Sichuan Urban Development Project (SUDP)

Financed by the World Bank Loan

Suining Environmental Improvement Project

(Infrastructure Construction in Xining District )

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

(Draft for Review)

Sichuan Research Institute of Environmental Protection (SRIEP)

August 2005


EA Certificate: GHP Class A No. 3205

Director of SRIEP: Mr. Liao Ji (Senior Engineer)

Deputy Director: Mr. Ye Hong (Senior Engineer)

Chief Engineer: Mr. Chen Daping (Senior Engineer)

Person in charge of the project:

Core Team of EA:

Name / Title / Number of EA Certificate / Work Contents / Signature
Fang Zili / Senior engineer / A32050007 / Write Introduction, and Conclusions & Suggestions;
Revise the whole text of the report
Xie Qiang / Engineer / A32050022 / EIA, Environmental protection measures and their economic & technical proof
Luo Menghua / Senior engineer / A32050039 / Economic gain & loss of EI
Luo Wei / Engineer / A32050035 / Physical & social situation, Existing environmental qualities
Tan Ting / Engineer / Environmental management & monitoring plans
Zuo Yuang / Engineer / Public survey, resettlement
Xu Liang / Engineer / Alternatives


Examination: EA Quality Examination Department of SRIEP



1.1 Need for the Project ……………………………………….... (1)

1.2 Objectives and Principles of the EIA………...... ()

1.3 Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework………….…….()

1.4 Standards for the EIA………………………………………....()

1.5 Category of the EIA

1.6 Scope of the EIA……………………………………………...()

1.7 Factors of the EIA…………………………………………….()

1.8Key Points of EIA ……………………………………………..()

1.9 External Environmental Relations and Main Protected

Objects ….…….…………………………………………….. ()

1.10 Pollution Control and Environmental Protection Objectives …………………………………………………... ()

1.11P Procedures of the EIA ………………...…………………...()


2.1 Project Description ……………………………………………()

2.2 Project Components and Analysis …………………..……..... ( )

2.3 Environmental Impact Characteristics and Mitigation Measures …………………………………………….……….. ()

2.4 Necessity and Rationality of the Project …………………...… ()


3.1 Physical Environment……………………………………... ()

3.2 Socio-economic Environment ……………………..……….()

3.3 Xining District ……………………………………………… ()

3.4 Local Planning of Xining District ………………………….. ()


4.1 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment of

ExistingSurface Water Quality…….. ……………………… ()

4.2 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment of Existing Quality…………………………………….……………….. ()

4.3 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment of Existing Noise Environment ……………………………………….……. ()


5.1 Socio-environmental Impact Analysis…. .………..………… ()

5.2 Eco-environmental Impact Analysis….……………………... ()

5.3 Water Environmental Impact Analysis…...……….………… ()

5.4 Air Environmental Impact Analysis…...………….………… ()

5.5 Noise Environmental Impact Analysis………….…….……. ()


6.1 Alternatives for Road Construction of Xining District ………()

6.2 Alternatives for Embankment Construction of

GuangjiyanRiver……………………………………………. ()

6.3 Alternatives for Xingning Road Construction.….……………. ()


7.1 Measures for Soil & Water Losses Control and Ecological Restoration

7.2 Measures for Water Environmental Protection and Their Proof

7.3 Measures for Air Environmental Protection and Their Proof

7.4 Measures for Noise Control and Their Proof

7.5 Environmental Protection Measures and Cost Estimate

8.0 Resettlement

8.1 Impact Scope and Affected People …………………..…….. ()

8.2 Resettlement Action Plan ……………………………..…… ()

8.3 Environmental Impact of Resettlement…………………….. ()


9.1 Social and Environmental Benefits of the Project …………… ()

9.2Economic Benefit of the Project ………………..…….…..….. ()

9.3Economic Benefit and Loss Analysis of Environmental Impact

………………………………………………………………... ()

10.0 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ……………………………...….....()





1.1 Need for the Project

Along the continuous development of the national economy and enlarging regional economic gap, the West China Development, has been initiated by the central governmentto speed up the development of theeconomy in western and middle areas of China, as well as to maintain social stability, reduce poverty and promote the balanced development of the national economy.

SuiningCityis directly under the administration of Sichuan Provincial Government, located in south western China and under the West China Development program. The city is located in the central part of SichuanBasin, and is the joint betweenprovnical capital Chengdu and one of the four municipalities with a provincial status, Chongqing. The urban center of Suining situates at the confluence of Chuan-e (Sichuan-Hubei) Highway and Mian-yu (Mianyang- Chongqing) Highway. Da-cheng (Dachaun-Chengdu) Railway and Cheng-nan (Chengdu-Nanchong) Expressway go through the city. Such convenient condition of communications makes Suining a transportation hub and an important distributing center in middle Sichuan. Since the reform and opening up policies, socio-economic development has been fast. The population in urban area of SuiningCity reached 423 200 in the year 2002. And the constructed urban area reached 21.6 km2 from 6.1 km2 in 1985. The whole city has already developed into a regional comprehensive center city.

In 2004, to speed up the urban development of the city, Suining Municipal Committee of CPC and Suining Municipal Government divided the urban area into four administration districts: Jiangdongxin (new area in the east of Fujiang river) District, NanbaIndustrial Park, old urban center, and Economic Development Zone. At present, the most part of the old urban center has been constructed, thus few land in the district can be used for new development for meeting the demands of ever-increasing urban population. In industrial parks, most part of the land is planned to develop industries, so lands for other use are relatively small. Therefore, the two areas, Jiangdongxin District and Xining (west of Suining) District, can play a role of carrier to develop the city. Of the two areas, Jiangdongxin District has worse conditions for developing due to lack of infrastructure and lands, and beyond the Fujiang river. So only the area, Xining District has the advantages for development.

It is planned to cover a land area of 3.51 km2, and to have a population of 52 500 in Xining District. As a comprehensive economic zone of the economic development zones, there spread farmlands and few residential quarters in Xining District at present. Because of no traffic network available in the district, it develops slowly. If complete or perfect its traffic condition and infrastructure, rapid development will be achieved in Xining District then.

Xining District lies in the western part of SuiningCity, belonging to a sub-district under the Master Plan of Suining City. It is separated from the old urban area (urban center) by a canal, and adjacent to GuangdeTemple and WolongPark which are cultural relics at provincial protection level. This district covers an area of 3.2 km2, with a population of 35 000. The land of this district is flat, surrounded by green hills, with GuangjiyanRiver (a canal) running through. Mild climate, enough rain fall, clear season changes, together make this district a precious place for residence and business.

To sum up, the project of Xining District is very necessary and urgent. This project will also bring more jobs opportunities and incomes to Suining people. After the project is completed, investment and business environment will be improved, as well as the living standard of local people. The poverty problems also will be solved. The Development and Reform Committee of Sichuan Province authorized this project’s construction in October 2004, by the Document CFW No. [2004] 617.

Based on the requirements specified by Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China, Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the People’s Republic of China, Regulations of Environmental Protection Managementfor Construction Projects, Order No. 253 issued by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, and Notice of Strengthening the EA Management Work of the Construction Projects Financed by Loans of International Financial Organizations, HJ [1993] No. 324 issued by State Environmental Protection Administration, State Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance, and People’s Bank of China, the Administration (Commission) of Economic Development Zone of Suining City entrusted Sichuan Research Institute of Environmental Protection* (hereafter SRIEP in short) to conduct the EIA work for Suining Environmental Improvement Project Infrastructure Construction in Xining District) Financed by the World Bank loan.

As soon as receiving the task, SRIEP sent its professionals to conduct the environmental reconnaissance, collect the relevant data, and produce the TOR for the EA of the project in July 2005. In August 2005, the TOR for the EA was reviewed by experts invited by Sichuan EPB, and then proved by Sichuan EPB with the Document of CHJH[2005] No. 344. After the TOR for the EA being proved, SRIEP conducted the monitoring on existing environment of the project area, and collected more relevant data according to the requirements of the TOR for the EA as well as the Document. Finally SRIEP produced the EIA Report of the Project.

1.2 Objectives and Principles of the EIA

According to the characteristics of this project, this project basically is of non-pollution, and the impact upon environment mainly happens in construction phase. During operation phase, pollution happens in the form of traffic noise. For this reason, Objectives and Principles of the Environmental Impact Assessment is decided as follows:

(1) To realize the harmonious development of this district’s infrastructure, nature, economy and environment, to adopt sustainable development strategies.

(2) To assess the feasibility and rationality of this project from environmental protection point of view.

(3) According to environmental assessment, to offer a gist for environment management and protection design in construction phase and operation phase.

(4) According to the principle “ combination of spot, face and line; stressing key point”, to assess with particular emphasis on aiming at different features of construction.

(5) From the angle of economy and technology, to assess the prevention and cure measures for pollution and the feasibility of compensation.

(6) According to the features of this project, to use analytical method and simple numeration to give prominence to the positive benefit of environment improvement, while doing the assessment.

1.3 Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework

1.3.1 Laws and Regulations

(1) Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China;

(2) Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the People’s Republic of China;

(3) Law of the People’s Republic of China on Urban Planning

(4) Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution;

(5) Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution;

(6) Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste;

(7) Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Noise Pollution;

(8) Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Conservation of Relics;

(9) Law of the People’s Republic of China on Flood Prevention and Control;

(10) Law of the People’s Republic of China on Water and Soil Conservation.

1.3.2 Other Relevant Laws and Regulations of Environmental Protection

(1) Regulations of Environmental Protection Management for Construction Projects, Order No. 253 issued by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China;

(2) Tentative Management Regulation on Scenic Spots, and Detailed Implementing

Measures for Tentative Management Regulation on Scenic Spots (1985.6.7)

(3) River Course Management Regulation of the People’s Republic of China;

(4) Decisions of the State Council on a Number of Problems of Environmental Protection, GF [1996] No.31 issued by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China;

(5) Notice of Further Promoting the Construction of Green Corridors throughout the Country, GF [2001] No.31 issued by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China;

(6) Decision of Sichuan Provincial People’s Government on Strengthening the Work of Environmental Protection, CFF [1996] No.142;

(7) Notice of Effectively Control of Urban Flying Dust, HF [2001] No.56 issued by State Environmental Protection Administration and the Ministry of Construction;

(8) Some Suggestions on Strengthening the Environmental Protection Management for Construction Projects in West China Development, HF [2001] No. 4 issued by State Environmental Protection Administration ;

(9) Notice of Strengthening the EA Management Work of the Construction Projects Financed by Loans of International Financial Organizations, HJ [1993] No. 324 issued by State Environmental Protection Administration, State Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance, and People’s Bank of China;

(10) National Compendium on Eco-environmental Protection, November 26, 2002, by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China;

1.3.3 Technical Codes or Specifications

(1) Technical Guidelines of EA (HJ/T2.1~2.3-1993);

(2) Technical Guidelines of EA(Acoustic Environment) (HJ/T2.4-1995);

(3) Technical Guidelines of EA (Non-pollution Eco-environment) (HJ/T1.9-1997);

(4) Specifications of Environmental Impact Assessment for Highway Construction (Tentative), Ministry of Communications, JTJ005-1996;

(5) Operational Directory for World Bank Financed Projects ——Environmental Assessment (OD4.01) issued by W. B. in July 1992;

(6) Data Collection of EA (W. B. Document No. 139, October 1993).

(7) Operational Directory for World Bank Financed Projects —Natural Inhabitation (OD4.04);

(8) Operational Directory for World Bank Financed Projects —Cultural Property (OD4.11);

(9) Operational Directory for World Bank Financed Projects —Non-voluntary Resettlement (OD4.12);

1.3.4 Data Relating to the Project

(1) Written Reply to the Proposal of Sichuan Urban Development Project (SUDP) Financed by W. B. Loan, CFGW [2004] No. 617 by the Development & Reform Commission of Sichuan Province, October 10, 2004;

(2) Letter of EIA Task Entrustment for Suining Environmental Improvement Project (Infrastructure Development in Xining District of SuiningCity);

(3) Proposal of Suining Environmental Improvement Project (Infrastructure Development in Xining District of SuiningCity), Sichuan Province Financed by W. B. Loan;

(4) Urban Master Plan of SuiningCity, and Detailed Controlled Planning of Xining District of SuiningCity;

(5) Relevant Data of nature, socio-economy, and eco-environments in the project area.

1.4 Standards for the EIA

1.4.1Ecological Environment

As a criteria or requirement, the proposed actions will not change the existing situation of soil erosion, and will not cause any new geological disaster. The classification of soil erosion is given in Table 1-1 below.

Table 1-1 Standard for the Classification of Soil Erosion

Class / Erosion level / Erosion modulus(t/km2·a)
A / Slight erosion (no obvious erosion) / < 500
B / Light erosion / 500 ~ 2500
C / Median erosion / 2500 ~ 5000
D / Heavy erosion / 5000 ~ 8000
E / Extreme erosion / 8000 ~ 15000

1.4.2 Standard for Water Quality

The CategoryC of Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water (GB3838-2002) is applied for assessing local surface water. The assessment parameters and their standard values are shown in Table 1-2.

Table 1-2 Water Quality Standard for the EA

Parameter / Standard value range
pH / 6~9
CODCr / ≤20
BOD5 / ≤4
DO / ≥5
NH3-N / ≤1.0
Petroleum & derivatives / ≤0.05
Ar-OH (Volatile phenols) / ≤0.005

Class Aof Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996) is used for assessing the wastewater in construction phase as well as operation phase. The standard values of 5 parameters are shown in Table 1-3.

Table 1-3 Wastewater Discharge Standard

Standard / pH / SS / NH3-N / CODCr / Petroleum & derivatives
Class A of Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996) / 6~9 / ≤70 / ≤15 / ≤100 / ≤5

* The unit of all the parameters in the Table is mg/L, except pH.

1.4.3 Standard for Ambient Air Quality

As the project area is a mixing area of residence, commerce, traffic, culture and education, so it belongs to the Category B of ambient air quality. The Class B of Ambient Air Quality Standard, (GB3095-1996) is used for the assessment. While the Class A of Ambient Air Quality Standard, (GB3095-1996) is used for the assessment of scenic or historic sites. The standard values are shown in Table 1-4.

The Class B of Integrated Emission Standard for Air Pollutants, (GB16297-1966) is used for assessing waste gas emission in the period both of construction phase and operation phase. The limits of 3 parameters are shown in Table 1-5.

Table 1-4 Ambient Air Quality Standard

NO2 / TSP / SO2
Time / Class A / Class B / Class A / Class B / Class A / Class B
Daily average / 0.08 / 0.12 / 0.12 / 0.30 / 0.05 / 0.15
1-hour average / 0.12 / 0.24 / 0.15 / 0.50

Note: Unit:mg/m3

Table 1-5 Waste Gas Emission Standard

Standard / SO2 / NO2 / TSP
Limit value of fugitive emission of Integrated Emission Standard for Air Pollutants / 0.40 / 0.12 / 1.0

Note: 1. Unit:mg/m3.

2. Values from Table 2 of Integrated Emission Standard for Air Pollutants.

3. Control points are set at 2 ~ 5 meters upwind of the fugitive emission sources, while monitoring points are set at 2 ~ 5 meters downwind of the emission sources.

1.4.4 Standard for Noise

During the project construction, Boundary Noise Limits for Construction Site (GB12523-1990) is used, see Table 1-6. For regional noise of Xining Sub-distric, Category B of Urban Regional Noise Standard (GB3096-1993) is adopted; while Category D of the standard is adopted for both sides of road, see Table 1-7.

Table 1-6 Boundary Noise Limits for Construction Sites

Construction phase / Main noise source / Limit value, LAeq (dB)
Daytime / Nighttime
Earthwork / Bulldozer, excavator, loading and unloading machine, etc. / 75 / 55
Piling / Piling machine, etc. / 85 / Construction is prohibited
Structure / Mixing machine, vibrating needle, electric saw, etc. / 70 / 55
Decoration / Crane, lifting machine, etc. / 65 / 55

Table 1-7 Ambient Noise Standard

Category / Equivalent sound level, LAeq (dB)
Daytime / Nighttime
B / 60 / 50
D / 70 / 55

1.4.5 Standard for Sediment

Standard for Pollutants Control in Sludge Used for Farming, (GB 4284-1984) is adopted to assess the heavy metals in sediment of river. The detailed information is given in Table 1-8. At the same time, Standard for Identifying Hazardous Substances — Leached Toxicity Identification,GB 5085.3-1996 is used for analyzing harmful substances in sludge or sediment.

Table 1-8 Standard Values and Assessment Parameters

Parameter / Maximum allowable value
pH<6.5 / pH>6.5
Cu / 250 / 500
Zn / 500 / 1000
Pb / 300 / 1000
Cr / 600 / 1000
Hg / 5 / 15

1.5 Category of the EIA

1.5.1 Eco-environment

The project area is in Xining District of Suining City. The construction of the project will affect the local ecological environment, such as vegetation, etc. As the affected area is at the both sides of road construction within 300 m each, so the affected area is much less than 20 km2. The project construction will not obviously affect the biodiversity or damage the vegetation due to no rare and precious animals and plants in the area. And the physical and chemical properties of surface water will also not be obviously affected in the process of project construction. Therefore, the Category C will be used to assess the bio-environmental impact according to《HJ/T19-1997》.

1.5.2 Ambient Air

The impact of the project on ambient air occurs mainly in construction phase, as the major pollutant is flying dust. By calculation, the equal-standard value of emission (P) is much less than 2.5108 , so the Category C will be used to assess the air environment.

1.5.3 Surface Water

The impact of the project on surface water occurs mostly in construction phase. The major sources of water pollution are production/construction wastewater and domestic/living wastewater. They are in small quantity and have a simple composition. After the completion of the project, wastewaters will be intercepted. So the environmental quality of local surface water (Category C water body) will improve at certain degree. According to 《HJ/T2.3-93》, the Category C will be used to assess the surface water environment.