DERM’s Internet Sites for the delivery of Inventory Information

The Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) has invested resources in the management and delivery of wildlife and inventory information to its internal and external clients. The Environmental Information Systems Unit is the custodian of the WildNet and Wetland Information Capture System (WIC) applications and works with DERM and external partners for the acquisition and delivery of a range of wildlife and survey information. The following internet sites deliver information from WildNet and the Wetland Information Capture System (WIC).

Wetland Information Capture System (WIC) (

WIC is the Department’s corporate application for the entry, management and delivery of wetland inventory information relating to core site and survey attributes, wetland details, geology and soils, fauna (methods and records), flora (methods, vegetation structure and records) and water quality (methods and readings). The Coastal Bird Atlas monitoring data collected under the DERM/GBRMPA Field Management Program is also being managed by the system. It was developed as a project under the Queensland Wetlands Programme.

WIC has the following modules for users:

Manage Account – Modify user account details.

Change Password – Modify password details.

Manage Projects – Create and modify project details including managing project documents and sites.

View Survey Data – Enter and edit survey data including data uploaded from proformas.

Survey Data Report – Access submitted/entered survey data for viewing, editing, reviewing, validating and exporting. Access validated survey data provided by others for viewing and exporting.

Locate Wildlife Data – Access submitted/entered wildlife data for viewing, editing, reviewing, validating and exporting. Access species lists and wildlife records from validated data provided by others for viewing and exporting.

Both DERM and external users must register and be approved for the supply of inventory data to WIC. All WIC data must be associated with projects and data can be uploaded from proformas (Wetland Inventory Proforma and the Coastal Bird Atlas Proforma) or be entered online. Multiple users can be associated with a project for data entry, editing and access.

Data that has been submitted and validated can also be accessed via WildNet. WIC data that has been validated and is approved for release to external clients will be able to be accessed via the WetlandMaps webservices.

DERM staff and external parties interested in managing their inventory data using WIC can contact the WIC System Administrator () for support regarding its use. Information about WIC and data proformas can be also accessed from the WIC website (

Wildlife Online (

Wildlife Online allows internet users to request species lists for selected areas, specified points or defined areas. The options include species (all, plant or animal), type (all, native or introduced), status (all or rare and threatened), records (all, confirmed or specimen), date (all or since 1980) and output (pdf or text file).

Species lists for protected areas (national parks, conservation parks and resources reserves), forestry areas (State forests and timber reserves) and Local Government Areas in Queensland are generated from summarised sighting data and species lists.

Users can also request species lists generated from summarised sighting data for buffered points or defined areas using coordinates (decimal degrees).

The submitted requests are processed every 15 minutes and the resultant species lists are sent to the user’s email account as an attachment (pdf or text file).

The species outputs includes kingdom, class, family, scientific name, common name, introduced flag, NCA status, EPBC Act status, number of records and number of specimens.

For more information about Wildlife Online, please contact the WildNet Team (33305484 or ).

WetlandInfo’s Wetland Information Summary Search (

The Wetland Information Summary Search in WetlandInfo allows internet users to access summarised environmental information for basins, NRM regions and Local Government Areas including name, area type, total area, major towns, drainage divisions, climate zones, bioregions, LGAs, NRM regions, world heritage areas, Ramsar areas, important wetlands, protected areas, fish habitat areas, regional coastal plans, coastal management districts, nature refuges, wild rivers, wetland management profiles, water resource planning areas, water quality sampling statistics, external links, wetland system summary and wildlife statistics.

Wildlife lists can be viewed from the wildlife statistics table to display kingdom, class, family, scientific name, common name, superseded flag, NCA status, EPBC Act status, endemicity, wetland status, number of specimens, total number of sightings, number of listings, number of occurrences and date of last sighting. These lists can be downloaded in csv format.

WetlandMaps (

WetlandMaps is an interactive map service that gives internet users fast and easy access to wetland information via a web-based Geographic Information System (GIS). It was developed as a project under the Queensland Wetlands Programme and is being delivered as part of Information Queensland’s online atlas. The data provided by WetlandMaps is sourced from DERM and external parties. Information sources are acknowledged through the metadata links (located in the legend) with all data.

WetlandMaps features include:

·  Dynamic legend to turn layers on and off

·  Links to metadata

·  View and query wetland data, supporting environmental data and other contextual base data (administrative, transport networks, etc.)

·  Location searches (address search, lot/plan search, coordinate search and general search)

Basic GIS functionality such as:

·  feature selection

·  draw custom graphics

·  buffer feature selections or drawn graphics

·  produce standard, basic reports for data intersecting with selected features, drawings and buffers

Updates to the Wetland GIS layers and supporting data will be incorporated as they become available.

Additional functionality was released in December 2009 allowing the production of species lists for selected areas based on WildNet sightings data. Validated WIC survey data approved for release is also able to be viewed and species data to be mapped.

The new release of WetlandMaps due in February 2010 will allow for validated WildNet data approved for release to be viewed and species data to be mapped.