Executive Committee Minutes

October 7, 2009

Members: / Present:
S. Mandel, Chair / S. Mandel
E. Gibbons, Vice-Chair / E. Gibbons
B. Anderson
D. Iveson / D. Iveson
K. Leibovici / K. Leibovici

Also in Attendance:

Councillor J. Batty

Councillor T. Caterina

Councillor R. Hayter

Councillor B. Henderson

Councillor L. Sloan

Councillor A. Sohi

A. Giesbrecht, Office of the City Clerk


A.1.Call to Order

Mayor S. Mandel called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.

Councillor B. Anderson was absent.

A.2.Adoption of Agenda

Moved E. Gibbons:

That the October 7, 2009, Executive Committee meeting agenda be adopted.


For the Motion:S. Mandel; E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent:B. Anderson.

A.3.Adoption of Minutes

Moved K. Leibovici:

That the September 23, 2009,Executive Committee meeting minutes be adopted.


For the Motion:S. Mandel; E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent:B. Anderson.

A.4.Protocol Items

X.1.Welcome to George P. Nicholson School (S. Mandel)

On behalf of Executive Committee, Mayor S. Mandel welcomed the Grade 6 students from George P. Nicholson School and their teacher
Ms. Shandell Switzer.


B.1.Items Selected for Debate and Vote on Remaining Items

The Committee selected the following items for debate:D.6.,E.1., E.2., E.3., E.4., E.6., E.7., E.8., E.9., E.10., E.11., E.12., E.13. and P.1.

Moved K.Leibovici:


D.1.Development Fund Policy

That the revised due date of October 21, 2009, be approved. / Planning & Dev.
Due: Oct. 21/09

D.2.Transit Oriented Development Land Use Planning

That the revised due date of October 21, 2009, be approved. / Planning & Dev.
Due: Oct. 21/09

D.3.Update on Province’s Review of Assessment and Appeal Process

That the revised due date of November 18, 2009, be approved. / Planning & Dev.
Due: Nov. 18/09

D.4.Geographical Analysis for Housing Subsidies

That the revised due date of November 18, 2009, be approved. / Planning & Dev.
Due: Nov. 18/09

D.5.Energy Price Volatility Scenarios

That the revised due date of November 18, 2009, be approved. / Deputy City Manager
Due: Nov. 18/09

D.7.Green Building Strategy

That the revised due date of March 17, 2010, be approved. / Planning & Dev.
Due: Mar. 17/10


E.5.Notice of Intention to Designate - The Frederick S. Jones Residence as a Municipal Historic Resource

That Executive Committee recommend to City Council:

1.That a Notice of Intention to Designate a Municipal Historic Resource, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the September 14, 2009, Planning and Development report 2009PPP131 be served to the owner of the property occupied by the Frederick S. Jones Residence located at 13067 – 115 Street NW, in accordance with Section 26 of the Historical Resources Act.

2.That funding of $75,000 for this project be provided from the Heritage Reserve Fund (Internal Order # 174101).


For the Motion:S. Mandel; E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: B. Anderson.


B.2.Time Specifics and Decision to Hear

Moved K. Leibovici:

1.That the following items be made time specific:

11 a.m.E.6.Possible Alternatives – Tax Levy

11:30 a.m.E.13.Port Alberta Project Update

2.That Executive Committee hear from the following:

E.6.Possible Alternatives – Tax Levy

J. Stobbe, Edmonton Apartment Association


For the Motion:S. Mandel; E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: B. Anderson.

A.4.Protocol Items

X.1.Executive Committee Members (S. Mandel)

Mayor S. Mandel noted that this was the last Committee meeting of the current Members of the Executive Committee and thanked Councillors B. Anderson, E. Gibbons, D. Iveson and K. Leibovici for their support and hard work during the duration of their term as Members of Executive Committee.


R. G. Klassen, General Manager, Planning and Development Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved K. Leibovici:

D.6.Bylaw 15178 – A Bylaw Amendment to Zoning Bylaw 12800

That the revised due date of February 10, 2010, be approved. / Planning & Dev.
Due: Feb. 10/10


For the Motion:S. Mandel; E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: B. Anderson.


E.1.Centre for Public Involvement – A Partnership Between the University of Alberta and the Cityof Edmonton

J. Bradford Green, Deputy City Manager’s Office; and M. Adria, University of Alberta, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions.M. Phair answered the Committee’s questions. J. Tustian, Deputy City Manager’s Office, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved K. Leibovici:

That Administration continue to work with the University of Alberta to develop a Centre for Public Involvement, based on the Prospectus as outlined in Attachment 1 of the September 10, 2009, Deputy City Manager’s Office report 2009DCM060. / Deputy City Manager


For the Motion:S. Mandel; E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: B. Anderson.

E.12.COBIT Status Report

Moved D. Iveson:

That item E.12. be dealt with now.


For the Motion:S. Mandel; E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: B. Anderson.

Moved D. Iveson:

That the September 8, 2009, Corporate Services Department report 2009COT006 be received for information. / Corporate Svcs.


For the Motion:S. Mandel; E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: B. Anderson.

E.2.Retained Earnings– Use and Disposition

E.3.Sustainable Fleet Management Plan

E.4.Follow-up Report - Fleet Services (Formerly Mobile Equipment Services)

D. H. Edey, General Manager, and S. Rapanos, Corporate Services Department, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions. C. Warnock, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, answered the Committee’s questions.

(continued on page 8)

E.6.Possible Alternatives – Tax Levy

R. Risling, Planning and Development Department, made a presentation.

J. Stobbe, Edmonton Apartment Association, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions.

R. Risling and R. G. Klassen, General Manager, Planning and Development Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

Mayor S. Mandel and Councillor E. Gibbons referred this item to City Council without a Committee recommendation.

E.13.Port Alberta Project Update

R. Milley, Chair, Port Alberta Steering Committee, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions.

R. G. Klassen, General Manager, Planning and Development Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved K. Leibovici:

That the September 29, 2009, Planning and Development Department report 2009PGM007 be received for information. / Planning & Dev.


For the Motion:S. Mandel; E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: B. Anderson.

The Committee recessed at 12:05 p.m.

The Committee reconvened at 1:33 p.m.

E.10.Proposed New Top of Bank Policy - City Policy C542, Development Setbacks from River Valley/Ravine Crests

Mayor S. Mandel explained the non-statutory public hearing process.

P. Ohm, Planning and Development Department, made a presentation.

Moved K. Leibovici:

That the speakers be heard in a panel.


For the Motion:S. Mandel; E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: B. Anderson.

G. Hicks; B. Zubot, Community Planning Advisor, Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues; J. Agrios, Kennedy Agrios LLP;
S. Erikson and C. Nicholas, Urban Development Institute; G. Schultz; E. Roberts; B. Kolbuc, Resident of Wolf Willow Ridge; C. Cassady St. Clair, Natural Areas Advisory Committee; C. F. Richmond, Sierra Club Canada; D. Morris, Dundee Developments; and P. Wiedman, Focus Equities Alberta Inc., made presentations and answered the Committee’s questions.

Documents presented by S. Erikson, Urban Development Institute, andG. Schultz were distributed to Members of Council and a copy was filed with the Office of the City Clerk.

(continued on page 7)


P.1.EEDC – Shareholder Governance Evaluation Results – And Board Response to Recommendations to the City

Moved D. Iveson:

That item P.1. be dealt with now.


For the Motion:S. Mandel; E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: B. Anderson.

Moved D. Iveson:

1.That the September 23, 2009, Edmonton Economic Development Corporation report 2009EEDC03 be postponed to the October 21, 2009, Executive Committee meeting.
2.That the September 23, 2009, Edmonton Economic Development Corporation report 2009EEDC03 remain private pursuant to section 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. / EEDC
Due: Oct. 21/09


For the Motion:S. Mandel; E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: B. Anderson.

Moved D. Iveson:

That Orders of the Day be extended to continue with the agenda.


For the Motion:S. Mandel; E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: B. Anderson.


E.10.Proposed New Top of Bank Policy - City Policy C542, Development Setbacks from River Valley/Ravine Crests

(continued from page 6)

P. Ohm and S. Fekner, Planning and Development Department;
J. Johnson, Corporate Services Department (Law); and R. G. Klassen, Planning and Development Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved K. Leibovici:

That Executive Committee recommend to City Council:

  1. That Members of Council provide input on the proposed New Top of Bank Policy.
  2. That the September 1, 2009, Planning and Development Department report 2009PPP035, bereferred back to Administration to work with the 29 stakeholders and provide a report back to Executive Committee.


For the Motion:S. Mandel; E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: B. Anderson.

E.2.Retained Earnings – Use and Disposition

E.3.Sustainable Fleet Management Plan

E.4.Follow-up Report - Fleet Services (Formerly Mobile Equipment

(continued from page 5)

Moved S. Mandel:

That Executive Committee recommend to City Council:

1.That Administration establish a Fleet Services Reserve as follows:

a.Current retained earnings be reallocated as outlined below:

i.$10 million for facilitation of transition to a Fleet Replacement Reserves.

ii.$7.5 million for the implementation of a fleet management system which will be paid back to retained earnings starting two years after the implementation of the system.

iii.$4.5 million for procurement of advanced fuel efficient technology subject to the approval of the plan by Executive Committee.

iv.$2.5 million for acquisition and installation of a fuel monitoring system for Municipal Fleet.

b.Remaining retained earnings be allocated on a one-time basis to the Financial Stabilization Reserve which may be reallocated to capital with the approval of Council.

2.That Administration establish regular reporting mechanism to Executive Committee which would include a clear understanding of the department’s municipal fleet requirements.

Members of the Committee requested Part 1b. be split out for voting purposes.

Parts 1a. i., ii, iii, iv, and Part 2, of Motion, put:

That Executive Committee recommend to City Council:

1.That Administration establish a Fleet Services Reserve as follows:

a.Current retained earnings be reallocated as outlined below:

i.$10 million for facilitation of transition to a Fleet Replacement Reserves.

ii.$7.5 million for the implementation of a fleet management system which will be paid back to retained earnings starting two years after the implementation of the system.

iii.$4.5 million for procurement of advanced fuel efficient technology subject to the approval of the plan by Executive Committee.

iv.$2.5 million for acquisition and installation of a fuel monitoring system for Municipal Fleet.

2.That Administration establish regular reporting mechanism to Executive Committee which would include a clear understanding of the department’s municipal fleet requirements.

D. H. Edey, General Manager, Corporate Services Department, answered the Committee’s questions.


For the Motion:S. Mandel; E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: B. Anderson.

Part 1b.of Motion, put:

That Executive Committee recommend to City Council:

1.b.Remaining retained earnings be allocated on a one-time basis to the Financial Stabilization Reserve which may be reallocated to capital with the approval of Council.


For the Motion:S. Mandel; E. Gibbons, K. Leibovici.

Opposed:D. Iveson.

Absent: B. Anderson.

Summary of Committee’s Decision on Item E.2.

That Executive Committee recommend to City Council:

1.That Administration establish a Fleet Services Reserve as follows:

a.Current retained earnings be reallocated as outlined below:

i.$10 million for facilitation of transition to a Fleet Replacement Reserves.

ii.$7.5 million for the implementation of a fleet management system which will be paid back to retained earnings starting two years after the implementation of the system.

iii.$4.5 million for procurement of advanced fuel efficient technology subject to the approval of the plan by Executive Committee.

iv.$2.5 million for acquisition and installation of a fuel monitoring system for Municipal Fleet.

b.Remaining retained earnings be allocated on a one-time basis to the Financial Stabilization Reserve which may be reallocated to capital with the approval of Council.

2.That Administration establish regular reporting mechanism to Executive Committee which would include a clear understanding of the department’s municipal fleet requirements.

X.1.Progress Report on Vehicles Per Department

Moved S. Mandel:

That Administration provide a report to Executive Committee, prior to June 2010, outlining:
a. The number of vehicles per department and business area by type.
b. The operating costs for vehicles by department and business area.
c. The cost to purchase and lease vehicles by type.
d. A strategy to reduce the number of vehicles required for city activities with a recommended target.
e. A process for reconciling the use of transit to reduce Green House Gases as a City goal even though it may have a negative impact on the Corporation's green house gas emissions. / Corporate Svcs.
Due: May 19/10


For the Motion:S. Mandel; E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: B. Anderson.

E.3.Sustainable Fleet Management Plan

Moved K. Leibovici:

Sustainable Fleet Management Long Term Action Plan
That Administration report back to Executive Committee,prior to June 2010, on:
a. The long term action plan that could be implemented with respect to the Booz Allen Hamilton report as part of the plan, including anticipated and current reductions in CO2 emissions as per cross cutting strategies, review of fleet lease practices and immediate implementation of refueling infrastructure modifications; and
b.Carbon trading possibilities. / Corporate Svcs.
Due: May 19/10

D. H. Edey, General Manager, Corporate Services Department, answered Council’s questions.


For the Motion:S. Mandel; E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: B. Anderson.

E.4.Follow-up Report - Fleet Services (Formerly Mobile Equipment Services)

Moved K. Leibovici:

That the September 9, 2009, Corporate Services Department report 2009COM020 be received for information. / Corporate Svcs.


For the Motion:S. Mandel; E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: B. Anderson.

E.7.Revised Assessment Values - Repeat Assessment Complaints

R. Risling and R. G. Klassen, Planning and Development Department; and I. Johnson, Corporate Services Department (Law), answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved K. Leibovici:

That the September 16, 2009, Planning and Development Department report 2009PAT018 be received for information. / Planning & Dev.


For the Motion:S. Mandel; E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: B. Anderson.

E.9.Progress Update: The Quarters and Boyle Renaissance

Moved S. Mandel:

That Item E.9. be dealt with now.


For the Motion:S. Mandel; E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: B. Anderson.

Mayor S. Mandel and Councillor E. Gibbons referred this item to City Council without a Committee recommendation.

E.8.Feasibility of Developing New Parking Policies

E.11.Information Technology Corporate Audit Progress Report

Moved K. Leibovici:

1.That the September 15, 2009, Planning and Development Department report 2009PCP008 (Item E.8.) be postponed to the October 21, 2009, Executive Committee meeting.
2.That September 9, 2009, Corporate Services Department report 2009COT007 (Item E.11.) be postponed to the October 21, 2009, Executive Committee meeting. / Part 1
Planning & Dev.
Part 2
Corporate Svcs.
Due: Oct. 21/10


For the Motion:S. Mandel; E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: B. Anderson.


Mayor S. Mandel asked whether there were any Notices of Motion. There were none.


The meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.


ChairCity Clerk

Executive CommitteeMinutes | October 7, 2009, nr1 of 2



OCTOBER 7, 2009


A.1.Call to Order

A.2.Adoption of Agenda

A.3.Adoption of Minutes

A.4.Protocol Items

Welcome to George P. Nicholson School (S. Mandel)

A.4.Protocol Items

Executive Committee Members (S. Mandel)


B.1.Items Selected for Debate and Vote on Remaining Items

B.2.Time Specifics and Decision to Hear


D.1.Development Fund Policy

D.2.Transit Oriented Development Land Use Planning

D.3.Update on Province’s Review of Assessment and Appeal Process

D.4.Geographical Analysis for Housing Subsidies

D.5.Energy Price Volatility Scenarios

D.6.Bylaw 15178 – A Bylaw Amendment to Zoning Bylaw 12800

D.7.Green Building Strategy


E.1.Centre for Public Involvement – A Partnership Between the
University of Alberta and the City of Edmonton

E.2.Retained Earnings – Use and Disposition/8

E.3.Sustainable Fleet Management Plan/8

Progress Report on Vehicles Per Department

E.4.Follow-up Report - Fleet Services (Formerly Mobile Equipment

E.5.Notice of Intention to Designate - The Frederick S. Jones Residence
as a Municipal Historic Resource

E.6.Possible Alternatives – Tax Levy

E.7.Revised Assessment Values - Repeat Assessment Complaints

E.8.Feasibility of Developing New Parking Policies

E.9.Progress Update: The Quarters and Boyle Renaissance

E.10.Proposed New Top of Bank Policy - City Policy C542, Development
Setbacks from River Valley/Ravine Crests......

E.11.Information Technology Corporate Audit Progress Report

E.12. COBIT Status Report

E.13. Port Alberta Project Update


P.1.EEDC – Shareholder Governance Evaluation Results – And Board
Response to Recommendations to the City



Executive CommitteeMinutes | October 7, 2009, nr1 of 2