leaflets about becoming a Cathedral Patron are available at the back of Church. If you are not a Patron and think you could help the Cathedral in this way we would be most grateful. There are also envelopes for one-off donations available. Please give generously.
BANK HOLIDAYS IN MAY: Both Monday, 1st May and Monday 29th May are Bank Holidays. Mass on those days will be at 12.00 noon only (both occasions in Cathedral Hall) and there will be no confessions.
LEEDS DIOCESAN LOURDES PILGRIMAGE: This will be taking place from 4th-10th July this year. No other event in the Diocesan year provides the unique opportunity afforded by our annual pilgrimage to the shrine of Lourdes. For the duration of our pilgrimage we gather as a diocese around our Bishop to pray, worship and reflect, along with others from all parts of the world – the international Catholic family. Further information and booking forms are available from Mrs. Sheila Ambler the Leeds Treasurer/Secretary on 01937 845835. Bursaries are available to students within Health Sciences (including Nursing & Medicine). Further details of these are available on
Diocese of Leeds Registered Charity No 249404