Ashland, Kentucky April 16, 2012
The Boyd County Board of Education met at the Boyd County Middle School Little Theaterat 7PM on the 16th
day of April, 2012with the following members present:
(1) Mr. Robert Green, Chairperson (2) Mr. Randy Stapleton, Vice Chairperson
(3) Ms. Linda Day (4) Ms. Tammy Pruitt (5) Ms. Theresa H. Jackson
The Boyd County Board of Education met on Monday, April 16, 2012,at 7 PMfor aspecialmeetingat the Boyd County Middle School Little Theater, 1226 Summit Road, Ashland, Kentucky. The purpose of the special meeting was to discuss the BCHS and BCMS College & Career Readiness, Elementary Initiatives and approve the Boyd County Head Start COLA increase and First Reading of Board Policy # 03.11 – Hiring.
Chairperson Greencalled the meeting to order at 7:00PM.
Board Order No.150. On motion by Ms. Day, seconded by Ms. Pruittand carried, the board, approved the agenda.
All Members Voting Yes.
An explanation of College & Career Readiness was presented to the board by District Assessment Coordinator Marilyn Mayo. Further explanation was presented by BCHS building assessment coordinator Shawn Thornbury of how students that didn’t meet benchmark on the Junior ACT tests were given interventions their senior year and given opportunity to become College or Career ready by taking the Compass tests. BCHS principal Rhonda Salisbury explained the Freshman Academy and presented the new BCHS brochure. BCCTEC Director Loretta Dixon presented a brochure from the state on Kentucky’s Plan for College/Career Readiness and KOSSA and Industry Certifications 2011-2012. BCMS principal Bill Boblett discussed the EXPLORE scores and what they play for middle school students in being college and career ready. Elementary principals Jon Stevens, Marci Prater, Matt Spade, and Tamala Martin, discussed what they are doing to get students to focus on becoming college and career ready.
Board Order No. 151. On motion by Mr. Stapleton, seconded by Ms. Day and carried, the board, approved the Boyd County Head Start Supplemental Grant application for .72 percent COLA increase.
All Members Voting Yes.
Board Order No. 152. On motion by Mr. Stapleton, seconded by Ms. Pruitt and carried, the board approve the First Reading of Board Policy # 03.11 - Hiring.
Voting Yes: Mr. Green, Mr. Stapleton, Ms. Pruitt and Ms. Day
Abstaining:Ms. Jackson
Board Order No. 153. On motion by Ms. Jackson, seconded by Mr. Stapleton and carried, the board approved to adjourn the special meeting at 7:53 PM.
All Members Voting Yes.
Robert Green, ChairpersonHoward K. Osborne, Secretary