EUFMD/FMD Science surveyPage 115/10/2018
Outstanding contributors to Foot-and-Mouth Disease Research in Europe
The EUFMD Commission wishes to record the outstanding contributors to FMD research that related to disease control in Europe. These efforts have been in a variety of disciplines.
We are therefore asking you to:
-IDENTIFY up to 10 “outstanding contributors” to the FMD researchfrom your country over the 50 years. Please indicate if they are known to be alive today and if known, their contact details.
-NOMINATE up to 10 outstanding EUROPEAN contributors to FMD research whose work has had international impact in the last 50 years. (This can include nationals of your country).
There may be some overlap between these categories and persons can be mentioned twice! Please try to cover the 50 years if you can.
A small working group will bring together the results, if needed seeking further opinion and supporting information.
We thank you in advance for your assistance. The lists will be published on June 11th at the Anniversary Event in Dublin, and we will seek to suitably honour the outstanding individuals.
We ask you to return your lists as soon as possible so we may contact, and certainly by Friday, 30 April 2004.
Please try to answer it now – it should not take long!
Thank you.
Keith Sumption
Secretary, EUFMD Commission, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
Fax: 0039 06 570 55749
Kris de Clercq,CODA-CERVA-VAR, Belgium
Chairman, Research Group of the Standing Technical Committee of the EUFMD Commission
Outstanding contributors to Foot-and-Mouth Disease RESEARCH in Europe1954-2004
Please return to EUFMD Secretariat by April 30th 2004
(; or fax 0039-06570 55749)
YOUR NAME:...... (can be omitted if preferred)
Contact e-mail:. phone number:
- Outstanding Contributors to National FMD RESEARCH -1954-2004
Name / Time period of contribution (e.g. 1950’s) / Main discipline of work, or supporting comment / Alive today?2. Outstanding Contributors to INTERNATIONAL FMD RESEARCH -1954-2004
Name / Time period of contribution (e.g. 1950’s) / Notes or supporting comment / Alive today?There may be some overlap between these categories and persons can be mentioned twice! Please try to cover the 50 years if you can.
- Key scientific milestones, achievements, publications – FMD research
Let us know what you think were the most significant pieces of scientific work, achievements , milestones or other indicator of progress – during your scientific career or in the last 50 years.
- Can you provide a nomination for the title “the most significant scientific paper relating to FMD in Europe”
Approximate title/subject
Authors if known
Approx date published
5. Feel free to record the persons or events that have influenced your career in FMD research