Long Branch High School / Course:Biology

Teacher’s Contact Information

Room Number / 323
Email Address /
Extra Help Hours / SAP tutoring days and after school Monday, Wednesday- Friday until 3P.M.

General Course Information

Pre-requisites / Physical Science
Course Description / Biology is the study of life. It is an important subject in science and one that will stay with you for the rest of your life. Biology class will involve some work in the laboratory, but do not expect to be in the laboratory every day. Not every aspect of Biology will involve laboratory experiments. When in the lab always observe proper safety procedures. The laboratory must be taken seriously, any student not following directions will be given a consequence. Always prepare for lab assignment by reading the directions before lab. Always clean up your laboratory area before you leave. Remember safety is important to Biology class.
Learning Outcomes / 80%or higher on assessments.
Required Texts & Materials / Modern Biology
3-Ring Binder, Notebook, pencil or pen.
Course Requirements: / Homework completion on time.
Tests, lab reports, centers projects, assigned reading/ research writing, Do Now quiz, Ticket To Go quiz, class projects.

1.  Period A Tardy Policy (*New)

Students who reach 10 unexcused Period A tardies will be awarded No Credit (NC) for both Period A classes

Students with 10-12 Period A tardies will be assigned Credit Recovery. This time will be made up on to be determined Saturday’s throughout each marking period. If a student attains 13 unexcused Period A tardies in a marking period, they will receive an automatic grade of 60, and will not be eligible to attend credit recovery.

Topic Sequence: This course will be divided into units as follows:

Unit 1- Organization
NJCCS 5.5.12A Organization in Living Interacting Systems, Homeostasis
LS1-2,3 / ·  Intro to Biology, Characteristics of Life, Lab safety, Scientific Method
·  Cell Tissue Organization
·  Cell transport and Homeostasis
·  Unit 1 Test
Unit 2- Matter/Energy Flow
NJCCS 5.5.12A,B
LS1-5,6,7 LS2-3,5 / ·  Types of Bonds and Carbon Bonding
·  Photosynthesis
·  Cellular Respiration
·  Carbon Cycle
·  Unit 2 Test
Unit 3-
NJCCS 5.5.12A,B
LS2-1,2,4,6,7 LS4-6 / ·  Food Chains/Webs, trophic levels and energy transfer
·  Environmental Factors: limiting factors, species interactions, carrying capacity and Biodiversity
·  Deforestation, pollution and invasive species.
·  Unit 3 Test
Unit 4- Heredity/Reproduction
NJCCS 5.5.12C
LS1-1,4 LS3-1,2,3 / ·  DNA
·  Karyotypes
·  Cell Division: mitosis and meiosis.
·  Cancer and mutations
·  Protein synthesis: transcription and translation
·  Pedigrees and Punnett squares
·  Unit 4 Test
Unit 5- Evolution
LS4-1,2,3,4 / ·  Group behavior and survival
·  Common ancestry
·  Four factors of Evolution
·  Natural Selection
·  Unit 5 Test
Unit 6- Anatomy
NJCCS 5.512D
LS1-2,3 / ·  Interacting Body Systems and homeostasis
·  Final Exam
Grading (credit) Criteria / Summative 70 %( tests, labs, center projects, formal written assignments) Formative 30 %( homework and short class assignments.
Attendance Policy / Outlined in student handbook- 5 absences = credit recovery. 6 absences fail marking period.
Special Assignments/Tests / Mid-term/ Project Exam- January, Final Exam/Project- June. Biology End of Course State Exam- May.
Student Conduct and Discipline / Outlined in student handbook, class procedures and lab safety contract.
Incomplete Grades and make up work / Due by cut off dates for each marking period.

Parent signature: ______

Student Signature:______