The Product
The progestin melengestrol acetate (MGA) is dissolved in a special propylene glycol formulation for orally delivered contraception.
Recommended Use
This product is considered suitable for species in which MGA has been shown to be safe and effective (see THE RMC’s recommendations at MGA, delivered via subcutaneous silastic implant, has been used effectively in zoos for almost 30 years in a wide variety of species. Similarly, MGA in prepared feed has been used domestic cattle for decades and more recently in a variety of wild bovids and cervids.
Information on Safety to Humans
When used as directed, this product poses no health risk to humans. Domestic cattle are 240 times more sensitive to MGA than are humans, that is, a human would have to ingest a dose 240 times higher than that ingested by cattle to have the same effect. The doses being recommended for exotic ungulates are within the range used for cattle, and those being recommended for small mammals such as bats and rodents are much smaller.
ZooPharm believes this MGA formulation is not a hazardous material according to the OSHA Hazard Communications Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200 or the EPA Community Right-to-Know regulations. Therefore, no Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) have been produced. If you have any questions, call Dr. Bill Lance at 970-484-6267.
Information on Safety to Treated Animals
As with all contraceptives used for exotic species, the oral administration of MGA must be considered experimental. MGA has been fed to domestic cattle for decades without untoward effects, which suggests that it should be generally safe for ruminants. However, exotic ruminants have not been treated orally with MGA for more than 10 years, so possible long-term effects are unknown. Also, as with most drugs, species differences apply. In particular, MGA liquid is not recommended for carnivores, since synthetic progestins have been shown to be associated with deleterious effects in this group. For these reasons, it is critical that records be kept on the dose delivered per day, date started, date ended, presence of male(s) when administered to social groups or herds, signs of estrous behavior, birth dates of any offspring born, abortions, date of death if an individual dies and any other pertinent observations. These include results of any reproductive tract examinations or abnormal blood chemistries from both MGA-treated and untreated animals, including males that ingest MGA during group feeding. Cases of dominant animals ingesting large doses (if group fed) should be noted. Records must be included annually in the RMC’s Annual Contraception Survey. The resulting data will be used to formulate future recommendations. The product will no longer be sold to any institution that fails to submit the annual survey.
Complete reproductive tracts are needed from contracepted (treated) and non-contracepted (control) females and males to determine whether there are any deleterious effects associated with the contraceptive. Reproductive tracts (collected during ovariohysterectomy, castration or necropsy) can be fixed in buffered formalin by immersion of the entire tract for 72 hrs if an incision is made in each horn or in the testis or ovary, making sure there is a ratio of 1 part tissue to 10 parts formalin. If sending the entire tract is impractical, send a description (or photos) of necropsy results, samples of all lesions (if any), 2 endometrial samples (be sure to include both caruncles and intercaruncular areas) and both ovaries. A brief summary of the reproductive history of each animal should be included. Protocols for submission of samples to the AZA Health Surveillance Program are available at their website:
Tissue samples should be sent to Dr. Dalen Agnew, Attn: Histo Research, Diagnostics Center for Population and Animal Health, 4125 Beaumont Rd., Lansing, MI 48910-8104; Phone: 517-353-1683;
Administration of MGA Liquid Contraceptive
MGA liquid can be added to a treat and delivered to individual animals, can be delivered directly into the mouth of animals such as hippos, or can be added to the regular diet and fed individually or to groups. However, it is important to insure that each female ingests at least the minimum effective dose every day or ovulation and pregnancy can result. If a female refuses to consume the dose, she should be separated from males until she is has consumed the proper dose again for at least one week.
Latency to effectiveness and to reversal
Keep females separate from males during the first week of administration. Time to reversal is highly individual, but could be as little as two days after cessation of treatment.
Use during pregnancy or lactation
Because progestins can block uterine contractions in some species (particularly ungulates), progestin contraception is NOT recommended for pregnant animals. However, progestins are believed to be safe for lactating females.
Recommended doses
The product comes as a solution of 1.15mg MGA/ml. The following daily MGA doses are recommended:
0.1 mg MGA/day/animal - for small mammals such as bats and rodents
0.5 mg MGA/day/animal - for ungulates up to about 800 lbs
1.0 mg MGA/day/animal - for ungulates larger than 800 lbs, except giraffe and hippopotamus (see below).
2.0 - 3.0 mg MGA/day/animal- for giraffe and hippopotamus
NOTE: The maximum safe dose is considered to be more than 3 times that recommended for contraception (suids are apparently an exception, in that the minimum effective contraceptive dose can be associated with deleterious effects).
Although progestin contraception can often be effective even when ovulation is not blocked, to ensure efficacy we recommend that the dose be sufficiently high to suppress estrous behavior. Please report observations of estrous behavior in treated animals to Mary Agnew at , 314-646-4595, or to Ashley Franklin at , 314-646-4732 to discuss a higher dosage.
Pricing Information
The formulation is compounded to a 1mg/ml strength in a 30 ml vial, at a price of $25.00 plus shipping and handling. A more dilute strength can be provided on request for smaller mammals. Cost of special flavorings would be extra but should be minimal
To Purchase MGA Liquid Contraceptive
Before placing your first order, you must register withAshley Franklin, Program Analyst of the AZA Reproductive Management Center (see attached registration form). The Center will then notify ZooPharm that you are an approved buyer, so you will be able to make the purchase through a valid prescription faxed to ZooPharm at 307-721-3801. Inquiries to ZooPharm should be made to Christy Lamb, 970-484-6267 or 877-883-9283.
Sponsor: AZA Reproductive Management Center at the Saint Louis Zoo and the Zoopharm division ofWildlife Pharmaceuticals
Sponsor Contact Information: Ashley Franklin
Program Analyst
1 Government Drive
St. Louis, MO 63110
314-646-4732; Fax 314-646-5534
Product Information: Product: Melengestrol Acetate (MGA) dissolved in a propylene glycol formulation
Dosage: 1mg/ml in 30 ml (can be diluted by request for smaller mammals)
Source: ZooPharm (Requires a valid prescription - Fax: 307-721-3801)
Cost: $25 plus shipping and handling, extra cost for addition of special flavorings
Collaborating Institution:
Contact person (responsible for data collection and reporting):
Mailing Address:
City:State: Zip Code:
Animal Information:
Species (genus/species/common name):
Number of individuals (males.females.juveniles):
ISIS#/House Name:
Parity (for females) or number of offspring(for males):
By this application, the participating institution agrees to:
1) Administer the contraceptive product only to approved species at the recommended dosage
2) Submit annual surveys with information on animals that were treated during the preceding year, including scientific name, common name, ISIS #, birth date, sex, daily dosage, date started, date ended, presence of male in group, estrous behavior observed, birth dates of any offspring born, abortions, and date of death if individual dies
3) Submit reproductive tracts to the Health Surveillance Program after ovariohysterectomy or death.
Signed______(Attending or Chief Veterinarian)