[OGC 1 August 2008]



The Government and ADB agree to delegation of consultant recruitment and supervision under this technical assistance to the Government.[1] The Government acknowledges that the terms and conditions of the Technical Assistance Framework Agreement (TAFA) executed between the Government and ADB dated ______[2] apply to this TA, except that consultant selection and supervision for firms and individuals under this TA will be undertaken by ______[name of EA] on behalf of the Government. The TA Letter Agreement to be issued under the TAFA for this TA will reflect this arrangement. As provided under the TAFA, consultants engaged and supervised by the EA under this TA will, inter alia, have the status of experts performing missions for ADB and shall be entitled to the privileges, exemptions and immunities conferred upon such experts by the provisions of the Agreement Establishing the Asian Development Bank and as further detailed in the Schedule to the TAFA.

The Government and ADB further confirm that the Procurement Plan, attached as Annex __ hereto, except as otherwise agreed, will be incorporated as an Annex to the TA Letter Agreement to be executed prior to commencement of implementation of this TA.[3]

The TA grant proceeds for financing consulting services, [equipment] [and other items] will be disbursed in accordance with ADB’s Loan Disbursement Handbook, dated January 2007, as amended from time to time. [An imprest account shall be established at a bank acceptable to ADB. The initial amount to be deposited in the imprest account shall be $______. ][4] [The statement of expenditures (SOE) procedures may be used for reimbursement of eligible expenditures for the TA. Any individual payment to be reimbursed under the SOE procedure shall not exceed $______equivalent.][5] [The SOE procedures may also be used for the replenishment of the imprest account and liquidation of advances provided in the imprest account.][6]

[1]* To be included in the delegated TA fact-finding MOU between ADB and the Government.

See Guidelines in the Use of Consultants by Asian Development Bank and its Borrowers, February 2007, Section 1.3, Footnote 9.

[2] Depends on applicable country. Each Mission Leader should confirm the exact date of execution of the applicable TA Framework Agreement with his/her project counsel.

[3] An EA capacity assessment must be undertaken prior to, or during, fact-finding by the mission and is a pre-condition for finalization of the Procurement Plan which will be attached as an annex to the TA Fact Finding MOU. For further details on undertaking EA capacity assessments, see OSFMD’s Guide to EA Capacity Assessments.

[4] To be included only if ADB agrees that an imprest account will be opened by the Government.

[5] To be included only if ADB agrees to the use of the SOE procedures.

[6] To be included only if ADB agrees that SOE procedures may be used for the liquidation of the imprest account.