SIPS2 / Attenuated Positive Symptom Syndrome (APSS) / 1 or more elevated sub-threshold positive symptom / 1x/week in the past month / Past year or worsened compared to1 year ago
Brief Intermittent Psychotic Syndrome (BIPS) / Briefly and recently met psychotic threshold on one or more positive symptom / 1x/month (Present at least several minutes a day) up to 4x/week / Past 3 months
Genetic Risk and Decline (GRD) / Schizotypal Personality Disorder Diagnosis or 1st degree relative with a psychotic disorder and a current Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) score at least 30% lower than 12 months ago
CAARMS14 / Attenuated Psychosis Group
(Subthreshold Intensity)
Attenuated Psychosis Group
(Subthreshold Frequency) / Elevated sub-threshold Unusual Thought Content (UTC), Non-Bizarre Ideas (NBI), Disorganized Speech (DS) or Perceptional Abnormalities (PA) and a 30% drop in SOFAS in the past year or a SOFAS 50 for the past year / 1x/month to 2x/week (> 1 hour per occasion) or 3-6x/week (<1 hour per occasion) to continuous (for at least a week) / Past 12 months but no more than 5 years ago
Psychotic intensity on UTC or NBI or DS or Severe/Psychotic intensity on PA and a 30% drop in SOFAS in the past year or SOFAS < 50 for the past year / 1x/month to 2x/week (> 1 hour per occasion) or 3-6x/week (<1 hour per occasion) / Past 12 months but < 5 years
Brief Limited Intermittent Psychotic Symptoms (BLIPS) / Psychotic intensity on UTC or NBI or DS or Severe/Psychotic intensity on PA and a 30% drop in SOFAS in the past year or a SOFAS 50 for the past year / 3-6x/week (>1 hour per occasion) or daily (<1 hour per occasion) to continuous (for at least a week) / Occurred during the last 12 months
Group / Schizotypal Personality Disorder Diagnosis or 1st degree relative with a psychotic disorder and a 30% drop in SOFAS in the past year or a SOFAS < 50 for the past year
Basic Symptoms / SPI-A15 / Cognitive Disturbances (COGDIS) / At least 2 of the following: (Inability to Divide Attention; Thought Interference; Thought Pressure; Thought Blockages; Disturbance of Receptive Speech; Disturbance of Expressive Speech; Unstable Ideas of Reference; Disturbances of Abstract Thinking; Captivation of Attention by Details of the Visual Field) / Weekly to daily / Last 3 months and 1st occurrence more than 12 months ago
Supplemental Table 1: Instruments and Syndromes for Identifying Psychosis Risk
Note: SIPS = Structured Interview for Psychosis-Risk Syndromes; CAARMS = Comprehensive Assessment of At-Risk Mental States; SPI-A = Schizophrenia Prediction Instrument for Adults; SOFAS: Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale