Press release no. 28/2016

EIMA International, the Oscars for contractors services

Featured for the first time in any EIMA exposition of agricultural machinery, in progress until November 13, prizes were awarded under the heading Contractors Service of the Year which were presented to six of these agencies.

Technological Innovations, Precision Farming, Women, Diversification, Young Participants and Agricultural Supply Chain were the six categories receiving awards for the first time in the EIMA setting. The Contractors Service of the Year event held today was organized by the contractors publication and included the presentation of the third report on the development of contractor services. The six enterprises tapped for the prizes were selected by a jury of members of the UNIMA and CONFAI associations as well as a technical committee and editors of the Contoterzista magazine. The criteria applied by the jury were aimed at the merits of the enterprises at work in each of the categories.

The Technological Innovations award went to Agromeccanica Negroni Srl for success in the market working in anaerobic digestion and biogas. Agro T. e C. took the Precision Farming prize for the agency’s strong commitment to this field of activity made possible by latest generation machinery and equipment including satellite control driving and mapping the land for managing the distribution of products and crop yields.

Rossella Guizzardi for Meccanica Guizzardi Snc came away with the Women

category prize for her ability to create a land-customer system. The Diversification award was picked up by the Speziali Antenore agency for finding a way to raise competitiveness through a strategy of production differentiation. In the

Young category Participants Carlo Feletto, in a Treviglio agency of the same name, took the prize for work specializing in chipping and shredding and then expanding services to bring in vineyard operations. The Agricultural Supply Chain prize went to Petrini Snc, an agency in the Marche Region, for overcoming a crisis in the beet sector by extending business to the management of farms and especially supply chain contracts which included the Barilla pasta producer for supplying grain with a reduced protein content.

Bologna, November 10, 2016