Transglobal's Starlight Situational Awareness Management (SAMS) system, is currently and has been deployed at MPD's various Command Centers environments, such as the Joint Operations Command Centers (JOCC, CIC, District Commanders and Special Campaigns applications). Starlight's and SAMS have been deployed at MPD since 2008, with an approximate 99.999% uptime. MPD currently has approximately 250 Starlight's license, to be authorized only Commander Ralph Ennis and designated JOCC/CIA Commanders. At present MPD has locally deployed the Starlight solution specifically to its Command Centers end-users. Consequently, Starlight is primarily used by the Executive Command and various commanders from the Chief's position through Captain as it relates to Command Center usage. Starlight possessing multi-jurisdictional capabilities allows agencies to seamlessly and effectively maximize inter-agency, and inter-jurisdictional collaboration for major events and operations such general electoral and inauguration events, as well as all other major events and protests within the District of Columbia. Starlight and its predecessor version's "Action Plan" capability (automated 'After action Reporting" capability) has been successfully used to support the management and tracking of assets and resources for the two most recent inaugural events since 2008.
1) To assess the usage of MPD's Starlight deployment for the purposes of determining the suitability of Starlight or another solution, to be the solution of choice for "Officer Tracking" so as to support Situational Awareness Management and display of key MPD assets and resources in the context of a broader strategic objective.
2) Officer and Unit tracking is primarily a Command Center, Executive Command, District Commander and Sergeant management function. To observe and track Officer and Unit location for the purposes of Officer safety considerations as a component of a broader strategic objective and Plan of Action in response to an emerging threat of Officer safety consideration.
3) Usage statistics apply only to end-users authorized by Commander Ralph Ennis and designated JOCC/CIA Commanders. All end-users been officially introduced, provided authorized access and instruction/mandated to utilize the Situational Awareness Management product.
4) Only Commander Ennis and his designated personnel can authorize use and access to the Starlight solution.
Advantages of Starlight for Officer Tracking:
· Starlight has Real-time (sub-minute) reporting capabilities.
· Ubiquitous Situational. Awareness, across jurisdictional boundaries, to include collaborating resources effortlessly
· Real-time "Action Plan" reporting and "After ACTION" assessment and reporting with a key stroke.
· Has both 128 and 256 bit encryption capability
· fully integrated and automated incident proximity search capability on assets and resources
· Historical and projected trend and predictive capabilities
· Automated filter, search, alert and reporting capabilities by, subject, asset, resource or word preference
· Extensive interagency collaboration capabilities, by Campaign, Task force, Inter/Intra District/Jurisdictional border reporting and alert capability
· Multiple ICBRNE signal and other signal ingestion integration into complete Situational Awareness capabilities (eg. cameras, ALPR, Gun Offender, Sex Offender, Radio signal traffic, traffic and speed cameras )
· Non Law enforcement data integration: Schools systems, Public Works (Active Shooter readiness), Critical Infrastructure, US Park and Capital Police integration, Airport, Amtrak, and WMATA data integration ready, etc
· Configurable session management capability
Month of June
100% JOCC Group Usage _ Entire Group (avg. 44) utilizing a single login for multiple sessions
100% CIC Group Usage _ Entire Group (avg. 44) utilizing a single login for multiple sessions
Total MPD Sessions: 265 Sessions
Broadcast Notifications and Alerts only to personnel designated District Commanders
MPD Users logins Active: 30 Concurrent Users
Month of July
100% JOCC Group Usage _ At capacity utilizing a single login for multiple sessions
100% CIC Group Usage _ At capacity utilizing a single login for multiple sessions
Total MPD Sessions: 240 Sessions
Broadcast Notifications and Alerts only to personnel designated District Commanders Unique MPD User logins Active: 27 Concurrent Users-logins
Month of August
100% JOCC Group Usage _ Entire Group (avg. 44) utilizing a single login for multiple sessions
100% Group Usage _ Entire Group (avg. 44) utilizing a single login for multiple sessions
Total MPD Sessions: 286
Broadcast Notifications and Alerts only to personnel designated District Commanders
MPD User logins Active: 35 Concurrent Users-logins
Role Based Usage:
Executive Command
CIC _ Analyst
CRS _ Analyst
JOCC_ Commanders
District Commanders
Field Observations_ Beat Officers
Event Management (JOCC, CIC)