4. / DATE OF ADMISSION / 10-06-2010
A student is a person who engages in study, who is devoted to learning and one who seeks knowledge. There are a lot of factors which influence the performance of a student. They include cognitive ability, emotional adjustments, home conditions, peer relations, etc
Emotions are an important part of our biologic make up. They are the spice of life and if it is in healthy line it helps the individual to enjoy life, interact with people and contributes to the general welfare of the society.1 Emotions are the psycho physiological experience of an individual when interacting with internal or external influences. Emotions can be broadly classified into pleasant and unpleasant emotions.2
According to David Weschler, intelligence is the global capacity of the individual to think rationally, to act purposefully, and to deal effectively with his environment. Individuals differ from one another in their ability to understand complex ideas, to adapt effectively to the environment, to learn from experience and to overcome the obstacles. This is the concept of intelligence. But they are not consistent: a given person's intellectual performance will vary on different occasions and in different domains.3
Modern society depends on a strong and vibrant educational system. New theories of intelligence have been introduced and are gradually replacing the traditional theory. Students are educated with one main objective in mind: their success. In the present educational scenario, the whole student has become the center of concern; it is not only the cognitive intelligence, but also their creativity, emotions, and interpersonal skills influences academic success.4
Emotional Intelligence also referred as Emotional Intelligence Quotient which is the ability of an individual to perceive asses and manage emotions of his own and of other people.5
The term ‘emotional intelligence’ was coined by Peter Salovey from University of Yale and John Mayer from University of New Hampshire in 1990.
Bar On, American psychologist defined emotional intelligence as the ability to understand oneself and others, relating well to people, and adapting and coping with the immediate surroundings to be more successful in dealing with environmental demands.6 Earlier it was thought that only the cognitive intelligence is responsible for academic success, but the fundamental theories like the Multiple Intelligences theory & the Emotional Intelligence Theory say that success depends not only on IQ but also emotional intelligence and social intelligence play a vital role in students’ success.4
Emotional intelligence is one of the factors that influence students’ learning process. It contributes significant implication towards their academic achievements. Emotional intelligence is nowadays considered vital for success, so it is important to start teaching its components to students. As it affects student achievement, it is imperative for schools to integrate it in their curricula, hence raising the level of student success.4
The Emotional intelligence provides liberty for individuals to explore self potentials, as well as providing opportunities for individuals to harmonize themselves with their self emotion. Individuals with high levels of emotional intelligence are able to manage their emotions.7
Student life is said to be the best period for any person. There are many ways by which students can be successful in their student life. Educational scholars have given importance for the emotional intelligence in the academic performance of the student.
Emotional intelligence is in the heart of every individual. According to The Multiple Intelligence Theory success depends on several intelligences and the control of emotions.3
Goleman mentions that emotional intelligence or emotional quotient accounts for 80% success and it outperforms intelligence quotient or cognitive intelligence in predicting academic achievement. The IQ contributes only 20% to the factors that determine life accomplishment. Research studies have shown that emotional1intelligence can make a difference in student’s success.6
Emotional problems contribute to serious learning impairment in children. Indian studies reports that emotional problems in college students ranging from 10-74%.A study conducted on college students on prevalence of emotional problem over the period of 1972 to 2002 in Delhi, reported 3.23 to 36.5% of students have emotional problems.16
A study conducted at Trent University on the effect of emotional intelligence on academic performance among 100 full time students. Researcher selected two groups –academically successful students (marks 80% or more) and academically unsuccessful students (marks 52% or less) and measured their emotional intelligence. The result showed that students who had high academic scores had high EQ and also proved that Emotional intelligence as a better predictor of academic success as compared to other variables like , IQ , economic and demographic factors.8
Adjustment is a very important aspect for the students of professional courses. It is one’s emotional intelligence that enables an individual to get adjusted with new situations and new intellectual demands. If students feel isolated or feel as if they don’t fit in, they will feel difficulty in meeting the academic demands.7
A study was conducted at Malaysian university on adjustment amongst First Year Undergraduate students. Sample size consisted of 250 first year students who were selected using multistage cluster sampling. Adjustment level of students was measured by using self rating questionnaire. Results showed that 70% of the respondents have moderate level of adjustment, 26% have low level and 4% have high level of adjustment. Results indicated that students’ academic achievement is significantly predicted by college overall adjustment, academic adjustment and personal emotional adjustment.13
The factor of emotional intelligence is also interconnected with the aspect of one’s own anxiety. Studies have found that high level of emotional intelligence is able to decrease the level of anxiety of an individual. Lower levels of anxiety, proven able to improve students’ academic achievement.7
Western Australian Child Health Survey, reports significant difference in proportions of students who were at average or above average academic performance when analyzed against risk of clinically significant emotional difficulties. Those students who are at low risk of clinically significant emotional symptoms were found to be at average or above average academic performance i.e,44.2% compared with high risk students 28.6% and also at low risk of clinically significant peer problems 44.9%compared with high risk students 22.3%.3
William’s study on economics of higher education conducted in London showed that those students who are emotionally competent will develop good interpersonal relationships with peers. Peer groups can positively influence students in performing well in their academic activities.3
A study conducted to the nursing students at Laguna Colleges, London, recommended that emotional intelligence should be incorporated into the nursing curricula. The ability to read and manage emotions is very essential while interacting with patients12. Accurately reading the emotional responses of patients can establish an effective nurse-patient relationship.10
In general context, excellence in academic achievement has been commonly connected with students’ high cognitive intelligence, but the aspect of emotion has not been given its deserving emphasis. The studies on emotional intelligence have to be done to open up the minds of parents, teachers and the authority that are directly and indirectly involved in the process of development and learning of the students. So the student researcher wants to know whether the emotional intelligence has any effect on the academic performance of the student.
A study was conducted on the relationship between emotional intelligence and academic performance in Eleventh Graders in Auburn University at Mongomery. Sample size consisted of 500 students who were selected by using stratified random sampling technique. The samples were given the BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory scale, a questionnaire for calculating the emotional intelligence of the students and the academic performance by reviewing the last semester academic records. The findings showed that students with high EQ score had high academic performance. The study concluded that there is a significant positive relationship between emotional intelligence and academic performance of students.4
A study was conducted on the effect of emotional intelligence on academic performance at Karachi. Sample size consisted of 246 adolescent students, 123 males and 123 females were selected by stratified random sampling technique. The scores of EQ-I questionnaire of students were statistically evaluated for determining high and low groups of emotional intelligence. The results of the study proved that the students who scored high in emotional intelligence specifically in areas like interpersonal skills, intrapersonal skills, adaptability, general mood and stress management skills tend to have good academic performance as compared to those who scored low on these scale and concluded that emotional intelligence has an important role in predicting academic performance of the students.9
A study was conducted on philosophy underlying Emotional Intelligence in relation to curiosity and academic achievement of rural area students at Malaysia. The sample size consisted of 223 secondary school students and was selected by using purposive sampling technique. Data collection was done by using a set of questionnaire which includes a self report measure of emotional intelligence adapted from Schutte Self-Report of Emotional Intelligence and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and academic records.The study results showed that those students who were good in academic performance had high emotional intelligence and concluded that emotional intelligence of students was significantly correlated with academic achievement and curiosity of students. 7
A cross sectional study on emotional intelligence in baccalaureate nursing students was conducted in Canada. Sample size consisted of 100 students, 25 students from each year of baccalaureate nursing program were selected by using simple random sampling technique. Students were administered the BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory Short. The study results showed that there is a significant relationship between the emotional intelligence and academic performance. The difference in total EQ scores between students in year 1 and 4 was statistically significant in the scores of interpersonal and the stress management subscales, fourth year students had high EQ than first year students.11
A correlational study conducted on emotional intelligence and stress resiliency. The sample size consisted of 140 students having technical background. Emotional Quotient Inventory Scale and self reported questionnaire on stress resiliency were used to collect the data from the samples. The study result showed that students who are emotionally intelligent are resilient to stress which determine their academic as well as personal success and concluded that emotional intelligence had significant effect on the stress resilience ability of students both in their academic as well as personal life.14
A study conducted on the relationship between self-identity and academic persistence and achievement in India. The sample size consisted of 250 undergraduate students by using stratified random sampling technique. Data collected using Mayer, Salovey, Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test and academic records. The study result revealed that the higher the self-concept and self-schema, the better the academic achievement at the age of 18 years. The study concluded that self-identity improves through social interaction and communication with others, which would enhance academic achievement.17
“A correlational study to assess the relationship between emotional intelligence and academic performance of 2nd year basic B.Sc nursing students in selected colleges ,Bangalore”.
- To assess the emotional intelligence of 2nd Year Basic B.Sc nursing students.
- To assess the academic performance of 2nd Year Basic B.Sc nursing students.
- To find the correlation between the emotional intelligence and academic performance of 2nd year Basic B.Sc nursing students.
- To find the association between the level of emotional intelligence and selected socio demographic variables of 2nd year Basic B.Sc Nursing students.
- To find the association between level of academic performance and selected socio demographic variables of 2nd year Basic B.Sc Nursing students.
H01 - There is no statistical significant relationship between emotional intelligence and academic performance of 2nd year Basic B.Sc nursing students.
H02 - There is no statistical significant association between emotional intelligence and selected demographic variables.
H03 - There is no statistical significant association between Academic Performance and selected Socio demographic variables.
Emotional intelligence: It is the ability or capacity of Basic B.Sc nursing students
to perceive, assess and manage the emotions of one’s self and of the others measured by using BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory scale.
Academic Performance: It refers to the percentage of marks obtained by nursing students achieved in the previous University Examination, which is measured by reviewing the academic records maintained in the college.
Second Year Basic B.Sc Nursing students: B.Sc Nursing students who attended first year university examination and presently in second academic year.
· Emotional Intelligence may have effect on academic performance.
· Emotional intelligence may have relationship with the socio demographic variables.
· Academic performance may have relationship with the socio demographic variables.
Study is delimited to
· Second year Basic B.Sc Nursing students.
· One month period of data collection.
7.1. Source Of Data: Second Year Basic B.Sc nursing students
7.2. Methods of data collection:
7.2.1. Type Of Study: Descriptive approach
7.2.2. Research Design: Correlational Descriptive Survey design
7.2.3. Variables:
Study variables - emotional intelligence, academic performance
Attribute variables - Age, Gender, Education of parents, Annual income of family, type of family, residence, mass media, educational loan, ordinal position in the family, number of siblings, education of parents, academic regularity.
7.2.4. Sampling Technique: Convenient sampling technique