Diocese of Lichfield
Ministry Development Review

Form III: My Summary, Objectives and Goals


Post – (Stipendiary, OLM,NSM,HFD)

Date of Preparation Date of Review


Telephone Contact No.

Email Address

Episcopal Area


Parish / Chaplaincy etc

Date of last Ministry Development Review (If Applicable)

Date of Last ABC (formerly, Episcopal Review)

Date of Last Safeguardingchildren,young people & vulnerable adultsTraining?

This form should be completed in draft before the Review and sent to your Reviewer 2 weeks before your meeting.

It is a summary of changes and growth in ministry since your last Review.

You may adjust its contents in the meeting and then agree the final version after discussion with your Reviewer.

Please complete this form in a way which is helpful to you and moves you on. Use cut and paste for sections which have already appeared in your background information.

1. Brief description of context of Review;

description of the parish or area of ministry and of key relationships including any major changes since last Review e.g. change of churchwardens, line manager, Incumbent etc., local social change, such as a new housing estate, enlargement of prison. If you are an SSM, with a workplace ministry, please also write a little about where you work.

2. How successful have I been in reaching the objectives I set at my last

review? Which objectivesare still a work in progress?

3. What changes have there been in my work and in my journey of faith over the two years? What have been the three most rewarding aspects of my ministry over this period? What have been the two least rewarding?

4. Summary of input from lay people and colleagues and my response to that.

This section will be left blank until the review.

5. What training have I undertaken in the last 2 years, other than that already listed in the fulfilment of objectives?

6. What objectives am I setting for the next few years?

There should normally be 6 objectives, 3 relating to your personal professional development and 3 to your ministry.

7. Are there specific areas in which I will need support or training in order to work towards these objectives? You may wish to share some of these objectives with your Spiritual Director, colleagues or churchwardens.

  1. Areas of particular experience, skill or gifting that could be shared more widely.

  1. Any other comment?



I have informed my Area Bishop’s office of all personal contact details, including phone numbers, email addresses and social media profiles and relevant updates.

I (or an appropriate person/s in my parish(es) have ensured that our information is up to date on the Diocesan ‘My Diocese’ Database and achurchnearyou.com




send this completed form to your Reviewer not less than two weeks before the review andkeep a copy for your own records.

After the review meeting:-

This summary, once agreed with your Reviewer, should be sent to the MDR Administrator, Jane Instone at St Mary’s House. Copies will be sent to;

  • theArea Bishop, along with any note of disagreement if you and your reviewer cannot agree.
  • the Diocesan Bishop, along with any note of disagreement, (for retention in your personal file)
  • the Director of Ministry and your Ministry Development Advisor
  • Before your next Review, a copy will be forwarded to your Reviewer. (Reviewers will NOT retain copies of Review forms)

What Next:

Your Ministry Development Advisor will contact you to arrange a meeting to discuss objectives from your MDR.

Finally…. We would very much appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to complete the Evaluation Form (which can be found with the MDR Documents) following your review meeting and send it to MDR Administrator Jane Instone –

or by post, to Ministry Department, St Mary’s House, The Close, Lichfield WS13 7LD.

Thank you.

Form III: My Ministerial Development: Summary Objectives & Goals / April 2016