THEME: Relationship and CommunityBuilding

Lesson: Develop Collaborative Problem-Solving Skills

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will work together to find a solution.

Essential Questions

  • What are the benefits of finding a solution collaboratively?
  • How did you find the solution as a group?
  • What did it feel like to do the activity as an advisory group?


  • Grade 9


  • 3 x 15 minutes


  • Write the Essential Questions on the board
  • Handouts: The Baseball Team (one per student group)


1. Explain the activity to the students. Given certain facts the students must work together to identify which man plays which position on the baseball team

2. Divide students into groups of 3 or 4 and distribute one fact sheet, The Baseball Team, to each group. Give the teams a minimum of 2 classes to try to solve.

3. Give the solution only after you discuss the Essential Questions.

  • Discussion Questions: What did it feel like to be given this task initially? What steps did you have to take to begin to solve the puzzle? Who was particularly helpful putting the clues together? How? What did the success (failure) at doing this activity tell you about how the group is functioning?
  • Solution: Catcher- Allen; Pitcher- Harry; First baseman- Leroy; Second baseman- Jerry; Third baseman- Andy; Shortstop- Ed; Left field- Sam; Centre field- Sean; Right field- Mike


  • Choose an appropriate Rubric from Assessment and Evaluation.


  • Working as part of a team can be a positive or negative experience. Learning how to be a good team player is a valuable life lesson.

The Baseball Team

1.Andy dislikes the catcher.

2.Ed’s sister is engaged to the second baseman.

3.The centre fielder is taller than the right fielder.

4.Harry and the third baseman live in the same building.

5.Leroy and Allen each won $20 from the pitcher while playing hearts.

6.Ed and the outfielders play poker during their free time.

7.The pitcher’s wife is the third baseman’s sister.

8.All the battery and the infield, except Allen, Harry and Andy are shorter than Sam.

9.Leroy, Andy and the shortstop lost $150 each at the race-track.

10Leroy, Harry, Sean and the catcher were beaten at pool by the second baseman.

11.Sam is getting a divorce.

12.The catcher and the third baseman each have two children.

13.Ed, Leroy, Jerry the fight fielder and centre fielder are bachelors; the others are married.

14.The shortstop, the third baseman and Sean each won $100 betting on the fights.

15.One of the out fielders is either Mike or Andy.

16.Jerry is taller than Sean; Mike is shorter than Bill. Each of them is heavier than the third baseman.

Reprinted from Treasure Chest: A Teachers Advisory Source Book by Cheryl Hoversten, Nancy Doda and John Lounsbury with permission from the National Middle School Association.