Name of Project / GenMW / Transmission
kV / Date / No. of
pages / Transfer
Capability /
Phase / Power Transient Post Transient One
Tables Flow Stability Stability Lines Maps / Request Copy of
Report From
Echo Lake-Monroe 500 kV Transmission Project / 500 / On hold / .05 / Associated with new generation and load service.The project is on hold until funding becomes available or load growth supports construction. / Kyle Kohne
West of McNary Reinforcement(WOMR) Project / 500 / 2012-13 / 3 / 1 / 1
The purpose of West of McNary Reinforcement Project is to increase transmission capacity and relieve congestion to serve point to point transmission service requests which impact the West of McNary / West of Slatt flow gates. To meet these transmission service requests BPA is proposing to build the 79 mile McNary-John Day 500 kV line (WOMR Group 1). The proposed large number of new wind generators and the construction of the McNary-John Day 500 kV line increases the flow across the West of John Day path. This creates a transmission constraint across the West of John Day path. To remove this constraint, BPA is also proposing the construction of a new 28 mile, 500 kV transmission line connecting BPA’s Big Eddy 500 kV substation located just east of The Dalles, Oregon to a new station called Knight (WOMR Group 2), which is located near Goldendale, WA at about tower 73/1 on the BPA Wautoma-Ostrander 500 kV line. Approximately 600 MW of additional transfer capability is gained across North of John Day path by redistributing the flow across North of John Day cut plane and reducing reactive losses. The project also provides stronger support to Portland load service area resulting in about 200 MW capacity gain for West of Cascades South path during winter load conditions. / “
Lower Valley Area Reinforcement Project (Joint project with PAC and Lower Valley Energy) / 345/138/115 / Fall 2014 / 2 / 1
The new 345/138 kV Three Mile Knoll Substation which was constructed by PAC is energized.This substation includes a new 345 kV interconnection with Idaho Power.Idaho Power’s Bridger-Goshen 345 kV line is looped into the Three Mile Knoll 345/138 kV Substation andincludes two new 345/138 kV, 650 MVA transformers.BPA will construct an adjacent Hooper Springs 200 MVA 138/115 kV Substation.BPAplanned to construct a 20-mile double circuit 115-kV transmission line to bisect LowerValley’s Lanes-Creek-Valley 115–kV line and create two new lines, Hooper Springs-Lanes Creek and Hooper Springs-Valley.However a revised transmission route is being researched as a result of the EIS and the plan of service may change[. BPA is in the process of installing approximately 30MVar shunt capacitors near Drummond, ID. / Larry Furumasu
Paul-Troutdale 500 kV Transmission Project / 500 / On hold / .05 / Renamedto I-5 Corridor Reinforcement Project.
SouthwestOregonCoast Reinforcement Project
(Rogue SVC) / 230 / 10/2012 / 1 / 1
In order to meet load growth and improve voltage stability performance, BPA plans to reinforce the southwest Oregon coast with a -45 +50MVAR static VAR compensator (SVC) at Rogue substation.The SVC will be connected through a step-up transformer to the Rogue 115 kV bus and control all existing capacitor banks at Rogue substation.The SVC will be used for voltage control and to feed system reactive power losses in the event of the worst outage. The SVC is under construction and projected to be operational by spring 2011. The Bandon-Rogue 115-kV will be rebuilt and is projected to be complete by 2012. / Anders Johnson
California-Oregon Intertie 4800 Project / 500 / Mid-2011 / 2 / The COI has a Rated Transfer Capability (RTC) of 4800 MW but due to system constraints (nomogram operation between the COI, PDCI, North of John Day path flow, and Midpoint-SummerLake 500 kV line flow) BPA assumes an Operating Transfer Capability (OTC) of 4335 MW to define BPA’s long-term firm Total Transfer Capability (TTC).Likewise the PDCI has an RTC of 3100 MW, but due to the system constraints mentioned above BPA assumes an OTC of 2700 MW to define BPA’s long-term firm TTC.This project will mitigate voltage stability, transient stability, and thermal constraints in order to increase the OTC of the COI and PDCI to 4800 MW and 3100 MW respectively.This will support additional long-term firm transmission service.The plan of service consists of the following actions by BPA:
- Install new series capacitors at Bakeoven on John Day-Grizzly #1 and #2, along with required control, protection and communication equipment.
- Install two new 200 MVar shunt cap groups at Captain Jack 500 kV, plus an additional 500 kV circuit breaker to fully develop a bay position.
- Install one new 300 MVar shunt cap group at Slatt 500 kV, plus two additional 500 kV circuit breakers to fully develop a bay position.
- Reconductor John Day-Grizzly #1 and #2 to a conductor capable of 3500 A at 30 degrees C ambient.
- Upgrade John Day-Grizzly #2 from an MOT of 80 degrees C to 100 degrees C (3500 A).
- Addnew Captain Jack shunt caps to the FACRI RAS.
- Add the double line loss of Buckley-Grizzly #1 and either John Day-Grizzly #1 or #2 to High Gen Drop RAS.
Little Goose Reinforcement Project / 500 / 7/2013 / 2 / Under the 2008 Network Open Season (NOS), BPA received signed Precedent Transmission Service Agreements (PTSA) for long-term firm transmission service totaling 1190 MW that will impact the 500kV transmission system between Lower Granite and Little Goose substations, including 1100 MW related to new wind generation facilities. BPA also has active Generation Interconnection requests totaling approximately 1900 MW of wind generation in this area, including 343 MW that is under construction. The current transmission system in SE WA must be reinforced to provide transmission service and generation interconnection.The limiting outages in this area are the loss of one or two 500 kV lines between Little Goose and Lower Monumental.This new 500 kV transmission line would start at the Central Ferry Substation and run to the existing Lower Monumental Substation.A prior generation interconnection project which is expected to be completed in late 2011 will construct the Central Ferry 500 kV Substation.One of the existing Lower Granite – Little Goose 500 kV lines will be looped in initially in late 2011.The second line will need to be looped in once more generation is interconnected, which is anticipated to be in 2013 or later.The project also includes a 550 kV 300 MVAR shunt reactor at Central Ferry and line re-terminations at Lower Monumental. A FEIS is complete and a Record of Decision (ROD) will be drafted. This document will determine whether to proceed with the project and, if so, which alternative was selected. BPA expects to issue its ROD by the end of March 2011. If BPA decides to build the project at this time, construction activities could begin in summer 2011 after all necessary permits and approvals are obtained, and conclude by summer 2013. / Chuck Matthews
I-5 Corridor Reinforcement Project / 500 / 2015 / 1 / RPP / The plan of service consists of a new 500 kV line between BPA’s existing Troutdale Substation and a new 500 kV Substation in the vicinity of Castle Rock, WA.The 500 kV substation in Troutdale Oregon will have three positions initially – one for the new line, one to connect with the existing Troutdale 500/230 kV transformer bank, and one for the existing Troutdale – Ostrander 500 kV line.The plan would also require constructing a new 500 kV Substation in the vicinity of Castle Rock and looping-in the existing Paul-Allston 500 kV line No. 1.The project is expected to increase capacity by approximately 1100 to 1400 MW on the South of Allston path. An Environmental analysis (the NEPA process) is underway and is expected to take up to 3 years to complete. / Kendall Rydell
Central Oregon Reinforcement Project / 500/230 / 10/2013 / 2 / The plan of service adds a second 700 MVA transformer at Ponderosa substation. A 230 kV AIS bus will be developed north of the existing Ponderosa 230 kV GIS bus. The high side of the new Ponderosa 500/230 kV transformer will tap the Grizzly – Captain Jack 500 kV line with a high side breaker and the low side will terminate into the new 230 kV AIS bus. A high side breaker will be added to the existing Ponderosa transformer which taps the Grizzly – SummerLake 500 kV line and terminates into the existing 230 kV GIS bus. / Kyle Kohne
North Cross Cascade 500 kV Line Project / 500 / On Hold / .05 / Consisting of a Chief Joe – Monroe 500 kV line, this project is associated with load service and is on hold until load growth supports construction. / ″
North Hurlburt Wind 1 / 266 / 5/2011 / .05 / The generation project has executed or is in the process of executing a Large Generation Interconnection Agreement (LGIA) with BPA. Technical interconnection studies can be obtained by signing a non-disclosure agreement with BPA. / Chuck Matthews
Montague I / 202 / 12/2011 / .05 / The generation project has executed or is in the process of executing a Large Generation Interconnection Agreement (LGIA) with BPA. Technical interconnection studies can be obtained by signing a non-disclosure agreement with BPA. / “
Lower Snake Wind / 341 / 12/2011 / .05 / The generation project has executed or is in the process of executing a Large Generation Interconnection Agreement (LGIA) with BPA. Technical interconnection studies can be obtained by signing a non-disclosure agreement with BPA. / “
Miller Ranch Wind / 150 / 6/2012 / .05 / The generation project has executed or is in the process of executing a Large Generation Interconnection Agreement (LGIA) with BPA. Technical interconnection studies can be obtained by signing a non-disclosure agreement with BPA. / “
Golden Hills Wind / 200 / 8/2012 / .05 / The generation project has executed or is in the process of executing a Large Generation Interconnection Agreement (LGIA) with BPA. Technical interconnection studies can be obtained by signing a non-disclosure agreement with BPA. / “