Posting Final Grades in Grade Book

Year Long Classes

The following must be completed for all sections in your grade book:

Step 1: Preparing for posting

  1. Verify you are in Campus Instruction. If needed, click on the app switcher and select Campus Instruction.
  2. From the action bar on the left side of the screen, click Gradebook
  3. Verify all assignments and grades have been entered for the Year Avg grades.

Step 2: Posting Year AvgGrades

  1. Select the desired spreadsheet by selecting options in the Term, Section and Task drop-down lists above the gradebook.

  1. Verify grades have been calculated in the In Progress area of your spreadsheet. If not, you need to contact CampusHelp
  1. Click the Post button in the In Progress section.
  1. A box will open that allows the teacher to indicate where the grade should be posted. Only the tasks open for posting will be available.
  2. Click dropdown under Term and select the TermS2
  3. Click the dropdown under Task and select Year Avg
  4. Click OK
  5. You will be automatically taken to the S1 Progress spreadsheet where your grades were posted and receive the following message: “Grades will be posted upon save”.
  6. Click OK
  7. You will see grades posted in the POSTED area of the Year Avg spreadsheet.

Semester Classes

Step 1: Preparing for posting

  1. Verify you are in Campus Instruction. If needed, click on the app switcher and select Campus Instruction.
  2. From the action bar on the left side of the screen, click Gradebook
  3. Verify all assignments and grades have been entered for the Year Avg grades.

Step 2: Posting Semester Avg Grades

  1. Select the desired spreadsheet by selecting options in the Term, Section and Task drop-down lists above the gradebook.

  1. Verify grades have been calculated in the In Progress area of your spreadsheet. If not, you need to contact CampusHelp
  1. Click the Post button in the In Progress section.
  1. A box will open that allows the teacher to indicate where the grade should be posted. Only the tasks open for posting will be available.
  2. Click dropdown under Term and select the Term S2

  3. Click the dropdown under Task and select Semester Avg
  1. Click OK
  2. You will receive the following message: “Grades will be posted upon save”.
  3. Click OK
  4. You will see grades posted in the POSTED area of the Semester Avg spreadsheet.

Step 3: Posting EOC/Final Exam Grade

  1. Change to the EOC/Exam spreadsheet
  2. Verify grades have been calculated in the In Progress area of your spreadsheet. If not, you need to contact CampusHelp
  3. Create an EOCT Assignment.
  4. Click Add Assignment
  5. Name: EOCT
  6. Abbreviation: EOCT
  7. Check all sections of course you want to add the EOCT assignment
  8. Verify Align to Grade Book has been checked
  9. Under Grading Tasks, check EOCT / Exam
  10. Select EOCT/Exam category; Points; Total Points: 100, Mulitplier: 1
  11. Save
  12. Enter Final EOC/Exam score in the EOCT assignment you just created.
  13. Save
  14. Click the Post button in the In Progress section.
  1. A box will open that allows the teacher to indicate where the grade should be posted. Only the tasks open for posting will be available.
  2. Click dropdown under Term and select the Term S2
  3. Click the dropdown under Task and select EOCT / Exam
  4. Click OK
  5. You will receive the following message: “Grades will be posted upon save”.
  6. Click OK
  7. You will see grades posted in the POSTED area of the EOCT spreadsheet.

Step 3: Posting to Final Grade

  1. Change to the Final Grade Spreadsheet

  1. Scroll to the right and you will see the posted Semester Avg and EOCT/Exam grades
  1. You are now ready to post your Final Grades.
  1. Remain on the Final Grade spreadsheet, click Post in the In Progress area.
  2. A box will open that allows the teacher to indicate where the grade should be posted.
  3. Click dropdown under Term and select the Term S1
  4. Click the dropdown under Task and select the Final Grade
  5. Click OK
  6. You will see grades posted in the POSTED area of the Final Grade spreadsheet.

If a student did not take the Final Exam you need to do the following: (you must post the Final Grade before doing this step)

  1. In the EOCT/Exam spreadsheet:
  2. In the Posted area, click the dropdown in the grade column and select ‘TNT’ (Test Not Taken) for the student’s grade.
  3. Save your Grade Book
  4. In the Final Grade spreadsheet:
  5. In the Posted area, click the dropdown in the grade column and select ‘I’ (Incompletefor the student’s grade.
  6. Do not change the In Progress Percent column score. The Percent Column and the Grade column will not match. We will leave the Percent column with the student’s actual grade while the Grade column will reflect the incomplete grade.
  7. Save your grade book.

AP/IB/Gifted Added Points (You must post the Final Grade before doing this step)

For courses that involve added points, the new grade will be entered as follows:

  1. Calculate the student’s grade with the appropriate number of point added.
  2. In the Final Grade spreadsheet, click the dropdown in the grade column and select the new grade.
  3. Do not change the Percent column score. The Percent Column and the Grade column will not match. We will leave the Percent column with the student’s actual grade while the Grade column will reflect the grade with added points.

NOTE: If you make any changes to the Semester Avg or EOCT/Exam grades, then the Semester Avg, EOCT and Final Grades must be posted again. You will also need to add your ‘TNT’ and ‘I’ scores for those not taking a required Final Exam; as well as the extra points added to the AP/IB/PIB/Gifted classes.

Posting Step 4: Adding Conduct Grades and Comments

Comments will only print if they are entered in the same spreadsheet where grades have been given. If a conduct grade is not given, you must put the comment in a spreadsheet where grades have been given such as the, S1 Progress, Semester Avg or Final Grade spreadsheet. Please make sure you have posted your grades prior to adding comments or comments may be lost.

  1. Change to your Term:S1, Task: Conduct

  1. Enter the Conduct Grade of E,S,I or O in the drop-down under Grade in the Posted area
  2. You must first make sure you have selected the option in Settings/Preferences and checked Use Canned Comments.

  3. Click on the cc in the Rpt Card Comments column in the Posted area.
  4. The Canned Comments window will open. If you wish to add a personal comment, you can type it in the Report Card Comment area.
  5. To add a canned comments, you can either enter the code(s) number and click Add or check the box by the comment you are selecting and click Add Comments
  6. If you want the same comment for all students, you can click the Fill link above the Rpt Crd Comments. WARNING, do this before adding individualized comments.
  7. Click SAVE.

Posting Edgenuity (Virtual School) Grades

Step 1: Preparing for posting

  1. Verify you are in Campus Instruction. If needed, click on the app switcher and select Campus Instruction.
  2. From the Index on the right Click Post Grades

  3. Select the term, section and Task for which you will be entering grades.
  1. Enter the Year/Semester average in the Percent AND Grade Column and enter any desired Comments.
  1. Remember to SAVE, your Save button will not turn orange

  2. Change Task to EOCT/EXAM and repeat steps 3 and 4.
  1. Enter the EOC average in the Percent AND Grade Column and enter any desired Comments.
  2. Remember to SAVE, your Save button will not turn orange

NOTE: If this is an EOCT exam class and the student did not sit for the test enter ‘TNT’ for Test Not Taken in the Grade column.

  1. Change Task to Final Grade
  1. Enter the average in the Percent AND Grade Column and enter any desired Comments.
  2. Enter the student’s Final Grade in the Percent and Grade Column and any desired Comments.

NOTE: If the student did not sit for the test and received a TNT for the EOC then enter an ‘I’ for the student’s final grade.