Ms. Firmin’s
First Grade
Parent Orientation
Dear Families,
It is my pleasure to welcome you and your child back to school! We have many exciting things to learn together this year in first grade. My name is Joanna Firmin and I am thrilled to be working with your child here at Wexford Elementary. We are a first rate family and together we can help your child grow to become a great student who loves to learn and loves school!
Reading/Language Arts:
Guided Reading/Wilson - Fundations
Research clearly shows that phonemic awareness is one the primary predictors in learning to read. Phonemic awareness is the understanding that spoken words are made of individual sounds. With that in mind, the reading program will be utilized through:
1. Large and small group instruction that focuses on explicit reading skills, such as predicting, sequencing, summarizing and inferencing, while utilizing high frequency words.
2. Daily “word work” which includes phonics (vowel sounds), spelling and “dolce words”. Several hands on activities are used to teach these skills such as “word building”, games, making wordbooks, and so on utilizing explicit instruction.
3. Daily comprehension and writing activities. This area concentrates on responding to and/or retelling a story. Hands-on activities may include making a class book, retelling through puppets, writing a new ending for the story, sequencing the story etc.
The reading skills of focus will be sent home in the weekly newsletter for the following week along with the dolce words and spelling list. At the end of each phonics unit a unit test will be given consisting of sounds, phonetic words, trick words and ultimately sentences.
RAZ-KIDS – Students will receive log-in information to access this companion reading website. It offers students the opportunity to listen to a story, reread the story then take a comprehension quiz, all at their reading level. They earn points towards fun activities on the website. This program can be used at home towards homework reading minutes.
Each week, students will be introduced to a list of words in conjunction with the Fundations phonics program. “Trick” sight-words will also appear on your child’s list for additional reinforcement and review (usually the last three spelling words on the list are trick words).
A Spelling Pre-Test will be administered at the beginning of the week to allow customized instruction and to help guide your practice at home. The formal Spelling test will be held at the end of the week.
Writing: (“Write One” Series)
To expose students to writing on a daily basis, we will encourage them to do just that! Students will develop writing skills throughout the year, including proper spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Proper letter formation is also extremely important.
When working with your child at home, be positive in his/her efforts to “phonetically spell,” based solely on letter sounds heard in the word(s). This is his/her way of experimenting with letter sounds to better understand the English language. As their reading skills improve, their knowledge of consonant and vowel rules will also. Finally, ask them to read their writing to you. We want students to be confident and excited to share their hard work!
Students will learn…
*The Process of Writing (plan, write, revise, check, & publish)
*The Forms of Writing (journals, notes, stories, letters, & poems)
*Tools of Learning (listening, speaking, reading, & writing)
*Proofreader’s Guide (using capital letters & punctuation)
Our First Grade Writing Goal:
To write five complete sentences on a topic, using descriptive language, time order words and proper conventions.
Mathematics:(Scott Foresman “EnVISIONmath”)
It includes topics covering number sense, addition and subtraction, geometry, patterns, place value, money, measurement, time, graphs and fractions. The lessons pace at approximately one lesson per day with a short quiz after each chapter. There is daily review and problem solving incorporated in the program. Math homework, when assigned, will be a review of topics already taught. Should your child struggle with any of the concepts as we go, please try to review the day’s lesson online using the wonderful companion website and attach a note to the front of their page when they return it to school if they still need extra help. You will receive login information for this program.
Rocket Math – begins in November. Students practice and master addition and subtraction facts through repeated practice and timed tests. An individual goal will be set for each student based on the speed of his or her writing. More information will come home in November.
Science/Health: (ASSET)
We study two major units from asset. WEATHER and later in the year SOLIDS and LIQUIDS. They offer exploration and scientific method with hands-on experiments. In addition, as the reading program correlates, we will study animals throughout the year.
Also, throughout the year we will study the following units in health: senses, nutrition, emotions teeth and healthy habits. As a class we also subscribe to a science news magazine that accompanies the Weekly Reader called “Science Spin” that offers up to date news in the sciences shared in a colorful, first-grade friendly format.
Social Studies: (Harcourt Brace/Weekly Reader)
This program introduces concepts in five areas. People Everywhere, Where we live, World of Work, Everything Changes, and Good Citizens. These concepts will be taught as they coincide with the reading series. In addition, we supplement the Harcourt Brace program with the Weekly Reader, a weekly newspaper that covers current topics in a First Grade-friendly format. Some of the newspapers will come home at different times during the year as they tie in with the curriculum.
Dolch Words – Assessed weekly and cumulatively each 9-week grading period
Reading Comprehension/Vocabulary Quiz– weekly
Reading Holistic Comprehension Test – 5 throughout the school year
Math Topic/Cumulative Tests – Given upon completion of each Topic
Spelling Test – Weekly
Aimsweb testing – traditionally twice a year
Fontas and Pinnell – Reading Level/Fluency/Comprehension testing administered throughout the year
Please try to find time to read at least 10 minutes with your child each evening and complete the “Home Reading Log”. Studies show that children who are read to and read regularly themselves become better readers. That is our goal!
Occasionally a math page will come home to reinforce a concept already covered in class or to review prior to a test. These should be completed and returned the next school day.
I will send home a weekly newsletter via email (please let me know if you cannot receive email newsletters) with any special information you may need. Please sign up for Wexford’s Friday Flash on the district website also for general Wexford Elementary information.
Any work that comes home marked “homework” or “please finish” is to be completed and returned the next day.
There will be a few projects along the way including a robot project, social studies, science, Flat Stanley and an animal research project in the spring. You will receive prior notice of these special projects in the newsletter.
Help your child memorize his/her cafeteria pin number as soon as possible. Also, please make sure to send lunch money for your child’s cafeteria account. (You can do this by sending a check in an envelope. Send it in a envelope with your child’s name and pin number on the check and the envelope made payable to “Wexford Cafeteria Fund” or go to the district website and sign up for the meal pay program online.) First grade lunch is scheduled for 11:25 am.
It is really helpful for your child if they know what they are choosing for lunch before coming to school if they are purchasing lunch from the cafeteria. Daily offerings change, but peanut butter and jelly is always available. Your child may purchase milk or water even if they pack a lunch.
School Store/Spirit Days:
The WPTO runs a school store in the cafeteria once or twice a month beginning in September. Students may bring in cash to purchase fun trinkets. Check the Friday Flash online for school store dates and Spirit days.
Positive discipline is first and foremost, although there may be occasions in which there needs to be a focus on individual behavior. Each child will participate in a coin reward system. Special pennies are received for outstanding behavior, or helping others and removed if a child is acting inappropriately. The pennies may be exchanged at the end of the week for a reward. In addition to the individual penny system the classroom may earn points to a classroom reward and small group rewards. It is my goal to foster a caring team atmosphere in the classroom with these programs.
Specials: (See schedule on the back cover of your child’s green daily folder)
1. Physical Education (Mr. Beam) –
Please have your child dress in comfortable clothing and athletic shoes on Gym days. They may not be able to participate with boots, sandals, etc.
2. Art (Mrs. Scheller) –
Please supply your child with an old T-shirt for Art (large enough to easily slip on over clothes). Mark his/her shirt with his/her name in permanent ink. It will be kept at school.
3. Library (Mrs. Fournaridis) –
Your child will be permitted to check out one Library book per week. Books are due the following week of school or the next scheduled Library visit.
4. Music (Mrs. Campbell)
5. Computer (Mr. Sargent)
Report Cards/Grading:
Report Cards will be available electronically, every nine-week period. Students will receive indicators in different curricular areas based upon their skills demonstrated in their class-work, tests and teacher observations. The indicators are as follows:
P – Proficient
D – Developing
B – Beginning
N – Not Yet Evident
Birthday Celebrations/Frog Prince(ss):
Students will be celebrated with a dedicated week that will be close to their birthday, or if they have a summer birthday, close to their ½ bierthday. We share information about the student, celebrate their birthday, read their birthday book, create a class book and build words with their name. You will be given a packet to complete prior to your child’s week. Please send it back to school in time for us to celebrate your child. Due to the updated wellness policy, birthday snacks are not permitted, but if you would like to send in a non-edible treat like pencils for the class that is fine.
Parent Volunteers:
Throughout the year there will be plenty of opportunities in addition to those below for you to help out in and out of the classroom. When you volunteer at the school please remember to sign in at the office before entering the rest of the school.
Homeroom Parent: to coordinate between the WPTO and classroom teacher for activities related to the class over the school year.
Party Parents: to plan, coordinate, and run classroom holiday parties. There will be a Halloween party, a Winter Holiday party, a Valentine’s Day party, and a End of Year party. Four parents are needed to run the parties. Sign-up sheets are out at Parent Orientation, or you can email me if you are interested and a spot is still open.
Royal Readers: One afternoon during the week, from 3:15 – 3:30, a volunteer is invited to come into our classroom to be a “Royal Reader”. Guidelines will be sent home with a schedule.
Scholastic Book Order: This parent will collate the scholastic book ordering for the classroom. (This job can be completed at home.)
Weekly Reader: This parent will collate the math papers for each lesson and the weekly reader magazines. (This job can be completed at home.)
Reading Logs: This parent will add up our reading minute totals from the childrens reading logs on Fridays. (It’s a 15 minute job and can be completed any time before dismissal on Fridays)
***Daily Folders:
Your child will be given a green “Take Home” folder on the first day of school. All work that is completed in school will be sent home in this folder. When your child comes home, take the time and review any papers that come home. Be sure to send the folder back to school the following day with any homework or papers that need to be returned on the “return to school” side.
School Absence/Vacation –
If you child is absent from school, he/she must return to school with a written excuse. In the case of an extended absence, please contact me. I would be happy to send any and all missed work home with a sibling or neighbor or leave it in the office for pick-up, provided enough notice is given.
All vacation absences require a completed form (available upon request) to be submitted to the office at least 2 weeks prior to the vacation.
If your child has a fever, please keep them home from school until they have been fever-free (without medication!) for 24 hours. When they return, please send a note with them.
Should your child have any allergies or medications they need throughout the school day, please fill out a medical form immediately in the office and meet with the school nurse (Mrs. Chips) to discuss your child’s needs and give her the medication. No medicines should come to school with your child unless you have contacted Mrs. Chips first.