

November 2, 2017

PRAYER—Sandy O’Brien

ATTENDANCE:Father Adam, Paul Bobay, Pam Bourjaily, Kathy Donnelly, Judy Duncan, Donna Jondle, Mary Kelley, Mike Kelley, Sandy O’Brien, Amanda Ray, Marty Sokoll, Janet Steenlage, Fran Zuber

APPROVAL OF OCTOBERMINUTES—Moved by Pam Bourjaily, seconded by Paul Bobay


  • October 7/8: W&S “Spotlight” Weekend—Added three acolytes, one Eucharistic minister (EM), and one reader as well as a number of people interested in the Music Ministry. Thanks to Amanda for creating the board advertising the W & S Ministry. Extra copies of the “Let Us Stand and Give Thanks” article that Paul contributed will be left at the front table for people to take home.
  • November 1: All Saints Day—9 a.m. mass 150 people attended and 4 EMs was the right number. At the 6 p.m. mass 220 people attended and more EMs were needed, we should have had8 EMs.


  • November 4/5: Blessing of the Sick—Janet has alerted the Sacristans that the blessing is happening and they will alert the ushers. The Knitting Ministry has also been informed to be sure there are enough shawls available. Father will go around the congregation two times, the first time he will do the laying of hands and the second time around will do the anointing.
  • November 11/12: Dedication Mass--Cake will be served after all masses and flowers will be placed on the alter. Amanda will cancel donuts and arrange to have someone at all masses to serve cake. Dedication candles will be carried in by EMs during procession of mass. Sacristans have been informed. Procession: cross, book of gospels, candles, acolytes, priest. We will use the normal mass readings.
  • November 11/12: Baptisms will also be done at this mass.
  • December 2/3: 1st Sunday of Advent—We will have the advent wreath displayed on the alter and it will be lit during the mass at 5:15 p.m. This Sunday is also the Calling of Catechumens.
  • December 8: Feast Day of Immaculate Conception--Judy to set up sign-up genius for ministers for 9:00 a.m.(8 EMs) and 6:00 p.m.(4 EMs) masses.
  • December 16/17: 2nd collection for flowers
  • December 17: Cantata at 6:00 p.m.
  • December 18: Reconciliation at 7:00 p.m. (Priest dinner at 6:00 p.m.) Mary Kelley & Kathy Donnelly will order food for priests and be hostesses.
  • Christmas Masses: 4th Sunday of Advent celebrated at 5:15 p.m. mass on 12/23 and at 8:30 a.m.mass on 12/24, there will be no 11:00 a.m.mass. Christmas Eve Masses celebrated on 12/24 at 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. and Christmas Day Mass celebrated on 12/25 at 9:00 a.m. We will use Signup Genius for ministry at the Christmas masses. We will use readings from the Mass at Midnight for all three masses.
  • January 6/7: Feast of the Epiphany—Chalk and prayer cards for blessing of homes will be distributed by EMs after all masses. Paul has chalk ready but prayer cards need to be printed.
  • January 21: Rite of Calling the Candidates to Continuing Conversion. Plan for overflow at the 11:00 a.m. mass.
  • February 3: Confirmation
  • April 8: First Communion


  • December 1: Decorate for Advent at 6:00 p.m. Decorations include banners, windsocks, and birch branches.
  • December 21: Decorate for Christmas at 3:00 p.m. All materials are ordered. Kathy Donnelly will get Norfolk Pine boughs at Home Depot.
  • January 11: Taking down Christmas decorations after daily mass.


  • Welcoming Ministry—Discussed having a table that is staffed at all masses to greet people. There was also discussion about having people stationed to open the doors for people as they enter the church. Paul suggested that having families be greeters would be very welcoming and Father Adam suggested that we have a special ministry for greeters. There was also a suggestion that the coffee and donut duties could be folded into a new Welcoming Ministry.
  • Sacristans and EMs meet for a prayer just before mass starts—Thisis being done at the 8:30 a.m. mass and has been done at some of the other masses but it was suggested that it is a very nice practice and a great opportunity to touch base with reminders for things happening during the mass. The concern is that no one is greeting people as they are coming in but at the 8:30 a.m. mass ushers take over the duties of greeting people during this prayer time.


  • Discussed reminding EMs/greeters to avoid clumping together and chatting with each other while people are coming in to the church.
  • Judy suggested we start taking pictures of new members like we used to do. The pictures of new members were posted on a board in the entrance of the church. This could also be folded in to the Welcoming Ministry duties.
  • Paul suggested that people from church might go to the homes of new members to welcome them. Some members stated that they receivedphone calls from someone at St. Thomas More when they were new.
  • Amanda suggested that a dinner for new members would be a great way to meet the new people. It was suggested that it might be combined with the Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast where new members could meet with commission members to introduce the work of the commissions.
  • We missed putting the statue of Mary out in the narthex during October to signify the Month of the Rosary. Other dates Mary is put out in the Narthex: August 15, December 8, and January 1.
  • Paul suggested restarting the special prayer service that used to be held on the evening of November 2 for people who lost someone during the year.
  • We will plan to have a special mass in November 2018 for people who lost someone during the year.
  • Paul suggested that with the change of the liturgical year from Matthew to Mark it would be a good idea to have an introduction to Mark which discusses what is different and why there is a change.
  • Paul suggested we have someone come in to talk that would help ministers be better church readers. Father Adam stated he has an idea of who might be able to talk to readers about what is a good reader and how they could improve their presentation. It was suggested that some information be put on the website or in the bulletin.
  • Paul brought in a summary of Advent for the bulletin. He will send it to Mary and Janet to review.


  • Father had no additional discussion items.

NEXT MEETING: Thursday,December 7, 2017

Submitted by Sandy O’Brien

W & S Meeting Minutes November 2017 Page 1